^Blackheart is a powerful demon of the highest order and possesses vast supernatural powers. He is essentially invincible to anything but the most powerful magic. He has vast superhuman strength and endurance which, being magical in nature, are potentially incalculably high. His speed is also incalculably high and his intelligence surpasses some of the smartest beings alive nearing him to omniscience. His telekinetic and telepathic powers give him abilities beyond most demons of his level. He also has the ability of flight and the ability to combine his superspeed with his flight. His powers also include Phasing and teleportation. He possessesed virtually infinite psionic power which he can draw endlessly from hyperspace, from which (in the Marvel Universe) the primordial energies creating the fundamental forces of the universe, strong nuclear force, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and gravity flow into our plane of reality. Controlling the four fundamental forces should theoretically allow him to restructure, create or destroy matter at will down to subatomic level, as well as creating electromagnetic fields and electrical currents, making matter radioactive, manipulating gravity, causing nuclear detonations, emit enormous energy blasts, use his psionic powers to increase his physical strength and generally accomplishing nearly anything he sets his mind to. It had been argued that Blackheart had the destructive powers of the Power Cosmic, but those rumors are false, even though the level of his power is near the power cosmic. Blackheart has the ability to generate a "Dark Energy", which he can transfer into destructive blasts, into a type of "Dark Fire" and "Dark Lighting". He also has the ability to generate a blast of super cold energy used to freeze enemies. He lost his practically infinite psionic powers when he attacked Mephisto and his mind was decimated. When his mind was shattered, he lost all memory of ever having his psionic powers, and was filled with nothing but hatred and greed until he was finally defeated. When he lost the majority of his powers, he became even less threatening to Mephisto and was banished from the hellish dimension Mephisto ruled. He has the ability to change the size and physical form of himself, which gives him an amazing shape-shifting ability. He can survive under almost any condition, so he doesn't need food, water, sleep or air to survive, and is resistant to temperatures that are as hot as the surface of the sun. He can assume human form, but prefers to remain in his true form. This may explain why in the upcoming movie "Ghost Rider" he seems to be in human form.
He can enter and leave different planes of existence and dimensions at will and has reality warping powers, which have been compared to those of Franklin Richards. He can also summon demons and other supernatural creatures to do his bidding.
Blackheart has the ability to take different forms and confuse the minds of other people, making their worst aspects dominant. He also displayed an impressive healing ability, regenerating whenever Mephisto tried to "discipline" him. His regenerative properties are amazingly high, being able to regenerate after total particle desintegration. He can also liquify himself. Since becoming the Lord of Hell, it can be assumed Blackheart has all the powers Mephisto once held.
As an interesting side note, he smells unpleasantly of burning ink and roses, and has no discernible heartbeat.