I want a good movie, which I'm obviously not getting from the trailer.
(enters rant mode)
I'm a fanboy. Not for Ghost Rider, I'll admit. But for many things. I want whats best for the characters I love. Now, were I a Ghost Rider fan, I'd be extremely ticked off. The trailer. Oh dear god. Firstly, bad CGI. Horrible. You can take notice of this when we see GR's fingers. They're like cheap halloween props. But, you guys are blind-sided because of all the referances, and comic book geek-outs. And let's not even talk about the whole kitchy line: "Let's Ride!" said in a primarily cheesy way, and preceding a scene that defies even GR physics wherein he goes out a window (on his bike), latches onto another window, with a chain (all true folks), and when hitting the window to ride down the building, doesn't break it or go through. The only remotely good thing I saw was the scene with the Cowboy GR.
That's all.
I'm sorry, but it's gonna be awful.