Best: Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Kelsey Grammar, Alan Cumming, Rebecca Romijin Stamos, James Marsden, Olivia Williams (she was PERFECT for Moira in the little bit she was given.) Ryan Reynolds (Mark my words when we get to the Deadpool part he will own.)
Alright, but definitely not perfect for the role: Anna Paquin (Her role as Sookie Stackhouse proves she could play Rogue perfectly if written correctly), Famke Janssen (did an admirable job, but I'm sure there is some one out there that can do better.), Hugh Jackman (Same as Famke.)
Worst: Vinnie Jones, Halle Berry (sadly just not superhero material.), Liev Schreiber, Shawn Ashmore (He was soooo boring as Iceman.), Dania Ramirez (I like Dania, but geez, that was a terrible version of Callisto.) Danny Huston (terrible recasting job.)
Indifferent (neither absolutely liked or absloutely hated) : Ben Foster, Ellen Page, Daniel Cudmore, Ray Park, Tyler Mane, Taylor Kitsch.