Palpadious said:
Without a doubt, for me, it's Michael Medved. He doesn't judge movies based on quality, but rather if they agree with his agenda. He gave Pulp Fiction a bad review because it wasn't family friendly and called V for Vendetta terrorist propaganda. He has a smug look of self-satisfaction on his face that just screams to be punched. He is such an ass-hole.
I feel as if I wrote that post myself.
He is truly repulsive. I used to listen to his radio show and you could feel his smug, seething only barely containable sense of superiority just dripping out of the speakers.
When he debates, he's just got this transparent childish thing where you know that deep down it isn't really about the issue at hand or trying to exchange ideas but just mainly that he gets an addictive adrenaline rush from being right/proving someone else wrong. He's such a psychologically ****ed up guy.
When you have a good reviewer, who isn't a maniacal zealot, they have the ability to watch, say, a dumb teen comedy, but to analyze it and say "this is not my thing, but as for the target audience they will enjoy it and as an example of this genre, it's well done."
But with him, if a gay character is depicted as a hero, then *bam* it was a terrible MOVIE.
If a priest is depicted as a psycho, *POW*, the film had no artistic merit.
He is turd-for-brains.
How ever, he is intelligent enough to speak his own language.
The WoOOOOorst reviews I have ever read (and that includes the ones in my junior high school paper) were by HARRY KNOWLES.
He is a certified ****** and consistently you have to skim through 4 or 5 pages of, "Well, I got up the morning of the screening and couldn't decide whether to have bacon, or eggs for breakfast, so finally it dawned on me, "I'll have bacon AND eggs!" So I had an ass-rash and wasn't looking forward to sitting through a three hour movie, but my nephew needs to be exposed to the work of this director and since my grandpa twisted his ankle I wouldn't be able to go until after Sam and I get back from our fishing trip..."
So, that's bad enough, but know how a stupid person or a foreigner writes something and you have to read the same 3 sentences 5 times because you honestly can't even imagine what they were trying to say, you just have no idea what the hell you just read, because it bears very little resemblance to anything remotely ENGLISH???
He writes like that all the time. He writes stuff that is so geniusly beyond stupid and outside the bounds of even remedial grammar that, I can't even...I'm trying but I can't even think on that level long enough to try and think up an example, just, insane run-on and on sentences and mixed metaphors and mis-used words like freaking Crazy.
The thought of that moron having a.n.y. success in his field just...blows my mind.