Iron Man They should have an IMAX release


May 8, 2000
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ah.. there should be some special footage shot for an IMAX release.. big screens, etc..
Dude Iron Man in IMAX would be breath taking. :eek: Very good suggestion. :up: :up:
I agree, that would be awesome to see it in IMAX.
I was taking for granted that it would be!
Damn it :csad:
are we talking about a special IMAX realese like SR had or TDK will have?

or is IM not in the IMAX?
The idiotic Speed Racer has the IMAX format releasing a week later. Iron Man will NOT be in IMAX.
The idiotic Speed Racer has the IMAX format releasing a week later. Iron Man will NOT be in IMAX.

:dry: basically ruined my day!
I had plans to bring my old dad to this as his first IMAX movie experience(well first that isn't some 3d adventure crap)
Guess he'll have to settle for Batman, which ain't all that bad, but I figure they'll be more happening visually in IM.
Wow this movie isn't getting imax release. Marvel made a mistake. But transformers too didn't get when it released. It came out after months of release so i guess we can expect the same for Iron Man.

Ya speed racer looks so bad i would not even watch it for free.
^That's possible, but it won't be a made for IMAX type scenario even then and IMO, that's the only time when it's worth going to IMAX. However if this film is a success(which I believe it will be) then IM2 could definetly be a made for IMAX type film.
I would love to see Iron Man released in that format.

In december i saw I Am Legend there with The Dark Knight prologue.:wow: The image and sound is unlike anything a 'normal' theater can offer.They don't call the IMAX experience for nothing.:up:
Wow this movie isn't getting imax release. Marvel made a mistake. But transformers too didn't get when it released. It came out after months of release so i guess we can expect the same for Iron Man.

Although there's good buzz Iron Man is still unproven at the box office and the cost to remaster a movie in this format isn't cheap plus you have to consider that that the Wachowskis and Warner Bros have proven they worth for IMAX.:cwink: Add the fact that visually (IMO) Speed Racer looks like it'll be nothing short of spectular on a IMAX.

Transformers only got an IMAX release after it was it became a megahit at the box office. Unfortunately i missed out on seeing it in it's short run.Hypothetically the same could happen with Iron Man.

If more theaters were equipped with IMAX screens then you probably could have more than one movie playing at the same time. Sadly that isn't the case. In many countries there aren't even any IMAX screens.:down
Now that Iron Man has proven to be box office gold i wonder if Marvel are considering a rerelease in IMAX? I'd certainly be game for that.:yay:
I'd be game for that too. Same as Transformers. I saw it twice in a regular theater...and final last time...I saw it in the IMAX!
wow an Iron Man release in IMAX would definitely cause an explosion in my pants if it ever happens...lets start a petition or something!

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