Thor Score


Aug 7, 2006
Reaction score
So I was thinking about music and what songs would fit in with this music.

Would you like to see JUST instrumental orchestra? More heavy laden rock ala 300?

If it were up to me, I would have mostly orchestrated music, with at least ONE led zep song (Immigrant Song) and a few songs by the Sword. (If you haven't heard of them, which you probably haven't check them out. PERFECT for a movie like this.)

So thoughts?
Manowar FTW!!!:woot:

Just kidding. I'd go with an orchestra for the movie itself, and use "The Immigrant Song" for the end credits. (Iron Man had Black Sabbath, it's only fair that Led Zeppelin shows up on Thor).
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If they build on Hulk vs Thor orchestral theme is okay by me. Sound Superman-ish yet more fantastical.
I'd definitely prefer a sweeping, instrumental/orchestral score for most of the film; almost operatic. A lot of the stuff I hear from Immediate Music is in range with what I'd expect/like.
A small section of John Ottman's X2 score has always struck me as being perfect for Thor. Cast your minds back to the music that bridges the scenes of Nightcrawler's White House attack to Wolverine searching the frozen wastes of Alkali lake.

Sadly, the only example of it I could find on Youtube cuts it out right in the middle of it (!) but it's enough to give a person the idea (having said that, if anyone can point me to a better example - just let me know)

2 mins 16 seconds in:-

[YT]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YT]

I guess I'd rather they went with a deep male voice as opposed to the usual female warble that we're normally subjected to i.e, Gladiator, Troy etc - it seem to fit the 'butchness' of Thor more and, I admit, I'm biased - I happen to think those kinda scores have gotten a bit tired.
Hmmm...might have to think about this one for a bit...initially, "I am a viking" by Yngwie Malmsteen comes to mind...very appropriate for a Thor movie.
Hmmm...might have to think about this one for a bit...initially, "I am a viking" by Yngwie Malmsteen comes to mind...very appropriate for a Thor movie.

Try this first:


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If only Basil Poledouris were still around :(

I'd go with Alan Silvestri. His work for Beowulf had a sort of Poledouris sound to it at times...

The second video starts instantly at a piece that sounds like Poledouris. Another good bit 3 minutes into the first video.

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Bear McCreary

EDIT: I knew that, today my brain isn't working.
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^ In order to post youtube videos you need to only use the letter-code (everything that follows the "watch?v=" bit).

That being said, I really like Bear McCreary's work for "Battlestar Galactica" and "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles"... but none of that stuff feels like it fits with Thor to me.
I'd prefer an orchestral soundtrack. Throwing some heavy metal in there seems a little tacky to me if this is going to be Thor primarily in the distant past in Asgard. When he comes to the present, sure, metal that b**** up. For ancient Asgard, orchestral/operatic stuff would be good.
I'd prefer an orchestral soundtrack. Throwing some heavy metal in there seems a little tacky to me if this is going to be Thor primarily in the distant past in Asgard. When he comes to the present, sure, metal that b**** up. For ancient Asgard, orchestral/operatic stuff would be good.

I'd like to see an orchestral score ala Basil Polidoris's 'Conan'.
Yeah, that would be perfect. A combination of brutality and otherworldly (is that even a word?) feel that would remind us that these are not OUR gods... and not necessarily good, peaceful ones, too.
Alan Silvestri I say to thee! Verily he can do it.
Yeah, that would be perfect. A combination of brutality and otherworldly (is that even a word?) feel that would remind us that these are not OUR gods... and not necessarily good, peaceful ones, too.
Yeah, otherworldly's a word. Good one for a description of a Thor score, too. :)
I would say powerful orchestration. But you'd have to use "Hammer of the gods" in one of the trailers. It's just too perfect.
That should be the song that plays when Blake slams the cane against a stone for the very first time. Assuming they keep that aspect of Thor's origin, anyway. I haven't read the script.
That should be the song that plays when Blake slams the cane against a stone for the very first time. Assuming they keep that aspect of Thor's origin, anyway. I haven't read the script.

That does sound cool. Though, I hope they DON'T go with Blake... but they probably will to have a "midgard" connection.

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