Sequels Thor + Sif = a couple?


Goddess of Asgard
Jul 8, 2012
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We know that in the comic books Thor was in love with Sif ... and with Jane. This would make the perfect Stan Lee Love-Triangle in the movies to me.

Do you think there should be a romantic thing going on between Sif and Thor? Should they refer to the past, when they were a couple? Have they been together at all? (in the movie)

:hrt: :hrt: :hrt:
yes. Thor, Sif and Jane are going to have a threesome in the sequel. In which Jane is broken in half.
I think it should be done... Thor is most likely going to bring Jane to Asgard... So basically seeing that Thor is a "god" living like a king in a paradise will be kinda overwhelming for anybody!

Jane did come across as such a fragile meek cute girl... So I'm sure she will be intimidated by her surroundings as well as Sif. Even if they don't mention Thor and Sif having a past, Jane maybe should point out to Thor how he and Sif have a good chemistry. And then let it go from there...

They don't have to do a all out romance, just plant the seeds in this film... Maybe end the film with Him and Jane splitting...

I still think Enchantress should be in the film, she could really put pressure on the relationship, especially if Amora and Thor have a past together!
I know nothing about Thor. I have never read ONE of his comics, but I did notice in the movie there were moments when Sif looked at him adoringly and sometimes very wistfully. This made me wonder if there was something going on between them so I Googled Sif and read several biographies on Wiki. Frankly, I didn't like what I read, but I was intrigued by what I saw in the movie.

I don't like love triangles in comics...that is a Marvel thing, but considering there was some sort of vibe going on in Thor then I wouldn't mind seeing it in a movie.
I don't know if a love-triangle could work with this movie franchise, I'm afraid it would turn out soapy and cheesey.
Don't they all?
Yes and yes. Thor and sif are good together and i think a love triangle may up the stakes for the next thor movie.
They were married in Norse mythology. It'd be funny if we saw 'em wax nostalgic about it like it was nothing...

Thor: Say Sif, do you remember that time when we were married and Loki shaved thy head?

Sif: Aye, he sPent a fortnight in the healing room after we were through with him.

Thor: "We!?" I just held him in place! You're the one who inflicted all the injury.

Sif: Was I?

Jane: Wait, what?
I had read they were married, but I wasn't sure if it was an elseworld since I am not that familiar with the character.

Does anyone think the movie will play on this aspect? Not necessarily play on the aspect of them being married, but the aspect of them having been together in the distant past?
I had read they were married, but I wasn't sure if it was an elseworld since I am not that familiar with the character.

Does anyone think the movie will play on this aspect? Not necessarily play on the aspect of them being married, but the aspect of them having been together in the distant past?

I have the impression that they never got around to getting married in the comic books. (Thor proposed, but then they postponed the nuptials indefinitely.) In the myths, I don't think there's ever a story in which they are not married. (maybe Lei D Loki could weigh in on this point)

I could easily see them mentioning Thor and Sif having been an item in the past. In the original books (as I recall), the back story was that Thor and Sif had been an item prior to him being banished to Earth in the guise of Donald Blake. Then, after Odin ushered Jane out of the story, they rekindled their relationship.

I could also see them mentioning the myth. After all, if their marriage is in *our* books on Norse mythology, why wouldn't it be in the book on Norse mythology that Erik checked out of the Puente Antiguo library?

Hmmmmm. :yay:
There's A LOT of stuff in the Norse Mythology in our myths, that I doubt very much is in Erik's book or will ever be shown as being true in the MCU (how Odin got his 8 legged horse, being one of those myths :wow: ). Although I would find it rather amusing if the mythology surrounding Loki especially was there, and there were different reasons for certain things the mortals based it on. Like Loki in the MCU created his children "magically" not the ways described in the myths, but the myths that are written about him on Midgard is just some ancient mortals, annoyed with his past mischief, talking smack about him. LOL

Oh, but how I would love to see Sigyn introduced (only if done right! with an actress who can act up to par with Tom!) Doubt that'll happen though. :(

I can see some mention of Sif and Thor being a past item, but I think it seems more like they may have - her feelings at least - start to show more in Thor 2, it seems like their is a hint of more than friends interest on her part by the end of Thor 1.
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^Ya. I for one hope we get the Thor and Sif relationship.

But it could be my bias speaking, since i dont like Portman
I like Thor with Sif better than Thor with Jane, and I would be ridiculously happy if it happened.

Of course if we can't have this -

I'd like to have this in its place -


I would love to see Adam Warlock in the next Thor movie.

How great would it be to see Warlock try to force Sif to be his mate, as he did in the comics, causing Thor to kind of go beserk on Warlock, helping Thor realize his true feelings for Sif?

I would love to see Adam Warlock in the next Thor movie.

How great would it be to see Warlock try to force Sif to be his mate, as he did in the comics, causing Thor to kind of go beserk on Warlock, helping Thor realize his true feelings for Sif?


As long as Sif's not a complete damsel in the situation I can roll with it.
Forget the love triangle, let's just move on to Thor & Sif. I like Jane & I love Natalie Portman but I'd much rather see Jaimie Alexander with that screen-time....especially since she can actually help Thor in battle.

Plus, it'd open the gateway for the Warriors Three to be more involved in the film.
Forget the love triangle, let's just move on to Thor & Sif. I like Jane & I love Natalie Portman but I'd much rather see Jaimie Alexander with that screen-time....especially since she can actually help Thor in battle.

Plus, it'd open the gateway for the Warriors Three to be more involved in the film.

Agreed. Less Jane & Darcy, more Sif & The Warriors 3 please.
Yeah, it was cool the first time & tolerable (and still a bit entertaining the second go 'round) but now we should be focusing completely on Asgard. There's enough stories being told at Earth that we don't need to constantly have Thor here.

Yes, he is Earth's protector but there should be plenty of things going on within Asgard & the other realms as well. I want to see more of that.

And if we go that route, Sif is perfect for Thor because she'll always be able to help out in a battle. She's just a badass in general. :D
Yeah, it was cool the first time & tolerable (and still a bit entertaining the second go 'round) but now we should be focusing completely on Asgard. There's enough stories being told at Earth that we don't need to constantly have Thor here.

Yes, he is Earth's protector but there should be plenty of things going on within Asgard & the other realms as well. I want to see more of that.
Yeah, seriously, we've got enough heroes running around on Earth. Thor can afford to sit out an Avengers sequel or two and let some other flying bricks fill in for him while he deals with the troubles of Asgard.

And if we go that route, Sif is perfect for Thor because she'll always be able to help out in a battle. She's just a badass in general. :D

Yep. It's kinda sad that she got to be more bad ass on Agents of SHIELD than in the two Thor films so far.
Yep. It's kinda sad that she got to be more bad ass on Agents of SHIELD than in the two Thor films so far.

Agreed! I'm glad they took the opportunity give her a guest spot. I'd love it if another situation like that came up, whether through another AoS appearance, a one-shot, or something else. I love Thor as a character, but his whole supporting cast is great and could use as much time to shine as possible.
Yeah, seriously, we've got enough heroes running around on Earth. Thor can afford to sit out an Avengers sequel or two and let some other flying bricks fill in for him while he deals with the troubles of Asgard.

I didn't mean they should take Thor out of the Avengers movies, just have his solo films take place completely on Asgard. They definitely shouldn't take him out of the crossover movies.
I didn't mean they should take Thor out of the Avengers movies, just have his solo films take place completely on Asgard. They definitely shouldn't take him out of the crossover movies.

My bad, my bad. But I agree - his solo adventures being more Asgard based would be a good way to distinguish him from the others, play up the Lord of the Rings angle as much as possible.
I would argue that the movies need to be more nine realms based in general. It doesn't just have to be Asgard.
I like Thor with Sif better than Thor with Jane, and I would be ridiculously happy if it happened.

Of course if we can't have this -

I'd like to have this in its place -



"So be it Captain, twoith can playith that game. Where is this Sharon daughter of Carter that you seem so fond of? Perhaps the God of Thunder will take HER out for a delightful beverage. I believe the mortal parlance for this is turn about is fair play."

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