yes...i DID go thru and look actually.
all the current stuff is about the tv show.
thanks for the link. i went thru pages and pages of all sorts of tv show related topics there. yes i saw it.
My point is.......
*I wanted to talk about Spider-man specifically, about the secret identities and stan's quote related to Spidey.*
My audience is the spider-man people/fans.
Didn't know that was not a good thread.
Even more, if a person who doesn't watch the show, who is a spidey fan, they would have no way to guess out of the blue: I SHOULD GO TO A SCI-FI TV SHOW TO TALK ABOUT A STAN QUOTE THAT DEALS WITH SPIDER-MAN kinda thing.
Lots of people i know watch that show and don't read spider-man, so it makes sense to me personally, to have a spidey discussion about the unmasking in the spider-man forum, then if people want to comment, they can go to that specific thread, and not tie up a tv show thread not having to do with spider-man with spider-man discussion. even more, this is something new and not same ol' same ol' unmasking. It is about fresh quotes and secret identities for heroes...source from that show.
More quality debates/answers/conversations will and can be had in a forum thread related to the topic, since that is where the fans of that thread will be, for sure.
That is my point, and was just trying to ask an honest question, because i didn't understand why my thread was closed and why we couldn't talk about it. No one can reply, only view it now unfortutnately. OR, we can over to the Who wants to be a superhero site and try starting to talk about Spider-Man.
Those are our choices it appears, unfortunately. I just honestly didn't understand, sorry. But yes, thanks for the link, in all seriousness, i DID read thru pages and pages of Who wants to be a suepr-hero, everyones favorite characters, dark horse comics, what the winner gets and every topic that is covered there about the SHOW.