Tips for flying with a jetpack?


More than meets my eye
Jun 12, 2012
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One of my friends claims he has access to a jetpack. I don't know much about flying with one but this seems like the perfect place to find someone who has. I have some questions about what gear I should bring for my initial flight. So far, I have knee pads and some loose clothing. Any tips for the flight itself?
First priority on your list: Get life insurance. :o
My tip? Don't piss your friend off just before you borrow his jet pack! :)
Hmm,, I guess make sure to turn the jet pack on before jumping..
One of my friends claims he has access to a jetpack. I don't know much about flying with one but this seems like the perfect place to find someone who has. I have some questions about what gear I should bring for my initial flight. So far, I have knee pads and some loose clothing. Any tips for the flight itself?

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One of my friends claims he has access to a jetpack. I don't know much about flying with one but this seems like the perfect place to find someone who has. I have some questions about what gear I should bring for my initial flight. So far, I have knee pads and some loose clothing. Any tips for the flight itself?

I guess my question is how did your friend get "access" to a jet pack?.. I wouldnt think thats the kinda item you hand around.

Last why would you think anybody in this type forum could give you any good pointers? lol
According to the internet, you can burn your legs. I will wear pants for sure
If you can lay hold of a pair of straw pants, that'd work best. They're flame-resistant.
According to the internet, you can burn your legs. I will wear pants for sure

What? No, no, no. Pants will weigh you down. What you should really do is fly in a speedo, and to protect your legs from the elements, coat them with a fine layer of gasoline. Little-known tip from experienced jet-pack fliers.
Gasoline will also slick down your leg hair and make you more aerodynamic.
Oh boy,,, why do i forsee a flying fireball in the future...
One of my friends claims he has access to a jetpack. I don't know much about flying with one but this seems like the perfect place to find someone who has. I have some questions about what gear I should bring for my initial flight. So far, I have knee pads and some loose clothing. Any tips for the flight itself?

Yawn. The K2 thread was your peak (pun intended). All your threads since have been, well, like this one.

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