Top 10 entry level jobs that pay more than 50K


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Entry-Level Jobs That Pay More Than $50k
Entry-Level Jobs That Pay More Than $50kby Gabby Hyman

Most American workers enjoy a high standard of living, certainly when compared with the wages earned by workers throughout the rest of the world. According to surveys by, entry-level wages for careers in this country average around $40,000 a year. If that seems low to you, take note: by completing an online college degree program, you can boost your entry-level earning power by at least another $10,000.

Here are ten tried-and-true career groups that advertise beginning earnings at -- or well above -- the $50,000 level:

1. Marketing and Sales Managers -- $80,000 entry earnings
Marketing and sales staff managers help companies develop strategies for selling products and services to the public or other businesses (B2B). You can complete an online marketing program or finance degree to gain the necessary expertise to join this career group. Expect to travel and meet new people, all while banking a sizeable income.

2. High School Teachers -- $59,269 entry earnings
While many believe teachers are underpaid, a near-$60,000 entry-level salary makes for solid earnings. To qualify for a teaching career, you'll typically need to earn a teaching degree, in addition to completing your state's teacher certification requirements.

To fill urgent needs, many districts will let you begin your classroom teaching while taking online education classes that lead to accelerated licensing. Openings will be greatest at urban or rural school districts, with subjects like math and science atop the hiring wish list.

3. Education Administrators -- $80,000 entry earnings
If you're already a teacher, think of the high-paying, entry-level salary you can earn as a principal or school district administrator. Administrators either work at the individual school level, directing the academic performance of the teaching staff, or work at school district headquarters, helping define curriculum and teaching methods. To prepare, keep your current teaching job, and attend an online masters in education administration degree program.

4. Staff RN -- $63,803 entry earnings
Staff RNs will remain in top demand for at least another decade. While you can earn a registered nursing degree in two years, the best entry-level wages will go to registered nurses with bachelor's degrees. To qualify for the top new career positions, enroll in a nursing school that offers a BS in nursing or an RN to BSN option.

5. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts -- $53,000 entry earnings
More than 231,000 network systems and data communication analysts work in the nation. They design, trouble-shoot, and install LANs, WANs, and internet and intranets for small, medium, and large companies, colleges, and government agencies. Today, hiring managers want newly trained specialists with a background in security. Pursue an online IT degree to develop the technical skills required for this field.

6. Computer Software Engineers -- $58,900 entry earnings
The Department of Labor predicts that the career group for computer software engineers will be among the fastest-growing occupations though 2014. The top entry-level IT jobs will be in systems or applications software development. Master your skills through an online computer science or computer programming degree program.

7. Physical Therapist -- $61,478 entry earnings
Physical therapists will remain in high demand through the end of the decade. Working in clinics, hospitals, and private offices, physical therapists rehabilitate and treat disabled, injured, and post-surgical patients. Each state has an independent licensing policy, and you'll need to complete physical therapy school to land an entry level position.

8. Restaurant Managers -- $53,255 entry earnings
If you've always wanted to run a successful dining establishment, enroll now in a hotel and restaurant management program. Salaried managers with major chains and hotels are predicted to have greater immediate financial success than those employed at small bistros and private eateries.

9. Web Designer -- $51,931 entry earnings
Web designers, The Department of Labor says, will have some of the best job opportunities of the all design professions through 2014. If you?re already a graphic arts professional, you can bone up for the Web specialty through an online graphic Web design course. To join the ranks in this career, consider earning a graphic Web design degree.

10. Financial Analyst -- $84,000 entry earnings
Financial analysts need a solid background in economics, revenue forecasting, and accounting to enter this rapidly growing field that serves business, manufacturing, finance, and governmental organizations. Get ready to earn nearly twice the average American entry-level salary by earning an online finance degree.
Be a nurse in NYC, you get over $40-100 an hour depending on the hospital. That's how in dire need they are.
Or don't go to college and work your butt off to the point of exhaustion for around $25,000 a year. Go me :mad:
In investment banking, total comp may start at approximately $80k (this includes bonuses) but your salary increases in good markets every year and so do the bonuses which can end up being a multiple of your annual salary. However you should note that the hours could mean having no life what so ever outside of the office.

And the online financial degree idea is a joke because the top banks (Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, UBS, etc.) tend to only ask for an interview those that come out of ivy league schools or the equivalent.

In conclusion, I would say do not be attracted by the amounts unless you are willing to work about 100 hours per week on average in a tough environment.

A little thing I was surprised about in the above list is nowhere is corporate lawyers mentionned. I know that entry level lawyers in big firms such as skadden arps earn similar amounts to entry level investment bankers.
I'm not sure that any of those can be considered entry level jobs. :rolleyes:
Entry-Level Jobs That Pay More Than $50k
Entry-Level Jobs That Pay More Than $50kby Gabby Hyman

Most American workers enjoy a high standard of living, certainly when compared with the wages earned by workers throughout the rest of the world. According to surveys by, entry-level wages for careers in this country average around $40,000 a year. If that seems low to you, take note: by completing an online college degree program, you can boost your entry-level earning power by at least another $10,000.

Here are ten tried-and-true career groups that advertise beginning earnings at -- or well above -- the $50,000 level:

1. Marketing and Sales Managers -- $80,000 entry earnings
Marketing and sales staff managers help companies develop strategies for selling products and services to the public or other businesses (B2B). You can complete an online marketing program or finance degree to gain the necessary expertise to join this career group. Expect to travel and meet new people, all while banking a sizeable income.

2. High School Teachers -- $59,269 entry earnings
While many believe teachers are underpaid, a near-$60,000 entry-level salary makes for solid earnings. To qualify for a teaching career, you'll typically need to earn a teaching degree, in addition to completing your state's teacher certification requirements.

To fill urgent needs, many districts will let you begin your classroom teaching while taking online education classes that lead to accelerated licensing. Openings will be greatest at urban or rural school districts, with subjects like math and science atop the hiring wish list.

3. Education Administrators -- $80,000 entry earnings
If you're already a teacher, think of the high-paying, entry-level salary you can earn as a principal or school district administrator. Administrators either work at the individual school level, directing the academic performance of the teaching staff, or work at school district headquarters, helping define curriculum and teaching methods. To prepare, keep your current teaching job, and attend an online masters in education administration degree program.

4. Staff RN -- $63,803 entry earnings
Staff RNs will remain in top demand for at least another decade. While you can earn a registered nursing degree in two years, the best entry-level wages will go to registered nurses with bachelor's degrees. To qualify for the top new career positions, enroll in a nursing school that offers a BS in nursing or an RN to BSN option.

5. Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts -- $53,000 entry earnings
More than 231,000 network systems and data communication analysts work in the nation. They design, trouble-shoot, and install LANs, WANs, and internet and intranets for small, medium, and large companies, colleges, and government agencies. Today, hiring managers want newly trained specialists with a background in security. Pursue an online IT degree to develop the technical skills required for this field.

6. Computer Software Engineers -- $58,900 entry earnings
The Department of Labor predicts that the career group for computer software engineers will be among the fastest-growing occupations though 2014. The top entry-level IT jobs will be in systems or applications software development. Master your skills through an online computer science or computer programming degree program.

7. Physical Therapist -- $61,478 entry earnings
Physical therapists will remain in high demand through the end of the decade. Working in clinics, hospitals, and private offices, physical therapists rehabilitate and treat disabled, injured, and post-surgical patients. Each state has an independent licensing policy, and you'll need to complete physical therapy school to land an entry level position.

8. Restaurant Managers -- $53,255 entry earnings
If you've always wanted to run a successful dining establishment, enroll now in a hotel and restaurant management program. Salaried managers with major chains and hotels are predicted to have greater immediate financial success than those employed at small bistros and private eateries.

9. Web Designer -- $51,931 entry earnings
Web designers, The Department of Labor says, will have some of the best job opportunities of the all design professions through 2014. If you?re already a graphic arts professional, you can bone up for the Web specialty through an online graphic Web design course. To join the ranks in this career, consider earning a graphic Web design degree.

10. Financial Analyst -- $84,000 entry earnings
Financial analysts need a solid background in economics, revenue forecasting, and accounting to enter this rapidly growing field that serves business, manufacturing, finance, and governmental organizations. Get ready to earn nearly twice the average American entry-level salary by earning an online finance degree.

First off, #1 & #2 are bullsh^t!

Maybe for a fortune 500 company, but I guarantee no state starts teachers off at that salary! :down
I've looked up a bunch of people, you can look up teachers in NJ and find out how much they make, many don't make above $50k and they have been at their jobs for at least 5 years.
Gotta agree with Prog...those first two are crap.

Here in the armpit of America...that would be Ohio...the average tenured teacher is pulling in around $40K. Tenure only comes after 5 years in Ohio secondary schools.

My wife is a Sales/Marketing manager for a Japanese automotive company (4 years and counting) and she "only" makes $63K...are we getting robbed or what?
No, I work in Marketing and I am below that mark and then some.
Yes, the first two are definitely crap. The high school teacher one probably depends more on the area. Here they are lucky if they make $30k a year.
high school teachers in Texas make an average 30k a year
I'm making about 40K right now, and one third of that is due to commission I obtain from IT vendors. :o
Also, the job my husband has is truly entry-level and he's making 60k. It should be on the list. :o
Does terry know what Entry-Level means?
It's assuming that the people getting these jobs are actually studying **** for years, of course. :o
... and have previous experience.
What's he do?

He works for Frito-Lay. Basically, he just delivers chips and stuff to grocery stores. It's like the easiest job in the world, I can even do it and he gets 10.5% commission on everything he sells to the stores. Also, you don't even need a college degree, even though he does have one. Entry level and easy money. :up:
Be a nurse in NYC, you get over $40-100 an hour depending on the hospital. That's how in dire need they are.

Same in most major cities. In Detroit it's 40-60 (and if you go agency, fuggetaboutit...they give you an apartment, benefits, malpractice insurance, a LOT of cool extras!), but I guess in NY you have to account for the higher cost of living so I guess that's why you get up to 100.

And there is NO way 1 & 2 are right!

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