Top 100 Favorite Movies.


Nov 8, 2012
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I am going to post each day 3 movies from my Favorite 100 movie list. Now anyone else is welcome to post only 50 if 100 movies is too much. The Goal is to get my full list in by New Years Eve.

100 Star Trek 5 The Final Frontier


I liked the Star Trek movies of the original Star Trek.
Five is at the bottum of those movies. I liked the idea that Spocks brother was the problem and it was kinda the first time you got the question about is there a god and can you find him in a ship. Sure its an evil alien but it was kinda neat to explore that question in a star trek movie format.

99 Ewoks The Caravan Of Courage/Battle For Endor


I know they were made for tv movies but I liked the Ewok adventures and they were not as bad as Jar Jar. Or some prequel characters. Even though the prequel films are higher on the list. My Favorite Characters were the Ewoks so they get a Spot.
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100 Star Trek 5 The Finale Frontier
99 Ewoks Caravan Of Courage/Battle For Endor.

98 Die Another Day.


I know many hated Die Another Day but I am a big Bond fan and Brosnan is my favorite Newer Bond. It just so happens that Craigs movies are just better made.
I was suspicious before, but I now know you are a troll.
He's a troll for the thread or for his film choices? He said anyone can list their top 100, or as many as they can if less
I think it's a nice thread, and I'm interested in seeing both his choices and yours

My top whatever amount in no order (including animated films, DTVs, and TV films)
  1. Dragon, the Bruce Lee Story
  2. Mortal Kombat (1995)
  3. Batman (1989)
  4. Best of the Best 2 (1991)
  5. The dark Knight
  6. Toy Story 2
  7. Toy Story
  8. Turtles Forever
  9. Home Alone
  10. Home Alone 2
  11. Dr Dolittle
  12. Die Hard, With Vengeance
  13. Superman the Movie
  14. Superman 2
  15. X-Men
  16. X-Men First Class
  17. X-Men 2
  18. The Incredible Hulk
  19. Superman: Doomsday
  20. Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
  21. Batman: Under the Red Hood
  22. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
  23. Tarzan (Disney)
  24. Hercules (Disney)
  25. The Terminator
  26. Terminator 2
  27. Transporter (2002)
  28. Lethal Weapon 4
  29. Rush Hour
  30. Batman Begins
  31. Iron Man
  32. The Dark Knight Rises
  33. The Punisher (2004)
  34. DareDevil (Director's Cut)
  35. The Incredibles
  36. The Godfather
  37. Sword of the Stranger
  38. The Lion King
  39. Mission Impossible 2
  40. Head of State
  41. A Time to Kill
  42. Men in Black
  43. Young Sherlock Holmes
  44. Sherlock Holmes (2009)
  45. Sherlock Holes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
  46. Aladdin (Disney)
  47. Robocop
  48. Enter the Dragon
  49. Bruce Leroy: The Last Dragon
  50. Back to the Future
  51. Back to the Future 2
  52. Back to the Future 3
  53. Twins (1988)
  54. George of the Jungle
  55. Falling Down
  56. Head of State
  57. Mask of Zorro
  58. Desperado
  59. Mr Bean
  60. Fight Club
  61. Gremlins
  62. Jurassic Park
  63. Lion of the Dessert
  64. Jumanji
  65. Multiplicity
  66. Sword Fish
  67. Big
  68. Ghostbusters
  69. Ghostbusters 2
  70. The Girl Who Leaps Through Time
  71. Rocky
  72. Rocky 2
  73. Rocky 3
  74. Rocky 4
  75. Scream
  76. Scream 2
  77. Commando
97 Demolition Man.


Probably one of my favorite Stallone movies out side of the Rocky Movies. The Expendables just don't hold up to Sly and Arnald classics.
96 Gremlins


Oddly enough this is one of my favorite Christmas Movies. I know they were suppose to be scary but really Gremlins is a funny movie and a classic.

If not for "Judge Dredd" and "Stop, or my Mom will shoot" I'd agree about "Demolition Man" being my favorite Stallone movie shortly after the Rocky films
I didn't say it's better, I like it more
Thats kinda the same thing. To you if like it more then to you its better. Don't back peddle if like a film even if others don't.
95 Star Trek 3 The Search For Spock


Like I said I liked the Star Trek movies. Except for Nemesis and Insurrection.
The Search For Spock was the one where destroy the enterprise in order to save Spock.
This movie shows The Kirk and Klingon rivalry that I hope we see at some point in the new films.
Demolition Man and Judge Dredd are guilty pleasures of mine, sometimes I watch them back to back, JD is just to laughably hammy.

Die Another Day?

*Runs out thread as fast as I can*
Its 98 on my list not 8. SO don't get the big deal.

94 X-Men 3 The Last Stand


Many hated this movie and while it was a step down it was not as bad as Wolverine. But thank goodness for Vaughn and Singer returning for the future. The best thing in this was Kelsey as Beast and he made a great older beast.
X-Men The Last Stand had the better music score, I just hated that it being the last of a trilogy it had a short runtime.
Thats kinda the same thing. To you if like it more then to you its better. Don't back peddle if like a film even if others don't.

Eh people have different standards of quality and enjoyment.

You can enjoy big macs but understand that they're not as good as your mother's thanksgiving dinner.

Not to mention, great films are not always enjoyable. A film can be emotionally moving and thought provoking and you can recognize the quality of the work involved from the acting, to the directing, to the cinematography and production design, but are films like Requiem for a Dream or Schindler's list enjoyable experiences?
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Eh people have different standards of quality and enjoyment.

You can enjoy big macs but understand that they're not as good as your mother's thanksgiving dinner.

Not to mention, great films are not always enjoyable. A film can be emotionally moving and thought provoking and you can recognize the quality of the work involved from the acting, to the directing, to the cinematography and production design, but are films like Requiem for a Dream or Schindler's list enjoyable experiences?
That kinda depends on the individual person and what movies they lik. I myself stear towards action, fantasy and sci-fi films.
^ Agreed, people have different tastes and enjoy different films. I just meant to say there are different kinds of enjoyment.
93 The Mummy


Liked The Mummy and lets face it Summers best stuff is monster related films. Him and GI Joe was a bad idea. Now Creature From The Black Lagoon or Wolf Man
But really The Mummy was good and Mummy Returns not bad either. Its just it collapsed after The Rock made The Scorpion King.

I really enjoyed the mummy. I was just a kid when it came out and the scarabs scared the crap out of me. The effects at the time were fantastic.
92 Tomb Raider 2 The Cradle Of Life

I liked this sequel. Liked Tomb Raider 1 better but not quite sure why no one liked it. I mean resident evil is still being made and Tom Raider with Angelina could have been a long series. Too Bad it flopped.

91 Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull


The more I think about this movie the more I think there was nothing as bad wrong with the movie. Its just kinda like Star Wars Prequels and The Current Hobbit. Its just not as good as the originals.

While The Hobbit and Star Wars prequels are better then this. I did not have as big a problem with it. Its not no 1,2 or 3 but Its nice to see Old Indy.
90 Transformers 3


Transformers is a very Mixed subject for me. I enjoyed Transformers 1 allot but do feel the sequels were lesser cash cow films. The Only reason I watch them as I do. Is because bay does great action in his movies and I can escape into that. However as a G1 fan I look forward to a day Bay is no longer in charge of a Transformers movie.

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