top most powerful marvel hero

Cosmic Spidey. :cool:

But guys, the question is "who is the most powerful", and not "who is the strongest".

So powerful means all around abilities. So, who is it? Black Bolt? Silver Surfer? Dr. Strange? To be honest, I've no freaking clue. So help me out here.
If we also count Cosmic characters, nothing can beat the Living Tribunal.
Originally posted by Harlekin
If we also count Cosmic characters, nothing can beat the Living Tribunal.

Is he a hero? =/
Originally posted by Nathan
Is he a hero? =/
He's neutral so you could somewhat classify it as a hero, also as a villian, true, but I am leaning towards hero.
Originally posted by Harlekin
If we also count Cosmic characters, nothing can beat the Living Tribunal.

He above all;)
Genis, but hes more of a crazy lunatic that does whatever the **** he wants..... But he would take Hulk, Wolvie, and Sabretooth at the same time.
My vote for the most powerful non cosmic hero, would be...

Reed Richards - Mr. Fantastic

...sounds weird I know, but think about it...

:thing: :doom: :thing:
Since he's getting his new series, which starts in October by the way
, in which he takes a stab at being a white hat. Should be a very interesting read. ;)
Well if Hitler showed up fresh out of a time machine and said, "Hey everyone, I'm a Good Guy now!! Really! I'm gonna be a fireman now so be sure and trust me with your lives. Thanks and Heil Me!!", would ya call him a hero?? Not me. Same goes for Thanos. He eviscerated his mom to see where he came from for Pete's sake!!! :p

:thing: :doom: :thing:
The most powerful hero in the MU is probably Living Tribunal, although with a name like that he dont deserve to be.

BTW where are the DOOP dopes?
I guess, it's people's views on things. I'd say any of the characters which aren't from earth are the most powerful like Galactus and some of Silver Surfer's enemies.
If he would be still alive, I would say X-Man.
This is sooooo obvious

Captain Marvel
King Thor
Silver surfer

No HEROES are more powerful than those guys
Actually, Owen Reese, otherwise known as Molecule Man, is regarded as one of the most powerful heros.
I would also say, Phoenix or the Silver Surfer.
king thor,silver surfer,hulk,gladiator,cap.marvel,sentry(he is supposed to be a bit on the powerful side..)

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