

Mar 12, 2003
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A troll is a bulletin board participant who posts for one or both of two reasons: 1) to disrupt; 2) to gain attention.


The Vulgar Troll. These, the crudest of all trolls, make no attempt to hide their species. Often, they make racist comments, or they may post porn and other spam. Vulgars usually confine their comments merely to primitive, profane, off-topic observations. When you log into the Really Profound Serious Philosophical Discussions board and see the post, "I smell my farts," you've spotted the Vulgar Troll. Other species of troll sometimes revert to this form when cornered.

The Deceptive or "Classic" Troll. More sophisticated but often easily identified and exposed, the Classic Troll gratifies his ego by pretending to be someone or something he or she is not. Classics make up elaborate stories about themselves, sometimes weaving some amounts of truth into their lies. As a web of lies is difficult to build with consistency, however, Classics are often "outed" by other forumites. When this happens, Classic Trolls have a bag of tricks to which they turn:

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 1: If the heat gets too much for you, claim it was all "a joke." In this way you can excuse any and all deceit by claiming people just weren't smart enough to "get" the humor of it.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 2: Create another account, and log on pretending to be someone else, in order to show support for the Troll in Question (TiQ). These puppet accounts sometimes claim to be disinterested third parties. At other times they pretend to be "friends" of the TiQ.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 3: When your lies paint you into a corner, claim that your little brother, or some unnamed friend, has commandeered your account and made you look foolish. This technique can also be applied in claiming that the puppet account(s) you created may not, in fact, be disinterested third parties or friends, but that they are your relatives ("little brother" is most common) only trying to help support you.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 4: When nothing else works, claim that now, finally, you're telling the truth about all the lies you told before. Make up a fresh set of lies, and throw yourself on the mercy of the forumites.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 5: When all else fails, claim to be leaving forever. Trolls who claim they are leaving never do, of course; you can bet that anyone who proclaims, "I'm never coming back here," will most certainly at least check back for responses, and probably will not be able to resist posting again.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 6: Have a tantrum. When all their other tricks are exhausted, Classic Trolls will become angry and start shouting. Often they revert to Vulgar Trolls when this happens.

-- Classic Troll Tactic Number 7: This only works for 'foreign' trolls, Post a very obscene comment, call someone a rapist, and then claim that it is a jocular comment in their country and should not be taken too seriously. The foreign troll can display an amazing vocabularly of obscene words and subtle sexual innuendo, but can suffer from remarkably immediate bouts of "My English she is not so good".

The Contrarian Troll. A sophisticated breed, Contrarian Trolls frequent boards whose predominant opinions are contrary to their own. A forum dominated by those who support firearms and knife rights, for example, will invariably be visited by Contrarian Trolls espousing their beliefs in the benefits of gun control. It is important to distinguish between dissenters and actual Contrarian Trolls, however; the Contrarian is not categorized as a troll because of his or her dissenting opinions, but due to the manner in which he or she behaves:

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number One: The most important indicator of a poster's Contrarian Troll status is his constant use of subtle and not-so-subtle insults, a technique intended to make people angry. Contrarians will resist the urge to be insulting at first, but as their post count increases, they become more and more abusive of those with whom they disagree. Most often they initiate the insults in the course of what has been a civil, if heated, debate to that point.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Two: Constant references to the forum membership as monolithic. "You guys are all just [descriptor]." "You're a lynch mob." "You all just want to ridicule anyone who disagrees with you."

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Three: Intellectual dishonesty. This is only a mild indicator that is not limited to trolls, but Contrarians display it to a high degree. They will lie about things they've said, pull posts out of context in a manner that changes their meanings significantly, and generally ignore any points for which they have no ready answers.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Four: Accusing the accusers. When confronted with their trolling, trolls immediately respond that it is the accusers who are trolls (see Natural Predators below). Often the Contrarian will single out his most vocal opponent and claim that while he can respect his other opponents, this one in particular is beneath his notice.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Five: Attempts to condescend. Pursued by Troll Bashers (see Natural Predators below), the Contrarian will seek refuge in condescending remarks that repeatedly scorn his or her critics as beneath notice -- all the while continuing to respond to them.

-- Contrarian Warning Sign Number Six: One distinctive mark of Contrarian Trolls is that every thread in which they dissent quickly devolves into a debate about who is trolling whom. In the course of such a debate the Contrarian will display many of the other Warning Signs mentioned above.

The Agenda Troll. Agenda trolls are those participants who join a forum specifically to pursue an agenda of their own -- often a feud or grudge with another member, or perhaps a dispute with some party not participating in that forum. When a flame war erupts on another board, for example, Agenda Trolls will follow their opponents to other forums in order to continue the spat.

Some Agenda Trolls are subject-matter oriented. An Agenda Troll who thinks Self-Defense Instructor X is a fraud, or who feels he has been ripped off or otherwise dealt with unfairly by Instructor X, will visit forums devoted to self-defense and martial arts in order to spread his or her negative opinion of Instructor X.

Agenda Trolls may also be of the milder Spam Agenda subspecies; these are Trolls who join a board specifically to advertise some venture of their own. They are not often troublesome, though their shameless plugging is met with varying degrees of irritation.

The Sophist Troll. Sophist Trolls, or "philotrolls," fancy themselves Enlightened Philosophers or Learned Experts of the highest order. Often well educated, Philotrolls are capable of speaking intelligently on a number of topics, and when the spirit moves them they can be worthwhile forum participants. Unfortunately, Sophist Trolls are an extremely hostile and intolerant species.

When confronted by opinions with which they do not agree -- particularly when they do not see any means of successfully arguing their contrary views -- Sophists resort (repeatedly) to a variety of intellectually dishonest tactics. Most often, this is characterized by an overly snide, condescending, patronizing attitude. Philotrolls consider anyone with whom they do not agree to be "immature," and are fond of quoting that old saw that "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

When cornered they are quick to resort to personal attacks. A philotroll's bag of rhetorical tricks includes a variety of transparent ploys, such as willfully misinterpreting the opponent's words, committing Straw Man fallacies, accusing his or her opponents of engaging in the very tactics used by the philotroll, and so forth.

When engaging in their sophistry, philotrolls are mong the most hypocritical and aggravating of trollkind.

The Artistic Troll. A higher species of Classic Troll, Artistic Trolls are intelligent individuals who understand the subtle art of trolling, and who do what they do specifically to make others look foolish. Often employing the techniques of Deceptive Trolls, Artistics will string forumites along until some point in time designated by their own desires, at which point they will reveal the ploy, admit that it was a ploy, and laugh at everyone for being stupid enough to fall for it. Artistic Trolls delight in sowing discord, but do it in a highly developed and fully aware manner. They do not care if they are despised, and do not seek the approval of forum participants. Chaos is their only goal, and preferably chaos with a humorous bent to it. Without a doubt, this is the most dangerous species.


Trolls often have many basic characteristics in common:

1. Low post count. Trolls usually do not last long enough on a forum to rack up a large number of posts. Be particularly suspicious of any poster whose count is not yet in double digits and who appears to be causing trouble.

2. Suspicious IP addresses. Puppet accounts will have IP addresses identical to that of the TiQ.

3. Suspicious E-mail Addresses. Accounts that are similar in nature to those of the TiQ can indicate a puppet account. AOL accounts, for example, are particularly suspect, because AOL allows multiple usernames for a single account.

4. Syntax and grammar. Trolls, particularly Deceptives, invariably have trouble hiding their writing styles. Puppet accounts, or serial accounts created after previous accounts have been thoroughly discredited, will display traits similar to that of the TiQ.


Trolls have certain naturally-occurring enemies. Among them are these:

Moderators. An active moderator is the bane of trollkind, as a moderator can lock a troll's efforts before they come to fruition, see to it the troll is banned, and generally make the troll's existence unfulfilling. Moderators are normally above more direct efforts to humiliate or expose trolls, which makes them ultimately more dangerous but less intimidating to all breeds.

Troll Bashers. The worst enemy of trolls, Troll Bashers appear to possess an almost pathological hatred for rolls. Fully aware of the tools and tactics of trolling, Troll Bashers expose trolls whenever they see them. Often the first to identify Contrarians, and unforgiving in the pursuit of Deceptives, Troll Bashers are experienced and venomous. Often accused of being trolls themselves, Troll Bashers understand the difference between the initiation of trolling and the retaliation against it -- and believe any amount of retaliatory abuse is justified when a troll rears its ugly head.

Angry Forumites. Though normally slow to anger, and lacking the venom of Troll Bashers, Angry Forumites can pose a danger to trollkind when they gather in groups. While it takes three to five Angry Forumites to equal the danger represented by a single Troll Basher, they are not to be underestimated.
wait what about the ones that happen to be friends with others and they act nice while they are on

like abaddon?
what U can read comics but not this?
it's a good read, especially since we have a troll on the forum.
We have a lot more than one troll on the forum. But one is really shining tonight.
Originally posted by Trogdor
what U can read comics but not this?
it's a good read, especially since we have a troll on the forum.
I usually just look at the pictures and piece the story together myself.
Originally posted by bmfunny
We have a lot more than one troll on the forum. But one is really shining tonight.
well yeah, but there's been some unusually strong trolling activity even for these boards lately.

I figure it's probably all the same guy, maybe someone who got banned earlier in the week and hasn't grown up yet.
Originally posted by Bloody Mary
can you maybe make a summary?
it's a description of what a troll is, what different kinds there are, how they work and why they troll.
it also touches on the subject of troll bashing, what a troll basher is, and why troll bashing should be avoided.

simply put - it let's you know how to deal with it.
this guy had alot of time in his hands!

Yeah, I know about Trolls. Horrible, Nasty, Dangerous creatures. Been known to inhabit the many caves and caverns of Middle-Earth. And they've been known to dwell in parts of Mordor too.
Originally posted by Tamerlane
wait what about the ones that happen to be friends with others and they act nice while they are on

like abaddon?

Is that a compliment,or an insult?:confused:
Originally posted by Trogdor
what U can read comics but not this?
it's a good read, especially since we have a troll on the forum.
No, it's not. It makes it seem like it's such a terrible issue. I mean, it's a message board.
Originally posted by Master Blaster

Yeah, I know about Trolls. Horrible, Nasty, Dangerous creatures. Been known to inhabit the many caves and caverns of Middle-Earth. And they've been known to dwell in parts of Mordor too.
I always thought the Trolls from Middle-Earth has stone skin.
Originally posted by The Kingpin
No, it's not. It makes it seem like it's such a terrible issue. I mean, it's a message board.
face it, you're just lazy.
wow! you really hate trolls dontchya. i think i'm a troll.

"my english is not so good" ha!
Originally posted by Trogdor
what U can read comics but not this?
it's a good read, especially since we have a troll on the forum.

Just one? :confused: ;) :(
Ooh don't forget that all trolls under age 18 *allegedly* have:

1. a dad who's a cop, an FBI agent, a CIA agent, a PI, an ex-marine, etc., who will find you and hunt you down if you're mean to them (they have nothing better to do!)
2. a black belt in some martial art (I guess I was just lucky enough to dodge every time they sent jump kicks across the modem)
3. a really hot girlfriend, hotter than anyone you've ever fantasized about, who worships them and lays them all the time (who apparently sits politely next to the computer awaiting her next use)
4. tons of friends, more friends than you've ever fantasized about having, all of whom are so cool (which is why they have so much time to sit on the computer and troll)
5. weapons (see #2)
You forgot the older type of troll that has been haunting serious boards since day 1:

The Discussion Troll. This troll is on a crusade to shake a board's membership out of groupthink so that all possible solutions to a problem (or topic) are considered. A Discussion Troll may sometimes take a contrary viewpoint specifically for the purpose of maneuvering board members into a firmer consensus that the troll secretly agrees with.

Politically correct groupthink is the bane of a functioning society, and some trolls spend their time shaking those rigid foundations.

Yes, I am a troll. :unishr:

No, I do not resort to the immature or mentally challenged "tactics" you (Trogdor) ascribe to all trolls. Apparently, non-trolls believe trolls are of a necessity all immature little punks who are no older than 14. I'm 42 and I know many trolls older than me.

Just thought I'd contribute and "shake the foundations of your groupthink."
So did it take you the whole 2 years to think up that username and post or is this just a coincidence?
Erzengel said:
So did it take you the whole 2 years to think up that username and post or is this just a coincidence?
I think he's trying to say that he's a Bumping Troll.

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