Batman Begins is banned from this comparison, as that shall be compared to Superman Returns.
Adam West Batman or George Reeves Superman (which television show was better)?
Superman IV or Batman & Robin (1997)
Superman III or Batman Forever
Superman II or Batman Returns
Superman the Movie or Batman?
Personally I give it to...
Batman & Robin series over the adventur3es of superman series, however both were great for their time.
Superman IV or B&R... They both were kind of cheesey, yet Christopher Reeve is still far better as Supes than Clooney as Batman, so Quest for Peace takes the cake.
Superman III or BF... Both werent all that great, however I give the nod to Batman forever, seeing Superman battle a cheesy machine just didnt do it for me.
However I think the 2 first superman movie were better than the original 2 batmans. By far....................... With Superman 2 being the best movie of them all. Stm was great dont get me wrong, but two, with Reeve, Hackman, & Stamp was just too good. I give Batman Returns the nod however over Batman.

Adam West Batman or George Reeves Superman (which television show was better)?
Superman IV or Batman & Robin (1997)
Superman III or Batman Forever
Superman II or Batman Returns
Superman the Movie or Batman?
Personally I give it to...
Batman & Robin series over the adventur3es of superman series, however both were great for their time.
Superman IV or B&R... They both were kind of cheesey, yet Christopher Reeve is still far better as Supes than Clooney as Batman, so Quest for Peace takes the cake.
Superman III or BF... Both werent all that great, however I give the nod to Batman forever, seeing Superman battle a cheesy machine just didnt do it for me.
However I think the 2 first superman movie were better than the original 2 batmans. By far....................... With Superman 2 being the best movie of them all. Stm was great dont get me wrong, but two, with Reeve, Hackman, & Stamp was just too good. I give Batman Returns the nod however over Batman.