True Batman vs. Superman battle



Batman Begins is banned from this comparison, as that shall be compared to Superman Returns.

Adam West Batman or George Reeves Superman (which television show was better)?

Superman IV or Batman & Robin (1997)
Superman III or Batman Forever
Superman II or Batman Returns
Superman the Movie or Batman?

Personally I give it to...

Batman & Robin series over the adventur3es of superman series, however both were great for their time.

Superman IV or B&R... They both were kind of cheesey, yet Christopher Reeve is still far better as Supes than Clooney as Batman, so Quest for Peace takes the cake.

Superman III or BF... Both werent all that great, however I give the nod to Batman forever, seeing Superman battle a cheesy machine just didnt do it for me.

However I think the 2 first superman movie were better than the original 2 batmans. By far....................... With Superman 2 being the best movie of them all. Stm was great dont get me wrong, but two, with Reeve, Hackman, & Stamp was just too good. I give Batman Returns the nod however over Batman.

:supes: :supes: :supes:

Superman IV
Batman Forever
...uuum wow this part is hard...
Superman II
...uuum REALLY hard...
I would like to say a TIE:) lol

as for the tv shows, I never saw those.

Superman IV or Batman & Robin (1997)

Superman IV. B&R is too awful. In fact, it's the same for me, but B&R was too awful.

Superman III or Batman Forever

Batman Forever. Still watchable and entertaining.

Superman II or Batman Returns

Both. If I have to choose I choose death.

Superman the Movie or Batman?

Both. Both are irreplaceable as models for future superhero films including Batman Begins and Superman Returns.
kalel622 said:
Batman Begins is banned from this comparison, as that shall be compared to Superman Returns.

Adam West Batman or George Reeves Superman (which television show was better)?

Superman IV or Batman & Robin (1997)
Superman III or Batman Forever
Superman II or Batman Returns
Superman the Movie or Batman?

Personally I give it to...

Batman & Robin series over the adventur3es of superman series, however both were great for their time.

Superman IV or B&R... They both were kind of cheesey, yet Christopher Reeve is still far better as Supes than Clooney as Batman, so Quest for Peace takes the cake.

Superman III or BF... Both werent all that great, however I give the nod to Batman forever, seeing Superman battle a cheesy machine just didnt do it for me.

However I think the 2 first superman movie were better than the original 2 batmans. By far....................... With Superman 2 being the best movie of them all. Stm was great dont get me wrong, but two, with Reeve, Hackman, & Stamp was just too good. I give Batman Returns the nod however over Batman.

:supes: :supes: :supes:

Interesting idea and some pretty good choices too.:up:
Superman IV, though I've never seen it.
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
I've not seen Superman 2-4, to be honest, so I'm only able to judge the first of each series (although I can't imagine that Superman 3 and 4 could be any more awful than their pairs). In that regard I give it to Superman because, while what I consider to be the campy, dated style of the Batman film ruins it (after all, what's Batman if you can't take him seriously?), camp and nostalgia could never ruin Superman. He's too damn pure, and he would play perfectly with a heroic plot even if the majority of it was pure dated campy goodness. Batman.... not so much.
Adam West's Batman

Superman IV
Batman Forever
Batman Returns
Adam West Batman Over George Reeves Superman

Batman & Robin < Superman Iv
These Movies Equally Suck But Superman Iv Was Slightly Less Sucky Since Christopher Reeve Has Something Very Rare In This World. Loyalty.
Batman Forever < Superman Iii
Theres Nothing Sader Than A Destroyed Series And Val Kilmer Replacing Michael Keaton Is Like Mark Hamill Being Replaced As Luke Skywalker In Reutrn Of The Jedi
Batman Returns > Superman Ii
Returns Richard Lester Replaces The Uncaring Richard Donner In This Sloppy Second Easily Surpassed By Tim Burton Triumph Batman Returns
Batman > Superman
Richard Donner Didnt Take The Movie Or Character As Seriously As Tim Burton Did And There Are More Classic Scenes In Batman Than Superman.

I Will Not Rate Batman Begins Vs Superman Returns Until I See The Movie.


SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE blows BATMAN out of the water, in every sense.
SUPERMAN II mops the floor with BATMAN RETURNS, which is an embarrassment of a film.
BATMAN FOREVER crushes the excuse for an idea that is SUPERMAN III.
BATMAN & ROBIN "beats" SUPERMAN IV: A QUEST FOR PEACE in an all out crapfest....someone HAD to win.

It apparently will come down to BATMAN BEGINS vs. SUPERMAN RETURNS to see which franchise is better. HOWEVER....I'm going to just give it to SUPERMAN, on the thinking that:
Both of the first two Superman films are on such a high level of film making, that was only achieved and surpassed by ONE Batman film, BATMAN BEGINS. So right off the bat, it's 2-1, with SUPERMAN RETURNS promising to be good, it could quite probably be 3-1 Superman...sorry Batman, make better movies.

***** You Judge Movies Before They Come Out Ur Opinion Doenst Matter. U Probly Worhsip ****in Superman2.
I really enjoyed the Superman and Batman TV series. I'd give the edge to the Superman series due to the fact that the material was handled better and Supes was portrayed as a true hero. As for the rest?

Batman and Robin or Superman IV? Probably a tie. Both are unwatchable.
Superman III or Batman Forever? BF is FAR superior and a lot of fun.
Superman II or Batman Returns? Superman II is much, much better.
Superman the Movie or Batman '89? Superman:TM is tops. Still gives me geek chills in many scenes.

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