Ultimate Spider-man (Gamecube)


Jun 17, 2006
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I just bought my gf a gamecube with a bunch of games, one of them happens to be Ult Spider-Man...What do you guys think of it? How are the unlockables? Who can you play as?
It was for my girlfriend. She's always wanted one, so I got her one since they're cheap (thanks to the Wii) with all of the Zelda games.
I was just curious....I'm aware you play as venom, but there are other unlockable characters...At least, that's what it says.
It's just unlockable costumes. Like symbiote Spider-man and Peter Parker. Go to any game website, Gamefaqs.com is a good one. You can find all this information on your own.
Yeah, I was curious about that because I understand there are unlockable costumes, but then characters as well...It just seems silly to give him the symbiote suit and label it as a different character.
Well, look it up yourself. You'll get a better and quicker answer.
I did....I'm just giving my opinion on it here. Like I said, it's quite dumb to label the symbiote or scarlet spider as a completely different character. I'm on here to share my opinion and hear about others....
Ultimate Spider-Man sucks. Didn't like the controls and the unlockables aren't worth what it takes to get them. They also made it that you can never finish the game 100%.
Web swinging took me a bit to adjust to...My girlfriend still really can't, lol.
You're best bet for USM, is to just find a nice sandy area and burn it like there's no tomorrow. You'll get more fun out of that than you ever will the game itself.:o
I thought it was fairly enjoyable, if not a big let down after Spider-Man 2.
It was a great game. One of the best Spidey games out there
So far it's an alright game...Nothing special, but certainly not bad.
It's a good game if you just forget about getting 100% and not worry about the unlockables. Dont let the stupidity of those 2 things get in the way of the actual game.
Beat it once or twice. It's fun but kind of redundant and has great style, graphics and amazing boss fights. But the chases are lame.

SM2 (also on Gamecube) was much better. This was still 20x better than the SM3 game (PS3 or Wii) though.
Spider-Man 2 was probably the best Spider-Man videogame ever made. Ultimate Spider-Man took the same game engine, simplified the swinging (which, however, didn't need any fixing), cel-shaded the graphics, and put Bagley on the art. It was a serious letdown, but USM is still among the top Spidey games out there. Which, in a way, is sad.
sopme of the chases are annoying e.g Electro (OMGOSH I WANTED TO SMASH THE TV)

after one play through, its done. Little replay value unless you absolutely MUST unlock all the constumes.

I didnt feel like it so now the game is collecting dust in my archives
Spider-man on the original Playstation is the best Spider-man game ever made.
Spider-Man 2 was probably the best Spider-Man videogame ever made. Ultimate Spider-Man took the same game engine, simplified the swinging (which, however, didn't need any fixing), cel-shaded the graphics, and put Bagley on the art. It was a serious letdown, but USM is still among the top Spidey games out there. Which, in a way, is sad.
I much preferred USM to SM2.
The best is a top up between Neversoft's Spider-Man on Playstation and Nintendo 64 and Treyarch's Spider-Man 2 on Gamecube, Playstation 2 and Xbox. Ultimate Spider-Man was fun and decent, but in retrospect a rental. SM1 (the movie game) was only okay that benefits greatly from the best ariel fights realized yet, but the rest of the game had a cool fight engine but was kind of dull. Neversoft's Spider-Man 2 on Playstation and Treyarch's Spider-Man 3 (all platforms) sucks badly, though. Which is too bad, because Lizard is my fav. Spidey villain and he appears in only those ones.

For old school gamers the original Spider-Man (comic book based) game on Sega Genesis was the ****. Spider-Man TAS and all the Carnage games were also decent. The SNES versions and the one on NES weren't very good though, nor was Spidey/X-Men.
Glad someone remembers the side scrolling sega genesis spider-man
I only played Spider-Man/X-Men (which sucked), and rented Separation Anxiety (which was much funner with 2 players than solo).

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