I haven't collected any of the X-books recently but I've stayed abreast by visiting this site and others. I would have to say my roster would be:
Cyclops- the leader, the proverbial golden boy of the X-men IMHO. When I think of the X-men, Cyclops has got to be there. He's got leadership skills, a powerful mutant ability and does what's right (even though right now I question his motives).
Storm- co-leader, my dear Ororo (my first X-love) is my favorite X-man. Her mutant ability is god-like and she's got a wonderful personality: warm, caring, strong and unyielding. She's got to be on my team. End of story.
Wolverine- what can I say about the old caknuckle-head, Wolvie is synonomous with the X-men. He's the anti-hero of the group but he's got the biggest heart too. His savagery, experience and abilities are needed within the X-men.
Shadowcat- Kitty is that character you just love to see. I really like the way Kitty has matured and become this iconic X-man. She brings something special to the table and even though there are other superheroes and beings that can become intangible and phase through things, no one can do it like Kitty.
Colossus- the big, strong, metal guy. Pete is so much more than a powerhouse he's got a heart of gold and genuinely wants to help people. I just like Colossus he's got a prescence that's undeniable and he's an artist. He's a keeper. Plus he and Kitty are my all time favorite X-couple.
Pixie- Don't know much about her and I haven't collected or read any of New X-men (I think I'm going to now, recommend the best arcs for me folks) Read about her on wikipedia; she sounds interesting especially after the "Quest for Magik" arc. IMO she'd be the most interesting character out of the New X-men to join Uncanny. I kind of see her being the new "Kitty Pryde".
Nightcrawler- the religious, demonic-looking teleporter. I really like Nightcrawler. I see him keeping the X-men centered and honest. Kurt is just a pleasure to see when he's in action. I think Kurt should be apart of the lineup; he's definitely apart of mine.
Jean- Now I know alot of people would like Jean to stay dead. I agree. I feel Marvel should start making deaths final. It would make consequences and regrets mean something and bring more depth overall. Jean's been resurrected to the point of complete, cerebral breakdown, but I like Jean. She's a powerful mutant and IMO every X-team needs a Psi on it. Jean is my favorite psionic mutant. IF they could bring Jean back for the last time and completely sever her connection to Phoenix in any and all ways, I'd welcome her back. She would be on my X-roster.
Well that's it; all I ask for the X-men's future is that it's written with originality, continuity and with all the elements that have made X-men, IMO, the top Marvel team book ever.