Venom tid bit (dont get excited)


Young Avenger
Sep 14, 2001
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I posted back about how my friend and his internship on spidey 3...

2 new tidbits.. but there not really much

one is that his name will be in the credits... and 2 he got to touch venoms webbing as well...

sorry.. this really isnt news that helps.. just thought it'd be interesting for you guys to know...
well if ur for real its actually kinda awesome news. cuz i was really worried venom wouldnt use webs
ya.. he wouldnt tell me anything about them.. so i wish i had more info.. just said they were different from spideys
Could you ask him different in what way? and also ask him if venom is the same body size as spidey or bigger?
well he told me before that eddie will "grow" with the sybiote on... he said bigger.. but that could mean height... or muscle mass.. dont know
Maybe Venom's webbing is just much stronger that spidey can break it apart.
well in the cartoon it was thicker i believe? this is gonna sound gross but i want it thicker.. and more like a gooey web... not as thread like as spideys (thats my hope)
That's pretty cool news. How much thicker is it? In the movies, Spideys web isn't all that thick. I'm just wondering how much bigger/thicker Venoms will be.:spidey:
Well when spidey gets the black suit he will have a fight with Sandman,and maybe the webbing can hold onto Sandman than spidey's regular webbing can.

Then when spidey does face Venom,Venom probably uses the powerful webbing on spidey,and spidey can't break free from it.Then we will probably see GG2 with his sword or knife cut spidey free from it on the 2 vs 2 battle royal.
I won't complain about that. Just happy to know it's different....:up:
GoldGoblin said:
Well when spidey gets the black suit he will have a fight with Sandman,and maybe the webbing can hold onto Sandman than spidey's regular webbing can.

Then when spidey does face Venom,Venom probably uses the powerful webbing on spidey,and spidey can't break free from it.Then we will probably see GG2 with his sword or knife cut spidey free from it on the 2 vs 2 battle royal.

I like that idea. It would be very cool to see Spidey struggling to get free from Venoms web.:spidey:
GoldGoblin said:
Well when spidey gets the black suit he will have a fight with Sandman,and maybe the webbing can hold onto Sandman than spidey's regular webbing can.

Then when spidey does face Venom,Venom probably uses the powerful webbing on spidey,and spidey can't break free from it.Then we will probably see GG2 with his sword or knife cut spidey free from it on the 2 vs 2 battle royal.
god i hope the GG never carries a knife or sword... that triton was horrible as is
spideyboy_1111 said:
god i hope the GG never carries a knife or sword... that triton was horrible as is

Yeah and it came out of nowhere!:o I remember watching that part like "Where did that come from?
spideyboy_1111 said:
he just said it was different... and not like spideys

^Maybe black webbing that comes straight from the symbiote,but no tentacle whips.
GoldGoblin said:
^Maybe black webbing that comes straight from the symbiote,but no tentacle whips.

I personally like that idea, but don't you think that may be a little hard to transfer on film, CGI wise? I mean given the fact his suit is black and unless it was always daylight, it would be hard to see.
spideyman05 said:
I personally like that idea, but don't you think that may be a little hard to transfer on film, CGI wise? I mean given the fact his suit is black and unless it was always daylight, it would be hard to see.

^Maybe there are veins on the webbing like on Venom.
GoldGoblin said:
^Maybe there are veins on the webbing like on Venom.

That would look cool too, visually. Or the speghetti wrap around like Mcfarlane did.
lol, i love how we were told "don't get excited" and yet.......we are! lol, good stuff
Anjow1060 said:
lol, i love how we were told "don't get excited" and yet.......we are! lol, good stuff

Yeah I'm probably a little too excited over this discussion.:O
lol its not much info... haha didnt think itd be 19 posts in a whole 40 min
LOL Faster posts then the "on set pic" of Spidey...Just shows the love for Venom
i just really hope hes done right :( so far none of the news has been that appealing to me ....
lol he wont... plus hes a good friend... and im probably telling to much as is.. i dont want to get him in trouble

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