Video Game Character Redesigns

I´ll check out, but beware of touching Mario... Mario is sacred! I love his moustache!
Only joking ;-p
Kind regards
This topic is in need of a Master Chief redesign.
We need a re-design of Utah from Silent Bomber
A Super Mario Redesign

OMG, Iceman, YOU'RE HILARIOUS! Oh, I could just die laughing, you're a comic genius, tell us all, when did you realize you were this funny? How can we learn to be as funny as you? :rolleyes:
Breck Drew this when he was still a mainstay here on SHH......

The influence for this thread I'm guessin', not mines...I'll find the artist later:

dude no almost-nude stuff it burns my eyes...
The Spawn said:
The influence for this thread I'm guessin', not mines...I'll find the artist later:


damn good pic though i love the series can anyone do a kewl Solid Snake?
any1 heard of ape escape?
this is a pic i did on paint not a redesign though.

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