:bat: Technology has indeed made the world a much smaller place, a global village, if you will, as news broke yesterday of Anthony Michael Hall joining the cast of Batman: The Dark Knight. Villain Watch caught wind of the possible casting mere minutes before it was revealed by L.A. Daily News. Speculation that Anthony Michael Hall is cast as Edward Nigma, aka: Riddler, appears to be true; however, dont expect to see Hall take on the persona of the Riddler until part 2 of TDK, along with several other cast members. Presumably, Edward Nigma is Lucius Fox replacement at Waynes Ind. Engineering & Prototype Dept. Edward is gradually discovering Waynes Ind. connection with Batman and begin to clash with Lucius Fox on several occasions; as Fox, suspicious of Nigma, tries to conceal that connection.
Heath Ledger, plays a new rising mastermind known as the Joker; whom attempt to unite the remaining crime syndicate, in order to return chaos back to a crime-free Gotham City, and Sal Maroni(Eric Roberts), known as the Boss to the underworld, are the established villains in Batman:TDK. To a lesser degree, yet still somewhat of an important role, Scarecrow(Cillian Murphy) whom modifies his fear gas into a more potent laughing gas that makes citizens derange and commit heinous crimes, and a younger David Cain(Nestor Carbonell Stroken Aces), a hit-man, supposedly hired by a mysterious figure to assassinate Dawes and Dent, fills the screen in supporting roles.
D.A. Harvey Dent, one of the primary characters in TDK, helps Batman and Lt. Gordon clean-up Gotham Citys underworld, as he begin to feel pressure from those of the underworld close-in on him. Dent, reportedly becomes the fame villain, Two-Face, by the movie end, leading up to the sequel.
Sources close to the production have assured us that some name dropping would be prevalent in parts of the film. Expect a quick cameo introduction(hand shake) of the Aristocrat Oswald Cobblepot, at a party for Gotham dignitaries; as well as, the naming of a certain shadowy arms smuggler called the Penguin, whos name is mentioned in a conversation between Batman and Lt. Gordon. I suspect we may glimpse the Penguin in the sequel.
Unsubstantiated rumors about the appearance of Roman Sionis, aka: Black Mask as one of the underworld bosses, abound, and then theres the likelihood that Selina Kyle name may casually be dropped in a conversation between Bruce Wayne and his trusted butler Alfred Pennyworth take it with a grain of salt. Selina Kyle is known in the Batmans lore of villains as Catwoman. Batman: The Dark Knight is schedule for release in Summer 08.
Heath Ledger, plays a new rising mastermind known as the Joker; whom attempt to unite the remaining crime syndicate, in order to return chaos back to a crime-free Gotham City, and Sal Maroni(Eric Roberts), known as the Boss to the underworld, are the established villains in Batman:TDK. To a lesser degree, yet still somewhat of an important role, Scarecrow(Cillian Murphy) whom modifies his fear gas into a more potent laughing gas that makes citizens derange and commit heinous crimes, and a younger David Cain(Nestor Carbonell Stroken Aces), a hit-man, supposedly hired by a mysterious figure to assassinate Dawes and Dent, fills the screen in supporting roles.
D.A. Harvey Dent, one of the primary characters in TDK, helps Batman and Lt. Gordon clean-up Gotham Citys underworld, as he begin to feel pressure from those of the underworld close-in on him. Dent, reportedly becomes the fame villain, Two-Face, by the movie end, leading up to the sequel.
Sources close to the production have assured us that some name dropping would be prevalent in parts of the film. Expect a quick cameo introduction(hand shake) of the Aristocrat Oswald Cobblepot, at a party for Gotham dignitaries; as well as, the naming of a certain shadowy arms smuggler called the Penguin, whos name is mentioned in a conversation between Batman and Lt. Gordon. I suspect we may glimpse the Penguin in the sequel.
Unsubstantiated rumors about the appearance of Roman Sionis, aka: Black Mask as one of the underworld bosses, abound, and then theres the likelihood that Selina Kyle name may casually be dropped in a conversation between Bruce Wayne and his trusted butler Alfred Pennyworth take it with a grain of salt. Selina Kyle is known in the Batmans lore of villains as Catwoman. Batman: The Dark Knight is schedule for release in Summer 08.