

Dec 20, 2005
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Anyone here go to Villanova? I'm going to start there in the fall and was wondering if anyone on here already goes. If so, any advice or anything?
I've taken a few courses there, and I live a few miles away from it. There's an awesome comic store down the road from the main campus
Elijya said:
I've taken a few courses there, and I live a few miles away from it. There's an awesome comic store down the road from the main campus

That is something good to know:up:

Although, I doubt I'll be spending any money on comics in college.

btw, Elijya that quote from Nextwave is great:)
if you want a beer hook-up, ask me anytime
Sounds like a college for villains. :up:
heh, can't believe that never occured to me....
DOG LIPS said:
Sounds like a college for villains. :up:

I took me way too long to figure out what you were talking about. Funny though:)
Hey Elijya, if you don't mind me asking, what town do you live in? I have cousins in the area too so I's semi-familiar with the towns around there. It's cool if you don't want to say it online or whatever, I was just wondering.
well, I currently live in Manayunk, but I grew up in Lower Merion
Elijya said:
well, I currently live in Manayunk, but I grew up in Lower Merion

Opposite direction from my cousins, but I kinda know where that is. Kinda being the operative word here.
Elijya said:
well, I currently live in Manayunk, but I grew up in Lower Merion

All these names sound like they come from some sort of mythology.
Manayunk is an Indian word which means "our place for drinking" and was what they called the Schuylkill River. Merion comes from the Welsh settlers who came here in the late 1600s
I leave this thread slightly more intelligent.
if you're gonna move to the Philly area, you'll be required to learn how to spell Schuylkill and Wissahickon, eat three bowls of Quaker oats for breakfast, and a cheesesteak for lunch. You also must make a living sacrifice every month when to the moon is at its highest to our God, Benjamin Franklin

oh, and also, anything with the word "Friends" in it (as in, Friends Religious Society, Friend's Central School, Friendly's, etc), "friends" is code for an S&M club. Just FYI.
I'd just pay visit for the cheesesteaks.:up:
Elijya said:
oh, and also, anything with the word "Friends" in it (as in, Friends Religious Society, Friend's Central School, Friendly's, etc), "friends" is code for an S&M club. Just FYI.

Those kinky Quakers.

I'm also going to go to college in PA, though more north, by Harrisburg.
Watchman lives around there, near Penn State

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