Voice Actors needed for my Animated Spidey movie..

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No Way as Way
May 4, 2000
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Hey folks-

You folks may have seen my postings of both of my Spider-Man scripts. In addition, I've been working on doing an animated film based on my first script, and I need voice actors to perform the roles.

You'll find my first script here:


What I need is for folks interested in doing the character voices to e-mail me Wave or mp3 files of themselves performing lines of the characters. Pretty much all newer systems have some capacity for recording sound. I'm not terribly concerned that the sound quality be fantastic, just clear.

As a suggestion to those interested, definitely read for more than one role. I'm especially looking for female performers for the roles. Right now as I'm starting to do the animation, I'm making the sound files to work on syncing the dialogue. And believe me, performing the female character lines is creeping me out ;)

Below, I've posted some images of the CG characters from the film.



Aunt May

Uncle Ben


Mary Jane
More Characters:



Big Man

The Shocker

The Vulture


The Green Goblin
Still more characters:

Captain Stacy

Norman Osborn

Jonah Jameson

Robbie Robertson

Curt Connors

Flash Thompson
My mic is out, but if I get a new one in or have extra time to do a bit of recording in Broadcasting class, I'll bite.
I want in on this also! With a naturally deep voice, I'm aiming for the villains plus a couple of the supporting roles.
Thanks for the interest folks. To make it easier. my e-mail is

[email protected]

If you have any questions or problems that I can help with let me know.
MarvelMovies said:

I think the link in the first post needs fixing..

Has the whole "..." thing going on..

Hmmm... I tried to type the correct link to the script for you, and it was changed to the exact wording as Dragon has posted. And, if you follow that link, you get the "lost" page. For some reason, a title search won't work either. :confused:
Sorry for the mix up- this link should work:


It's funny, but when posting Hype's hack seems to abbreviate the link. But the above link appears to be working as I've successfuly reached the script from numerous attempts. If you can't reach it, copy and paste this full address:

That link works. But, I don't see what you changed, Dragon. Oh well. As long as it works. BTW, if you search by title, you have to type, "Amazing Spider-Man, The" :rolleyes: ;)
Dragon said:
Sorry for the mix up- this link should work:


It's funny, but when posting Hype's hack seems to abbreviate the link. But the above link appears to be working as I've successfuly reached the script from numerous attempts. If you can't reach it, copy and paste this full address:


That's exactly what happened to me when I tried to post the above link.
Marjorie said:
That link works. But, I don't see what you changed, Dragon. Oh well. As long as it works. BTW, if you search by title, you have to type, "Amazing Spider-Man, The" :rolleyes: ;)

I don't know either- maybe just in that it's fresh :confused: But thanks for helping to straighten it out. You're the best ;)
One suggestion to folks reading for the villains, particularly the Goblin- try not to get too "cartoony" with his voice. Actors seem to play roles like that in a an over-the-top manner (See the Batman films post Joker). But I'd rather the villains be more sinister than manic.
No Doc Ock? :mad:

*Walks away in disgust*
Doc Ock said:
No Doc Ock? :mad:

*Walks away in disgust*

Doc Ock is the next movie..

But maybe just for you, I'll put an Ock character together.. ;)
Most of the voice actors from the 90's cartoon were good so use a couple of them for your series

Man I wish I had a way to participate. I was born to play the green guy I tell ya. :D

Dragon, you're creating all of this on your computer? Can't wait to see it.
Silver Sable said:
Most of the voice actors from the 90's cartoon were good so use a couple of them for your series

Uh.. That's debatble.. ;) But- As they're professional voice actors they'd be expecting money for doing the roles, which I have none to pay, since this project is both about fun and about perfecting my directing skills. Anyway, feel free to read for some of the roles yourself.

The Green Goblin said:

Man I wish I had a way to participate. I was born to play the green guy I tell ya.

Dragon, you're creating all of this on your computer? Can't wait to see it.

Yeah, GG it's all CGI. I'll be posting pics of the progress. I'd love for you to read for Norman/The Goblin. Like I said, it's fairly easy making a wave file. Just use Windows Sound Recorder and a cheap mic.

Nightwing: Endgame said:
i'll see if i cant record some lines for peter/spidey tonight!

Sounds great, looking forward to getting it.
those models are KICK ASS! but why does you spideys spider only have 4 legs?
SpideyLad said:
those models are KICK ASS! but why does you spideys spider only have 4 legs?

Glad you like 'em. The spider has eight legs but they are close together. For the final rendering I'm going to make the spider look more like the movie design.
Just curious, what program are you using for all of this? They look good.

Also, I may drop you an e-mail with some lines later (if I can).
Dragon said:
Yeah, GG it's all CGI. I'll be posting pics of the progress. I'd love for you to read for Norman/The Goblin. Like I said, it's fairly easy making a wave file. Just use Windows Sound Recorder and a cheap mic.

Alright, I'll play around with it and send ya what I come up with.
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