Watchmen Teaser

Max Doobermin

Jan 3, 2008
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A lot of the bigger movies release teasers up to a year before their release.

When do you think the teaser will be released? With which movie? And what do you think will be in the teaser?

I don't know if i think footage will be in the teaser. On the one hand, if you show exciting and intriguing scenes, it will bring in the uninitiated. On the other hand, perhaps the teaser could be more intriguing with just a voice over and some non-movie footage.

Either way, I think the teaser will debut with The Dark Knight. That makes the most sense to me.
A lot of the bigger movies release teasers up to a year before their release.

When do you think the teaser will be released? With which movie? And what do you think will be in the teaser?

I don't know if i think footage will be in the teaser. On the one hand, if you show exciting and intriguing scenes, it will bring in the uninitiated. On the other hand, perhaps the teaser could be more intriguing with just a voice over and some non-movie footage.

Either way, I think the teaser will debut with The Dark Knight. That makes the most sense to me.
I'm not sure if the teaser will be in front of TDK, but something will, natch. I hope we can expect one in like 2 months, or at least a picture of the title characters. They gotta do this like TDK and have a really long buildup.
Honestly I see no reason for this movie to have a teaser before TDK.
Either way, I think the teaser will debut with The Dark Knight. That makes the most sense to me.

They could have the teaser with TDK then show some actual footage at Comic Con'09 a few weeks later. Harry Potter 6 is released in November for the full trailer.

It would be great if WB had one for 10,000 BC. Drop Zack Snyder's name and have the most ****ed up finished footage briefly shown. 03.06.09.
I think we'll get a teaser in either the Summer or December.
I think we'll get a teaser in either the Summer or December.
Summer sounds right for a teaser. December is pretty late. That only leaves three months for the movie. A trailer usually comes out a few months before a movie. 3-6 months I'd say is average. If there is a teaser, and I think there will be with this movie, it usually comes out 8 months to a year prior to release.
Summer sounds right for a teaser. December is pretty late. That only leaves three months for the movie. A trailer usually comes out a few months before a movie. 3-6 months I'd say is average. If there is a teaser, and I think there will be with this movie, it usually comes out 8 months to a year prior to release.

Agreed. Didn't the TDK teaser come out in July -- i.e. a full year before the premiere date?

Regardless, there can be no doubt that footage will be shown at comic-con... The Watchmen panel was pretty damn underwhelming. Not to blame them Snyder or Ackerman or J. Earle-Haley, for obvious reasons (they had just been cast). Snyder showed up with a confirmed cast, only to have it leaked a few days beforehand. Not that it would have made much of a difference, since geeks didn't know the name Jeffrey Dean Morgan before said leak.

Anyway, there will be footage this summer, at Comic Con. And since Snyder doesn't strike me as the kind if guy who will ape Chris Nolan's gestapo tactics, I imagine that something will be available to the general public.

My guess is: teaser trailer in summer (before TDK, if WB has a lick of sense in their heads) -- and something more involved than the bat-logo-with-dialogue treatment... You know, with, like, footage.
My guess it that they'll have something ready by May.

Agreed. Didn't the TDK teaser come out in July -- i.e. a full year before the premiere date?

Regardless, there can be no doubt that footage will be shown at comic-con... The Watchmen panel was pretty damn underwhelming. Not to blame them Snyder or Ackerman or J. Earle-Haley, for obvious reasons (they had just been cast). Snyder showed up with a confirmed cast, only to have it leaked a few days beforehand. Not that it would have made much of a difference, since geeks didn't know the name Jeffrey Dean Morgan before said leak.

Anyway, there will be footage this summer, at Comic Con. And since Snyder doesn't strike me as the kind if guy who will ape Chris Nolan's gestapo tactics, I imagine that something will be available to the general public.

My guess is: teaser trailer in summer (before TDK, if WB has a lick of sense in their heads) -- and something more involved than the bat-logo-with-dialogue treatment... You know, with, like, footage.
Yeah, Snyder is a bit of a nerd himself it seems. I think he is the kinda guy who will be proud to show everything he has whenever they will let him. So i expect to have a good teaser, and i expect they will show footage or full costumes or something at comic-con. I think he's big on "pleasing the fans." At least, he appears that way.
Well, wheter or not it's a debut, we can expect something in front of tdk because its such a HUGE release. ANyhow, when did the 300 teaser show up?
We'll get a teaser this summer. The smartest thing, as everyone else has stated, would be to place it before The Dark Knight since it appears to be the most mature of the comic book blockbusters coming out.
I meant it doesn't need to be released BEFORE it can be released with TDK.

It should come with TDK.
Ohh. Okay. Just a miscommunication. =) Looked like you meant before, as in in front of. But you meant before as in any time prior to July 18th. Gotcha =D :hoboj:
They showed a watchmen teaser trailer in front of a few select showings of 300 when it came was basically just the movie title and "coming 2009"...i know because i saw it.
They showed a watchmen teaser trailer in front of a few select showings of 300 when it came was basically just the movie title and "coming 2009"...i know because i saw it.

WTF? Not that it's too exciting... I had never heard of that.
yea..i was surprised...i got excited and told my g/f about it and what the book was about and how excited i was...i wasn't a member on these boards then so thats why i never said anything b4
Cool... if you're right. :yay:

So did that teaser reveal anything about the style? Logo? Any music?
the music was minimal, kinda low and moody but with a hint of like something climactic would happen...there wasn't really anything else it sets or city streets or anything..just the title...tho its been so long i can't really recall exactly how it looks tho i do remember it wasn't too different than the simple text they used for the cover of the book...if that makes sense to you..again keep in mind this was over a year ago i saw this and i never saw it again in front of any other movies..thats why it took me by such surprise
Ok, thanx. Actually I didn't imagine them using traditional orchestral music for a teaser, but I reckon they're doing another teaser for the actual movie, but still minimalistic.
hmm. I never heard of that. Interesting. I mean, I know he was signed on to do it before 300 was released, but I never heard of any sort of teaser being shown before 300.
Working on something now.

cant take all the credit, all i did was just put together all the video.

if you have seen the mindscape of AM you might know how i got the stuff.

it also has bad equality, should be up before 8
Its less than a week until theres only a year left until the movie...that teaser clock's a tickin'

and my lameness level is a risin'

and i need to stop usin' apastr'phies

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