Gotenks said:Omega and corinthian argue in here!
SSJ4_Mikael said:Why do we need less of them? - It is the most sold series of all time.
Oerwinde said:DBZ in a nutshell
Goku powers up for 19 episodes while staring down opponent. Meanwhile Piccolo powers up for 14 episodes then blows up the moon. Goku unleashes crazy blast of energy, defeating opponent only for someone else with "Power levels off the scale!" to show up. Repeat.
Seriously... they need a new scale if everyone has power levels that exceed the limits of the scale.
Mr Sparkle said:don't want to open my browser and see
" shinji vs. high unemployment rates (republican senate)"
"Eva Vs Eva (no powers allowed) who wins?"
"Shinji (pre-evangelion) and perfect-pen pen Vs MAgneto and Wolverine"
"Rei with Moral Support from Ash Katchem Vs Archie and friends"
Mr Sparkle said:because they suck, and it's the same thing over and over and over like and endless circle of crap.
"hey do you believe that Goku could beat the deficit with market prices stable and low interest rates in place?"
"of course he could he could destroy a planet with his little finger LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO"
holy mother of crap! and then this, it's the most "sold"series of all time?
so what? there's tons of other anime out there, instead of talking over and over about how Goku can get to the chewy center of a tutsi pop in one lick you should be seeing some of the other THOUSANDS of great shows out there and making threads about them. I liked evangelion but there's a thread where we talk about it.
I don't want to open my browser and see
" shinji vs. high unemployment rates (republican senate)"
"Eva Vs Eva (no powers allowed) who wins?"
"Shinji (pre-evangelion) and perfect-pen pen Vs MAgneto and Wolverine"
"Rei with Moral Support from Ash Katchem Vs Archie and friends"
it get's old, like, really quick, and not only that, there's no point because once in the thread everyone is like "well (insert DBZ character) is super-mega-powerful so no one could beat him"you would think that would be the end of that, but it goes on for page after page after page, untill your ready to gouge out your eyes with a spork.
in closing....DBZ= Suxxorz
clear enough?
Oerwinde said:DBZ in a nutshell
Goku powers up for 19 episodes while staring down opponent. Meanwhile Piccolo powers up for 14 episodes then blows up the moon. Goku unleashes crazy blast of energy, defeating opponent only for someone else with "Power levels off the scale!" to show up. Repeat.
Seriously... they need a new scale if everyone has power levels that exceed the limits of the scale.
Jplaya2023 said:every other anime besides DBZ is hot garbage with the exception of the naruto manga.
In short shuddup and accept DBZ being the GOAT
Mr Sparkle said:LOL, you know it's always funny when people who is quite obvious, know nothing about anime, except for DBZ (sic) and Naruto (double sic) come in and say something Idiotic like my friend Jplaya2023.
I hope to god you're not over 11 because if you are, well, I'm kind of sorry for you.
you can go ahead and be all "Jplaya" about it, if you like, but it won't take away from the fact that out of a vast sea of anime DBZ is the plancton that feeds the bigger fish.
but don't get too ashamed bro, I have heard people enjoy Larry the Cable guy a lot, and think that he is "the funniest there is" I guess some people can't be blamed because like you, the poor things don't know any better.
at least you can rest easy in the fact that your kind makes me laugh because it would like going into a misc. comics thread and saying something like
"squirrel girl is the best comic character ever created...period"
you can see how the poor individual (who is probably nursing a bad learning disability) could be seen with some derision by those who know much more about the subject than him. but I choose the other approach, the understanding that this poor sap CAN'T do any better, no matter how much he tries, he has reached the pinnacle of his rather short lived evolution. I don't blame you son, I blame society. because afterall you are a product of it, and a fine example of how bad it is doing.
But the culprit lies somewhere out there in the vast, where Yugi-oh t-shirts are worn without Irony, and the phrase "goku is the **** yo!"
is almost like some sort of holy invocation for all else to bow before the mighty god of those too ignorant to know any better. don't worry, I know all of this is going over your head my good man,and I need to put this in words that you might better comprehend without extinguishing the few remaining synapses your overtaxed brain is able to fire, so In closing I'll say this:
"Play on playa! that DBZ **** is the illest!"
and may god have mercy on your soul.
Jplaya2023 said:*didnt read a single word*
you mad?
Mr Sparkle said:Jplaya ladies and gentlemen.....give him a hand
Jplaya2023 said:you didnt answer my question