- the book will explore how strong this Superman is, and where his jurisdiction begins and ends. The book will also "tackle his love life."
- Volume 2 will have "sex and violence." "Romance and adventure have always been two strong aspects of the character," he said. "This will still be PG-13. It won't be too much. But we are trying to make it more modern."
- Pages were shown where Superman is stopping a tsunami. Shane said the page was being drawn before the tsunami recently hit Japan, just so fans know it wasn't influenced by that event. Superman is confronted by a dictator who wants him to leave, and tells Superman that he will sever an arm off one of his citizens every hour until Superman leaves. Superman has a tough decision to make, and he knows the world will turn against him if he takes out the dictator -- so he ends up flying away.
"Everyone walks away from conflicts and wonders what you could have done or should have done," Davis said. "That will come into play later in the book.
- Parasite drops down into New York and grows into a size that is bigger than Doomsday. He said Parasite won't be a glutton as much as power hungry. He said it's like an addiction to power. "We took everything in Earth One down to its lowest common denominator, and built it up from there," he said. "It's still true to the character's basics, but it's different."
- There are three giant fight scenes with Parasite in the book.
- Davis said Clark's article that gave him a leg up in the Daily Planet will give him a lot of problems in the second volume.