We've found our first Skrull


Guru for Geeks
Apr 17, 2003
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Reed Richards.

Either that or Namor and T'Challa were advanced LMD's.
That would explain the two different stories for support Civil War - he was lying.
so the reed that got pounded was a skrull? dammit I really wanted to see that pompus bastard get his. That was the bright point of WWH for me.
Stupid skrulls.
The latest issue of the FF is what decided it for me.

I have NEVER IN ALL MY READING OF THE FF seen Reed act and respond this way.
The latest issue of the FF is what decided it for me.

I have NEVER IN ALL MY READING OF THE FF seen Reed act and respond this way.
I suspected it during Civil War. Nothing confirmed it, but I had a hunch. I still think Cap and Tony might be one too.
The latest issue of the FF is what decided it for me.

I have NEVER IN ALL MY READING OF THE FF seen Reed act and respond this way.

What happened?

Cap and Tony aren't Skrulls, either. People need to get over it.

Message boards; the only places where opinions are wrong.

Marvel has outright SAID that neither character will be revealed as a Skrull. I have personally spoken with Jim McCann of Marvel. According to him, Steve Rogers is still dead as of a year from now. This is Marvel, not the Bush administration. They don't lie about **** then claim they never said it.
The latest issue of the FF is what decided it for me.

I have NEVER IN ALL MY READING OF THE FF seen Reed act and respond this way.

Wrong. The last time Reed acted oddly was when a Skrull took his place.

Revenge of the cow!!
how is he acting oddly? is he behaving like a modest likable human being?
I havent seen Reed Act this weird since Fantastic Four #2.

Continuity ftw ahaha
I'm sorry, but what was the point of this thread? Aren't there multiple discussions on this topic already?

And the first Skrull to be revealed was Elektra. Followed by Black Bolt.
I'm sorry, but what was the point of this thread? Aren't there multiple discussions on this topic already?

And the first Skrull to be revealed was Elektra. Followed by Black Bolt.


No that was "exposed".
And done by sumbody gutting her.

But you seriously have to ask the point of discussing REED Richards?
By saying that there are multiples on this already?
What multiples? Please name the THREAD that has skrull in the title and puts a case up that REED is one?

I'm saying you could have posted your thoughts in any of the Skrull related threads that are already out there instead of creating yet another one that's based purely on speculation.
I'm saying you could have posted your thoughts in any of the Skrull related threads that are already out there instead of creating yet another one that's based purely on speculation.


Agreeing to disagree since the only Skrull spec thread I know that even considered for a second that Reed was a skrull was started in May or June and I've not seen it since.

Did the Mods say that they had space restrictions or were limited in how many threads they could start?

I ask because there are an awful lot of people concerned as to whether a topic has already an open thread on it with folk bickering as to whether it's redundant or not.

If you chose to be anal, you could say that ANY thread started about the 616 marvel universe is redundant because SOMEWHERE on that dimension the other characters are their doing their own thing.

Redundant for me is a thread with the same title talking about the same specific character on the same subject - like 4 or 5 threads on Cyclops and his Eyebeams.

Redundant for others is more than one thread for the Xmen, or thor, or the hulk,... Or it could be more than one thread on House of M, or the Clone wars, or messiah complex,... even though ALL of these things could have multiple facets that would never run out of word fodder.

If you chose to be anal, you could say that ANY thread started about the 616 marvel universe is redundant because SOMEWHERE on that dimension the other characters are their doing their own thing.

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

Redundant for me is a thread with the same title talking about the same specific character on the same subject - like 4 or 5 threads on Cyclops and his Eyebeams.

But not 4 or 5 threads about Skrulls or the Secret Invasion?
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.

But not 4 or 5 threads about Skrulls or the Secret Invasion?

they could have at least ten different threads on different facets of Skrulls and their "Secret Invasion"

Plenty to type about.

Tigra would be saved as a character if they make her a skrull,.. She's been everybodies B**** in four or five titles now.

And it should have it's own thread, tearing apart how Greer could so easily Spy for the SHRA when her own creation into Tigra was all about that kind of betrayal, how someone who goes for "real men" could go for Pym, How someone strong enough to fight off the effect of the totem/ritual/magic that gave her her stripes could be easily made into a luv slave by the puppet dude, how someone who can bench a ton and get up after taking punishment that would cripple anyone else could be pistol whipped by a normal with invisability?

But,.... this thread is about Richards.

No... it'll be a different example of poor writing...But I sure did love that panel: VREEEEE ..paf! ...headless Namor. I've waited a long time to see Reed do that.

But no, as stupidly illogical as it is... Bendis wrote that Skrulls had RR prisoner and then released him... something that just defies logic. (like MOST of his ridiculous plotting)

Reed must've detected that Namor's Doombotism.
Technically Elektra ws the first skrull.
So, if Reed is indeed a skrull, when do you think he was replaced with one?
This is another "Varient doesn't like it, therefore it needs to be retconned" threads.

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