Playstation 3 is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Zenien = Timstuff: Megaton of the century.
To be serious they absolutely should not kill off the PS2. It's making them a tremendous amount of money and dulling the losses from the PS3, along with the success of the PSP. They need to get the price down, obviously, but I think that the $399 $499 will be a good buying point for, well last quarter 08 even (maybe). But the real problem for them right now is that their first parties aren't delivering the goods, period. Now the first parties have had their arms tied by the high price of the PS3, but at the same time they haven't provided Sony with a mainstream commercial "MUST HAVE" title to really drive enthusiasm. They have a lot of decent to good games out and 1 or 2 great games, but they haven't been able to capture mainstream appeal with them to generate momentum for the platform, high price or not. Where's the Halo 3, the Mass Effect? Sony essentially has Ratchet and Uncharted this Christmas, and while both are quality titles (and Uncharted might be AAA), the marketing, and even the way Sony PR has handled the reveals of these titles dating back to last year, has been awful. This whole "Show the players some little stuff when the game is supper early, thus can be torn apart in the internet and the gaming journalism side, then keep everyone in the dark then suddenly release some videos online to counteract all the more negative impressions from long instilled beliefs about the project from early incomplete work" doesn't work.
Finally there's a problem with Sony's head of Software, Phil Harrison. He's made some great decisions through his tenure, and the only reason I lay blame at his feat now is that ultimate responsibility lays with him when it comes to the software side of Sony. There's no telling how much his hands have been tied by Kuturagi (who called all the shots prior to his departure), but needless to say, having something like Lair (which Kuturagi allegedly pushed at the expense of exclusivity for AC and other third party projects) is unforgivable from a first party published effort. In transitioning from the era of Ken K, I think Phil Harrison has shown an admirable direction for software (which is a very social one with things like Singstar, Home, Eyetoy), but he has to realize that Sony, developmentally, has a ton of development efforts that aren't being fruitful, and he has a lot of work to do within SCEEWWS if he wants to get the software side operating across the board at a level that the PS3 needs it to be at. They have the biggest internal development force in the world, don't let some random studio output crappy PSP JRPGs when you could have them be making GOOD PSP JRPGS. Don't sign a spotty developer like Factor 5 to an expensive million million million dollar deal for 3 games that you have to fund and lose money on.
I think I had a point.... but I'm tired... night.