Guardians of the Galaxy What Do You Wanna See?


C'mon Son
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Self explanatory title

-More Thanos
-More on each of the Guardian's background
-Possibly an allusion to Rick Rider or Sam Alexander

That's all I can think of right now
I'd love to see Mar-Vell and Adam Warlock being introduced in dealing with the Thanos problem. Mar-Vell can also be used to set up a future Ms.Marvel film when GotG and Avengers crossover. Mar-Vell can be a casualty of Thanos in Avengers 3.
Mar-vel could be introduced as a Kree reaction to Ronan. Mar-vel could serve as like a peace ambassador to make up for Ronan's actions.

I would love for Rider to appear, but IMO it would be hard to get a full background on the character without taking away from Quill's uniqueness in the film. Starlord serves as the lone human (though he's only half) in that Farscape kind of way. I would prefer for the GotG to find a Nova Corpsman on their travels who has the last name Rider, without ever explaining what race he is. He could have experienced something that makes him important enough to keep around the Guardians instead of just hanging around the other Novas.

I would also like to see the Nova force in some aspect, even if the powers are greatly reduced from what we are used to.

I would also like to see the Guardians continue to be basically thieves and bounty hunters, but focusing on anyone and anything related to Thanos (Robin Hood style).

Further glimpses of the Marvel Cosmic universe is a must. It would be great to even just get a fly-by of characters like Ego.

We also need a soundtrack of equal greatness, and just more Nebula (the two best things about Guardians of the Galaxy).
Mantis, Bug, Cosmo.

Cosmo vs Rocket.
I wouldnt mind seeing them with costumes. They wore the Ravagers gear for the climax, but I wouldnt mind the dark blue from the concept art. Gamora and Drax were wearing it at the end of the first movie I think
I wouldnt mind seeing them with costumes. They wore the Ravagers gear for the climax, but I wouldnt mind the dark blue from the concept art. Gamora and Drax were wearing it at the end of the first movie I think
Drax and Rocket were wearing the Nova Corps blue gear. I think Gamora was wearing black while Quill was still in his original attire.
I'd like to see Bryan Cranston as Peter Quill's dad

And a side by side comparison
I'm good with all the above, and I also want more Howard the Duck.

No this is not a joke post. :o
The Misadventures of Cosmo and Howard the Duck.
Warlock! Introducing Mar-vell is also a must if we ever want a Ms. Marvel movie
I'd definitely love to see Mar-Vell as well.
Yeah, I'm hoping Gunn grew up liking Mar-Vell and would like to include him in the GotG sequel. He'd be a good cool character to have as a casualty to Thanos and have for the Danvers origin.
* More substantial connectivity with the rest of the MCU
* Ms. Marvel
* More of Nova Prime, Rhomann Dey, and The Collector
I'd say a few years have passed. The film starts with Thanos taking the Aether from the Collector. The Guardians are called upon urgently by The Collector. He is deeply concerned about Thanos having stolen the Aether, the Tesseract (seen in Thor 3?), and the Time Stone (seen in Captain America 3?). He is aware of the cocoon in his collection that hatched when it was destroyed. He tells them the story about the entity calling himself Magus who has an infinity stone jammed in his forehead.

Magus has been leading the Universal Church of Truth for the last couple years. Thanos is also aware of this entity and is en route. In the ensuing mayhem, the Soul Stone is removed from Magus's possession. Eventually he joins the guardians for a final battle against Thanos and his minions.

By the end of the film Thanos has collected nearly all of the Infinity Stones, setting up Avengers 3 and the giant cosmic crossover. By making Thanos, the head villain, crush the heroes in 3+ films before the finale in Avengers 3 we can see him as the threat he deserves to be.
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-more Thanos, along with Mistress Death.

-EDIT: Forget about Adam Warlock.

-A cosmic powered being able to fly through space under their own steam like Mar-Vell, a Nova Centurion [be it Rich Rider or someone else], Quasar ;) would be great [shame that Marvel dont have the cinematic rights to the Silver Surfer or any other Galactus herald, for that matter. Hell, Galactus in general].

-J'son of Spartax. Maybe Nathan Fillion will get to appear in GoTG in non-CG form?

-More Kree such as the Supreme Intelligence and the Imperial Guard [Gladiator especially].
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D'oh, yeah. It would be funny though if Fox had the Shi'ar and Marvel had the Spartoi, given that the two are related.
1. Phylla-Vell as a new addition to the team who'll continue to flesh out Kree society and culture.

2. Adam Warlock, Magus and the Universal Church of Truth being related to the main plot.

3. J'Son of Spartax being part of a subplot.
- Adam Warlock
- More on Gamora's traumatic history with Thanos, and her relationship with Nebula
- Adam Warlock
- Cosmo the Space Dog, now with a speaking role
- Maybe delve more into the faux-paternal relationship Quill has with Yondu
- Adam Warlock
-Moondragon (as Drax's daughter). That'd give him some interesting character stuff to play with.
-Phyla-veil as a new ally/member (and don't you dare chicken out with her and Moondragon's relationship Marvel. Don't you do it.)
-More development of the Nova Corps.
-Adam Warlock.
-More development of the Gamora/Nebula dynamic, her relationship with Star Lord, and her backstory with Thanos.
-J'Son of Spartax meeting his son.
-More of Yondu and the Ravagers.
-Carol Danvers.
- Adam Warlock
- More on Gamora's traumatic history with Thanos, and her relationship with Nebula
- Adam Warlock
- Cosmo the Space Dog, now with a speaking role
- Maybe delve more into the faux-paternal relationship Quill has with Yondu
- Adam Warlock

Pfft. Cant beleive you didnt include Adam Warlock in there somewhere. :argh:
A meaty continuation of the complex family dynamic that is Nebula, Gamora and Thanos.

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