What happened to the Wolvie and Rogue's relationship??

Sentinel X

optical illusion
Apr 30, 2005
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They had such a strong relationship in the first one....Like a 'Ill look up for you and you look out for me' thing.
In the 2nd the relationship wasnt really there.Im happy in
the 3rd at least you can see some talk between logan and
rogue...but when Rugue said she was going Logan didnt
seem concerned at all he basically just like 'You should think
about what your doing....oh well...Im gonna get some pizza.
Later...have fun'
Im just wondering where the relationship went...they act like
they were just aquianted to each other. Logan met Rogue before Jean, he stayed at the X-mansion because of her..so whats going on?
Sentinel X said:
They had such a strong relationship in the first one....Like a 'Ill look up for you and you look out for me' thing.
In the 2nd the relationship wasnt really there.Im happy in
the 3rd at least you can see some talk between logan and
rogue...but when Rugue said she was going Logan didnt
seem concerned at all he basically just like 'You should think
about what your doing....oh well...Im gonna get some pizza.
Later...have fun'
Im just wondering where the relationship went...they act like
they were just aquianted to each other. Logan met Rogue before Jean, he stayed at the X-mansion because of her..so whats going on?
they never had any real kinda realtionship like that in the comics, Its completely stupid and totally Fabricated, thank GOD they glanced over Singer's CRAP from x1 & x2
At least they have a scene together.Oh wait thats more Logan screentime.:down
I saw there relationship there in the second one. Wolverine was worried about Rogue and helped her many times. He fought off those guards for her. I like the relationship that they have as well.
RobinluvsBabs said:
they never had any real kinda realtionship like that in the comics, Its completely stupid and totally Fabricated, thank GOD they glanced over Singer's CRAP from x1 & x2
Actually thats one of the things Singer added that was great imo!It showed the nicer side of wolvie...and it doesnt go cliche because it does a father/daughter like relationship.I wish they had more of it
Retroman said:
At least they have a scene together.Oh wait thats more Logan screentime.:down

hey... its not Logan who will have all the screentime... its... ;) Jean/Phoenix. Her screentime is actually much larger than Mangeto's and Logan's.
Sentinel X said:
Actually thats one of the things Singer added that was great imo!It showed the nicer side of wolvie...and it doesnt go cliche because it does a father/daughter like relationship.I wish they had more of it
Wolverine never liked rogue like that, he liked Jean & jubilee, like that, but that idiot singer put rouge in theyre places!
RobinluvsBabs said:
Wolverine never liked rogue like that, he liked Jean & jubilee, like that, but that idiot singer put rouge in theyre places!
Yeah it would be sooo cool if it was Jubilee rather than Rogue...I would love that :up:
But I dont mind it being with Rogue.If you think about it Rogue is actually really good for this because her not being able to touch without killing causes people to have so much more pity for her and we get to know the downsides of being a mutie
DarknessOfDeath said:
hey... its not Logan who will have all the screentime... its... ;) Jean/Phoenix. Her screentime is actually much larger than Mangeto's and Logan's.

That's cool. Either way I like Mangeto&Wolverine there both awesome characters. Jean&Storm are cool too :)
I wish every thread didn't turn into a freakin Wolverine bashing thread, it does get irrating after a couple of threads :down
RobinluvsBabs said:
they never had any real kinda realtionship like that in the comics, Its completely stupid and totally Fabricated, thank GOD they glanced over Singer's CRAP from x1 & x2

Actually, Wolverine and Rogue share very similar moments in the comics (and is hardly crap), but not to the extent in which X-Men portrayed it--Rogue was much less dependent upon Wolverine in X2 (if at all), which seemed to be her branching out and becoming emotionally stronger as she eventually did in the comics--X3 seems to have kind of degenerated that "stronger in the acceptance of her powers" Rogue a bit . . . well, a lot actually, if she caves in and settles for being cured--kind of a whole new bunch of "crap" by your standards.
Creepy as hell how many posters think these two characters have some kind of romantic relationship. More like father and daughter. In the previews it looked like Logan was a concerned parent, pissed that she was going to put herself in danger but realizing it is her decision to make. Rogue isn't the kid she was in the first film. As to the cure, it was her personal decision to make. How could anyone fault her for choosing to live a life with physical love over one of sucking life energy? Is she going to play superhero all her life and fight bad guys as a career? Get real people.
RonStoppablefan said:
I wish every thread didn't turn into a freakin Wolverine bashing thread, it does get irrating after a couple of threads :down
yeah true......and its not like hes a horrible character in the movies....
HeroLover said:
Creepy as hell how many posters think these two characters have some kind of romantic relationship. More like father and daughter. In the previews it looked like Logan was a concerned parent, pissed that she was going to put herself in danger but realizing it is her decision to make. Rogue isn't the kid she was in the first film. As to the cure, it was her personal decision to make. How could anyone fault her for choosing to live a life with physical love over one of sucking life energy? Is she going to play superhero all her life and fight bad guys as a career? Get real people.

LOL I didn't say romantic relationship. I like how its father/daughter type, that's what I meant :up:
logan and rogue is logan and kitty ( in the comics) in the comics logan and rogue never had a close relationship.
xwolverine2 said:
yeah true......and its not like hes a horrible character in the movies....

Yes, very true. He's not a horrble character in the movies at all, course some may argue with that opinion but I don't think he was any ways.
HeroLover said:
Creepy as hell how many posters think these two characters have some kind of romantic relationship. More like father and daughter. In the previews it looked like Logan was a concerned parent, pissed that she was going to put herself in danger but realizing it is her decision to make. Rogue isn't the kid she was in the first film. As to the cure, it was her personal decision to make. How could anyone fault her for choosing to live a life with physical love over one of sucking life energy? Is she going to play superhero all her life and fight bad guys as a career? Get real people.
I didnt say its wrong if she wants to get cured...but, Wolvie doesnt really seem to give a damn, hes basically like 'okay make a choice...bye b!tch

Yes, very true. He's not a horrble character in the movies at all, course some may argue with that opinion but I don't think he was any ways.
Thats exactly why people have a problem...hes great,the others arent...since hes already great he needs to stop sucking up the running time, hes already getting his own film

...I sort of agree but Im glad they didnt cut him off like operation:Cyclops treatment in X2
sebaa said:
logan and rogue is logan and kitty ( in the comics) in the comics logan and rogue never had a close relationship.

Actually in the comics, it's moreso Logan and Jubilee who have the father-daughter relationship . . . Logan and Kitty had somewhat of a close relationship in the comics, but not quite adressed to the extent of Logan and Jubilee. After Kitty is introduced, she kind of goes off on her own getting along with all of the X-Men. If anything, Kitty was close to Storm with a mother-daughter relationship.
I think that in the movieverse, it was a mistake to make Rogue be in a close bonded relationship with Wolverine instead of Jubilee. It gave Rogue more of a drama role instead of an action one, and it also limited her powers greatly. Also, if it were Jubilee who met and got along with Wolverine like a daughter, the young female character would have been more useful in the battles throughout the movies. Jubilee wouldn't have just sat on the sidelines like Rogue does in the movies, because Jubilee actually has ranged offense and defense powers without having to run up and put herself in danger by grabbing someone. It's a shame Rogue had lame powers that were 'cured' by the third film, and also that Jubilee's role wasn't bigger.
Well, I believe if you want to think in terms of the movie's reality, Rogue grew up and doesn't really need to rely so much on Wolverine as much to make independant choices on her own. I think in the ogue/wolverine snippet right before Rogue goes to take the cure he the Canucklehead summed it up pretty well by telling her he's not her father. He'll still be there for her when she needs the occasional seasoned elder advice, but she's not a child anymore. It's just something we realize in real life as we get older.
seeing as how Rogue told bobby to risk his life and go save Logan in X:2, and the fact Logan was pissed wen Rogue nearly dies in X:2. It was thier strongly in X:2, it just wasn't thrown into your face.
I thought the Logan and Rogue relationship was cute. It really disturbed me when Mystique morphed into Rogue while on top of Logan in X2. Did you see how grossed out he was?

PS - Rogue and Logan is also RoLo. :D :p
PhoenixRising said:
I thought the Logan and Rogue relationship was cute. It really disturbed me when Mystique morphed into Rogue while on top of Logan in X2. Did you see how grossed out he was?

PS - Rogue and Logan is also RoLo. :D :p
lol, youre right...quick someone make a ROLO 2 thread :up: :up:
Seeing as X3 is almost out so I don't need to be here anymore I might as well throw myself in front of the wolves...

They do not have a father/daughter relationship in the movies. Rogue has had a crush on him since the first movie, this is fact confirmed by Anna herself in a recent interview where she says that it's still there. Somewhere between admiration and a crush.

Logan's feelings for her are a lot harder to interpret. And I can understand people seeing him as some sort of father figure to her. This is what Rogue herself believes he wants to be in her life. So when Logan tells her that he isn't her father but her friend, you can see that crush come back to life in her eyes. "Call me Marie...". Hugh has said of this scene that it rounds out their relationship. It finally defines the boundaries between them.

And the X2 tent scene... disgust? Come on. Singer has said that that scene was to show Logan's real desires. No reaction to Storm (sorry ROLO fans), a big reaction to Rogue and one with Jean. And we already know he wants Jean so do the math...

The only reason that we haven't seen something more between them is because it was never really meant to be in the first movie. But the chemistry between Hugh and Anna was so good that Singer decided to roll with it. But he still had a story to tell that needed Logan to be in love with Jean. I'm not saying that he doesn't love Jean but Rogue instead, but there is something between them that could grow into love. Especially with Jean out of the way now.

Then there's the comics, they've been growing closer and closer since X1 came out. Which so far has led to one very heated kiss... and now that the Rogue/Gambit relationship is over...
And Singer is gonna be writing Ultimate X-Men.

So there you have it, let the flames begin.

P.S. I'm not Gina.

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