-I'd love to see more action with Stacy's character, instead of making him like the Jim Gordon of the 'Spider-Man' franchise. I'd like to see him chase down and get involved in gunfights with the villain's early alter-ego.
-I'd like to see a developing friendship between Gwen, Peter and Mary Jane. None of that "triangle, rectangle, hexagon, octagon, whatever" love story. However, I would like to see something taken from out of the comics. Have Mary Jane move in order for Peter and Gwen to get together. However, when she dies later-on, have Peter and Mary Jane marry each other out of desperation. And have the franchise end like the second installment ended, with both Peter and Mary Jane now uncertain of their future.
-And 'Oscorp'... I honestly don't care if it has a role in this or not. I'm just hoping they get New York right first, along with all the pedestrians. And not just have a bunch of stupid, robotic extras portray their roles. Where their main ability is to utter the words: "It's Spider-Man!" or "Look!" or... my favourite: "It's a Web..." No ----ing ----, lady!