What If...


Medianoche de Sol
Mar 13, 2006
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What if Switchblade was able to absorb GR and killed all the Darkhold Redeemers? What in the Marvel Universe could possibly have stopped him?

I was just reading the few comics I have from this awesome but short run, what do you guys think his next move would have been, go after Strange?
Midnyte_Sun said:
What if Switchblade was able to absorb GR and killed all the Darkhold Redeemers? What in the Marvel Universe could possibly have stopped him?

I was just reading the few comics I have from this awesome but short run, what do you guys think his next move would have been, go after Strange?

More than likely...but the interesting question is when would he have stopped? You've got a lot of characters who, while not necessarily "occult" have mystic roots that could tag them for SB.

Juggernaut's power comes from a mystical gem.

Same w/ Darkhawk (if I remember correctly).

The problem w/ the demogorge would be that it would keep wanting more and more killing...I think SB would completely lose control and start killing just for the power.

Interesting idea, tho.
I think if he would have killed Strange, there wouldnt be enough mystical know-how to take him down, maybe even Mephisto would start becoming jealous and try to take him over like he did Zarathos.

Also, I can't remember, but did he also kill Vengeance?
no, vengeance hadn't appeared by that time

Darkhawk's gem is alien in nature, not mystical (Although maybe it's alien mysticism, who knows?)

I'll go the prep-time route. Even if Switchblade had absord Ghost Rider and the others, Strange would have been able to detect it from afar, be able to sense him coming anytime he approached, and prepared the proper spells that would have defeated him. Notice Switchblade wasn't the introspective type. He was using magic but he wasn't practised at it. It's like if he were some high school jock who, sure, can bench alot and can beat up anyone at his school, but if he goes against someone who's a trained fighter in one of the martial arts, their discipline and study will easily get the better of him.
Looking back on the crossover (and the best crossover I ever read), I would think once Switchblade disposed of all that is occult and mystic (if he was able to eliminate Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, etc.), I think he would move on to mutants and other superpowered beings, then on to humans in general until he's officially wiped out all life on this planet, then eventually move on to other planets to wipe them out, until only Switchblade remains. Then he'd challenge the Gods.

Could be a real fun story, actually. And one hell of a bloodbath,
Switchblade (Demogorge) seemed like a hypocrite to me. The whole time he talked about ridding the world of magic and other supernatural beings, but he himself was completely supernatural from the onset.

As for Dr. Strange preparing, Switchblade caught EVERYBODY by surprise, even GR. Also, I'm not sure, but wasn't Strange not able to contain GR (Gen III) because he wasn't a demon to begin with? I wonder if that also means that he wouldnt be able to take out Switchblade had he absorbed GR.
Another interesting question about SwitchBlade is what would happen to him if he completed his job? If he were able to rid the earth of all supernatural kind, the soul purpose of SwitchBlade's existance, would he just vanish until a demogorge was called apon again?
FlameHead said:
Another interesting question about SwitchBlade is what would happen to him if he completed his job? If he were able to rid the earth of all supernatural kind, the soul purpose of SwitchBlade's existance, would he just vanish until a demogorge was called apon again?

I think the demogorge would probably make Switchblade kill himself, as he became the vessel for the supernatural "taint" of those he killed. The demogorge doesn't care about Blade, just fulfilling its purpose, which with the destruciton of the Switchblade vessel would be done.

I like this thread!
Yeah, it's a good one...

Hmm, if SwitchBlade kills himself, he'd get his powers and all the powers that he just absorbed which leads me to believe that he cannot kill himself.
FlameHead said:
Yeah, it's a good one...

Hmm, if SwitchBlade kills himself, he'd get his powers and all the powers that he just absorbed which leads me to believe that he cannot kill himself.

Well, I suppose it all depends on the nature of the Demogorge that's using him as a host. Switchblade was absotbing energies from the dead, so it was energy transferring from one vessel to another. If the supernatural energy was leaving his dead body, would it really return to the no-longer viable host?

Maybe it would just expel everything instead of suicide and leave Blade a dessicated husk...of course, at some point Blade would have to die, as even at his base form, his half-vampire lineage would mark him for death as well.
You speak some wise words here my friend. Indeed, the energy of the demogorge would return to wherever it is the demogorge sleeps and not return to an empty husk. Makes sense to me...

The Marvel Universe would certainly be a different place if he succeeded eh?
Switchblade vs Zarathos in his true form...what do you guys think?
Actually, didn't Blade's version of the Demogorge spell come out of the Darkhold as one of Chthon's failsafes to come back to this world? I'd imagine that once Switchblade completed his task around the world, it'd signal the coming of the Elder God once again.

Oh, and as I think someone mentioned above with the Gods, Blade would still have to make his way past Thor and Hercules, as they're both mystical deities. There's also Daimon Hellstrom, who - hrm, I can't remember the timeline of when Massacre occured in relation to the Hellstorm series - may very well well have become Satan by this point.
I'm so happy that this thread was bumped. This is the arc that got me into the Midnight Sons... and more importantly, Ghost Rider.

You're probably right on the coming of Chthon... and wouldn't that be awesome to see. Would be a great 'what if' indeed.

I'm not sure about Hellstrom Ixnay. That's one character I haven't had the time to catch up on yet but, is definitely in my collections universe.
FH, do yourself a favor and track down the 21-issue HELLSTORM series. I guarantee you won't regret it...one of my all-time favorite comic runs.
I have the first issue actually. I just haven't been able to find the others yet and I can't afford to do an online order right now. It'll be mind someday, no doubt about that.
Whatever happenned to the DarkHold pages? Did they find them all? What happenned to the team? Did they die?

And your welcome for bumping this, this was one of my favorite crossovers!
Damn, the Hellstorm series from the early 90s. I wish I followed that. Have the first 2 issues, somewhere. Seemed like a good read, those 2 issues.

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