You've undoubtbly all seen this image on the web before
When I first saw it I thought it looked okay, classic Bond haircut and tuxedo, but I've since seen this image on the web
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anyway, it looks like the same image but his hair is cut, can anyone explain this to me, why make two different versions of the same picure and why didn't they keep the longer hair from the first image, looks more Bondlike and is reminicant of Sean Connery.

When I first saw it I thought it looked okay, classic Bond haircut and tuxedo, but I've since seen this image on the web

if above image doesn't work
anyway, it looks like the same image but his hair is cut, can anyone explain this to me, why make two different versions of the same picure and why didn't they keep the longer hair from the first image, looks more Bondlike and is reminicant of Sean Connery.