Ha M-Day was just a big joke, A world full of mutants lost there powers leaving only 198 mutants in the world to still have powers after the advent. Hold on a second, thats just overexacuratted a little bit isnt it.
Firstly, out of millions of mutants who lost there powers, why didnt some or all of the big name characters loose theres? Yeah there was one or two, but it seems that majority of the millions that lost there powers and the rare few that still has theres are the most famous recognisable ones....
It has been said by the writers that they wanted to create the illusion without having actualy casualties of fan favirotes.
Trouble is, its just not believable... Yeah Quicksilver and Polaris, Jubilee and some new mutants lost there powers big whoop!
Just in my oppion they started off with a really great idea and spoilet it by not given more famous characters to be depowered.
Who else would of loved to seen Beast finally depowered from being the beast he is, even if it was for a short while, what about Rogue?
Im not starting that debate again as it will lead to more of last stand siding