What kind of people do you stay away from?


Life is infinite
Jan 31, 2011
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We all have things that attracts us to friends or more and things that similarly make us stay away from some people. What are your turn-offs?

The only one I have is narcissism and those who are adamant racists, sexists, anti-semetics, and homophobes. I believe people make mistakes, they have episodes where they fall apart and those who flimisly have those anti-beliefs can still see the light that people are just people. I'm not really judgmental because everyone has their "past" or "moment." Narcissists because, at least the ones I've dealt with, have usually been like Lex Luthor - used people, manipulated people, blackmailed people, and despite all of these things and things some other people learn from experience still believes it's okay to hurt others as long as they come out on top... just kind of irks me the wrong way.

So, what kind of people do you stay away from?
One of my sisters, who is probably one of the biggest homophobes I ever met.
Overly religious people. You believe in God, fine. But don't try and convert me.

Anyone who would proudly boast of membership in the Tea Party.


People who quote Sheldon from 'Big Bang.'

DC fans. :o kidding... kinda
I generally stay away from people I hate with burning passions.
My ex's! :oldrazz:

But seriously, I have to say I don't really stay away from certain groups of people...I tend to weed people out after they've done something or said something that I just can't reconcile. For instance, I used to be great friends with this person until the day after September 11th happened, and I was talking about how horrible it was. And they said what they found horrible was that more people wasn't killed in it. I was floored! They never seemed to be this type of person before!! We had an argument, and I never spoke to them again....
People that have to tell me every single detail about their day.
People with screaming babies.

People who are waving guns/knives around in public.

People who are currently on fire.

People covered in their own/others' urine and/or feces or other bodily fluids.

People who have oozing open sores and/or are bleeding.


I'm sure there are a few others I can't think of right now.
People who believe instead of think.
Back in high school, I was friends with two guys who hated each other. At some point we all lumped into our own circle, clique, etc. One started making up stories about the other; when no one paid him any attention, he started making up stories about other members of our group.

I plan to avoid people like that.
People who say they are "real men". I can't stand them. They are always, invariably, cowards.
People addicted to drama. They are the kinds of people who make a huge deal out of everything and look for conflicts where there aren't any. They do it it to make their lives seem more intresting than they actually are.
People with screaming babies.

People who are waving guns/knives around in public.

People who are currently on fire.

People covered in their own/others' urine and/or feces or other bodily fluids.

People who have oozing open sores and/or are bleeding.


I'm sure there are a few others I can't think of right now.

LOL, you just described my neighborhood. :oldrazz: Still wondering if old guy down the street is a zombie or not.......
Homophobes (obviously)

Church people with holier-than-thou attitudes who act like they're better than you or try to ram it down your throat, I can't stand people like that.

Rednecks and their opposite but equally worthless number, "Da Hood, yo". Both think they're so bada$$ and both are so full of ****. Not to mention proudly dumb as posts.
I despise dumb people. And Ignorant people. And mean people.
People who wear sunglasses inside.

People who find farting to be the absolute pinnacle of comedy.

People who bullied me in high school (but are now inexplicably nice to me when I meet them)

People who find tracksuits to be perfectly acceptable attire.

People who use the word pretentious incorrectly. (Usually, I find, to describe something interesting they just don't understand)

Oh! And anybody called Amy. I don't get along with Amy's. Could never get the hang of them...

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