Sequels What should change/appear in the next sequels? Improvements...


Apr 9, 2005
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What things do you think or want to change or appear for once and for all in the next sequels?

All the improvements you think... In terms of the script, the effects, the characters, all.
More character development, meaning making the characters more like their comic counterparts. Storm, Colossus, Kitty, Bobby, Rogue, Cyclops, and Angel ALL NEED THIS!!!

Stronger script for sure, with endless amount of storylines in the comics, the writers should have no trouble.

The special effects are just fine, but Colossus' metal effect needs to be fixed since it was the worst effect in X3!!

A director that acutal knows how all the characters are suppose to be portrayed!!!

Leave Magneto, Mystique, Pyro, Jean etc. out of X4!!

In part 3 two people came back from the dead...I do not ever need to see that again in an X Men movie.

better script, better characterization...a dead Storm...Nightcrawler making an appearance...that sort of thing.
Angamb said:
What things do you think or want to change or appear for once and for all in the next sequels?

All the improvements you think... In terms of the script, the effects, the characters, all.

Hopelessly beyond fixing.

They got so many things wrong that trying to fix them all would just seem forced and ooc in the movieverse. The irony here is a howler, really...

One word: reboot.
I like the fact that Storm actually took a front seat in X3, I think I am the only person. Though she was written horribly. LOL. I like the cameos, but not the way it was done in X3. I wanna see the Morlocks, and Alpha Flight. Less Wolverine. He is too much LOL. Sinister. Gambit. Rogue with flight and super strength. But then again they are using the Ultimate version of her for the movie, so why not use all the Ultimate versions? I would be okay with that. They need to decide which continuity the movie will coincide with. That's about it really. Oh yeah, I want singer back LOL.
flamer183 said:
I like the fact that Storm actually took a front seat in X3, I think I am the only person. Though she was written horribly. LOL. I like the cameos, but not the way it was done in X3. I wanna see the Morlocks, and Alpha Flight. Less Wolverine. He is too much LOL. Sinister. Gambit. Rogue with flight and super strength. But then again they are using the Ultimate version of her for the movie, so why not use all the Ultimate versions? I would be okay with that. They need to decide which continuity the movie will coincide with. That's about it really. Oh yeah, I want singer back LOL.

You want all that stuff, and yet you want Singer, who gave us none of that stuff!!!!

Also, bear in mind that Ultimate X-Men was created as a result of the first movie. It is meant to be in the first movie's style. Mark Millar who wrote it was told to watch the first movie and base it on that - he was not an X-Men fan previously. So the movieverse is pretty close to the Ultimate continuity in many ways.

What do I want? Well, I don't know if a reboot or a sequel is the best idea. I wish i were a writer in Hollywood or at least had some larger influence over things. I dreamt one night i was on set during X3's filming as a sort of guest and Ratner kept seeing me frowning and putting my head in my hands, and i got chance to help fix some of the scenes and dialogue!
X-Maniac said:
I dreamt one night i was on set during X3's filming as a sort of guest and Ratner kept seeing me frowning and putting my head in my hands, and i got chance to help fix some of the scenes and dialogue!

I know Zak Penn is writing the Younger X-men flick, I am hoping that one gets one hell of a treatment.
RagingTempest said:
More character development, meaning making the characters more like their comic counterparts. Storm, Colossus, Kitty, Bobby, Rogue, Cyclops, and Angel ALL NEED THIS!!!

Stronger script for sure, with endless amount of storylines in the comics, the writers should have no trouble.

The special effects are just fine, but Colossus' metal effect needs to be fixed since it was the worst effect in X3!!

A director that acutal knows how all the characters are suppose to be portrayed!!!

Leave Magneto, Mystique, Pyro, Jean etc. out of X4!!


Totally agreed with the first four quotes, but I think Mystique and Pyros should continue, in some form. And Magneto too, but in a more secondary role, maybe appearing in the middle of the film, or later, to have some action at the end, but of course, with other villian as the main one. I'd say Emma or her Club. But Sinister wouldn't be bad. I'd preffer Emma, with the plot of the Sentinel. Trask has already appeared, so I think it's time for his proyect. That would be my ideal X4.
I'm new. What I really want is Gambit, portrayed properly of course and not as Magneto's cronie as in the Evolution cartoon and some people's ideas for the X-Fims. And I really want Rogue the way she is. Movie Rogue didn't have much resemblance to her comic book self. She's awesome as she is, they didn't need to change much of anything. If they proceed with the protrayal of the characters they have already established, then they can't put back in the Miss Marvel powers or her being the foster daughter of Mystique and former member of the Evil Brotherhood of Mutants. That's a big part of her character, being a former villian.

I also want Storm as her strong, goddess self, not as much Wolverine, Psylocke in an actual part, a different villian other than Magneto, no Mystique, Pyro or Toad, and no more cheesy lines.
emmymae said:
no more cheesy lines.

I second that. The X3 humor was really bad, no more lines like the Juggernaut ones please, or some Logan's. :cmad:
RagingTempest said:
More character development, meaning making the characters more like their comic counterparts. Storm, Colossus, Kitty, Bobby, Rogue, Cyclops, and Angel ALL NEED THIS!!!

Stronger script for sure, with endless amount of storylines in the comics, the writers should have no trouble.

The special effects are just fine, but Colossus' metal effect needs to be fixed since it was the worst effect in X3!!

A director that acutal knows how all the characters are suppose to be portrayed!!!

Leave Magneto, Mystique, Pyro, Jean etc. out of X4!!

no to storm,she sucked in x 3 and they need magneto he is one of the most important characters and so is jean,by all means,remove storm for god sakes,there was no point for her character in the films
Sorry, bat, but Storm is more needed than Logan in the franchise, right now. She has a school now, and Logan has nothing. This is more than enough to have Storm again.
no she isnt logan is one of the biggest characters that everyone knows,even people who dont like comics know who wolverine is
That is a really bad excuse, guy. But anyway, your opinion. You love him, you want him. I understand that.
batboy99 said:
no she isnt logan is one of the biggest characters that everyone knows,even people who dont like comics know who wolverine is

Sorry Batboy, but Storm IS THE female face of the X-men period. Take a good look at previous posters and marketing for the previous two movies, or better yet, take a survey. I did. I made a project out of it.

1000 people recognized Storm over Jean, Psylock, Emma, and Rogue (although she made a very close second.)

To write out the only adult protagonist minority character (in a film series celebrating accepting diversity) is a stupid idea in all sorts of ways.

The fact that she was reduced down to mamming the children and cleaning up after others, chaufering the team in the jet, and doing the "dirty work" is bad enough. To watch Wolverine walk all over her in X3 in the Danger Room and to take her position away in the Final Battle was just plan embarrassing. She got no respect in ANY of the films and, I doubt you noticed but Xavier only used her actual name once.

There was a serious lack of respect for her from Xavier and Logan. The only person to not spit on her was Beast...

Lets not forget about her lack of consistent characterization and story. Batboy, where is Storm from? They couldn't even get that basic fact straight.

Just because you don't like Halle, doesn't mean they can't use her. Her image has done wonders for the film. Deal with it. They are going to continue to use her.

I see with the manips and fics that people want new characters and what-not, but they desperately need to fix the characters left alive before any more sequels or get the story straight before a reboot.

Instead of writting the character out of a story...why doesn't anyone actually write her IN a story instead of using her as a glorified nanny or X-maid/weather tool. It's a good place to start. Make her an actual person or character.
Exactly. Characters like Magneto and Wolverine are solid in the movies because of origins and established motivations. Let's see the same for Storm - we don't even need any more fog or lightning, we need a backstory, some nice character depth (watering the garden, something like that), and perhaps (but not essential) just one scene showing a weather weapon she hasn't used yet (waterspout? ball-lightning? air pressure 'dome' as a deflection shield?).
I second your notion on Storm. She is the most popular X-Woman and a very strong, capable, and wise character. I was very disappointed with the inaccurate portrayal of some of the other characters, especially Rogue, one of my absolute favorite characters along with Gambit. (Actually, I'm a staunch fan of Gambit and Rogue, as you can see from my signature and my guaranteed mentioning of them in almost every post.) Gambit was cited to have a cameo in the third film, but it was cut. I would have loved to see him on screen but considering how even a character as popular and pivotal as Storm wasn't respectfully portrayed, I was afraid that Gambit might be messed up in the movie as was Rogue pretty much. And the whole Rogue/Iceman thing made me quesy.

Maybe a reboot a few years down the road, like they did with Batman, would be the best idea.:yay:
What was so bad about Colossus's CGI in X3? He looked enough like a moving man made out of metal to me. No worse than it was in X2. Easily as much detail, etc. Why do people have such issues with it?

Storm cannot simply be "removed" in future sequels. Especially now that she is in charge of Xavier's school. Killing her off would be pretty cheap (and wouldn't serve the story as much as even Cyclops and Xavier's deaths did), and there are interesting possibilities with having her in charge of Xavier's school and the children there. I agree...she just needs to be written better in a given story.

I'd like to see less characters in X3. Leave Xavier out of things for a while. Ditto Magneto. Introduce some new characters, but build on what's been done in all three X-films...don't just ignore it to "correct" something, or make a movie version closer to the comics.
The Guard said:
What was so bad about Colossus's CGI in X3? He looked enough like a moving man made out of metal to me. No worse than it was in X2. Easily as much detail, etc. Why do people have such issues with it?

Storm cannot simply be "removed" in future sequels. Especially now that she is in charge of Xavier's school. Killing her off would be pretty cheap (and wouldn't serve the story as much as even Cyclops and Xavier's deaths did), and there are interesting possibilities with having her in charge of Xavier's school and the children there. I agree...she just needs to be written better in a given story.

I'd like to see less characters in X3. Leave Xavier out of things for a while. Ditto Magneto. Introduce some new characters, but build on what's been done in all three X-films...don't just ignore it to "correct" something, or make a movie version closer to the comics.


This must be the first (and most likely only time) I fully agree with The Guard. :D

1 - Of all complaints, why the hell whine about Colossus' (or Iceman, I suppose) CGI? It wasn't eye-popping or jaw-dropping. Still, it was fine.

2 - Christ, there's only two left of the old guard (three, counting Hank). I mean, who else could possibly act as the head of the Institute.

3 - Well said.
I want to see more of storm.I like her and it's like she hardly has any talkin scenes.Also i would like to see other mutants power.
And they should do a spin off of how,since rouge took the cure shot.The next one should show that she starts to get it back,along with magneto.Also a new romance wouldn't be that bad
i'd like to see storm rockin the mohawk :up:
and gambit... i made a manip of olivier martinez as gambit and i think he would be an awsome choice
X-Men:X4 The Rising of the Sentinels...

Plot: The X-Men battle Magneto and his group of brotherhood terrorist group who try and take control of Dr. Bolivar Sentinels who have came up with the idea of killing off the Mutant population just because of the non success of the mutant cure. Magneto tries and gains control over the Sentinels to use them as his advantage of destroying all human population while giving to be on Asteroid M.

The story starts off in the danger with Rogue, Kitty, Iceman, Colossuses, Nightcrawler, Angel, and Jubilee. Storm, Wolverine, and Beast watch on as they observe how well their students they have trained to be X-Men dose in the Danger Room. Everything goes terribly wrong when Rogue tries and rescue Bobby Drake aka Iceman from a launching missile which she succeeds to do but in the process she discovers she has gain her powers back somehow and ends up putting Iceman out in a coma. Storm, Beast, and Wolverine quickly stops the mission in the danger room and hurries to the scene. Rogue steps back and is in disbelieve of what she has done not only did she cause the team there mission but she nearly could have cost Bobby his life. Rogue felt terribly sadden because of her powers she felt like she was being cursed again why other mutants seen their Mutant abilities as gifts. Rogue ran away from the mansion because she felt like she wasn’t accepted at the X-Mansion anymore. Storm and Wolverine were very upset and tried looking for Rogue but it was too late as she disappeared through the nightly fog.

Later on the President address the nation about the mutant cure not being successful Senator Kelly and Dr. Bolivar Trask comes up with a plan of exterminating the mutant population with one of his deadliest weapon The Sentinels. Most of the human nation was appealed of the bazaar idea that Dr. Bolivar Trask came up with Senator Kelly was over excited about the idea.

Back at the X-Mansion Storm, Beast, and Wolverine are in outrage of the evil doings that the President and the government made such an idea. Storm tries and tells some of the children of the school not to be afraid
for as the leader of the X-Mansion she will protect them and not fail.

The Show Down
Storm and Beast set up a hearing that takes place in the Congress of Washington DC were they discuss both parties of the mutant and mankind alike. Doing this Senator Kelly gives Storm and Beast a scuffle as usual but before Storm and Beast could share their speech all of a sudden all of the metal chairs started to move and started throwing some of the congress citizens out of their chairs then the sealing brakes away and from the sky appeared Magneto who destroys the congress men with his brotherhood of mutants members Pyro and Blob. Storm and Beast tries and stops Magneto who tells them to stay out of his way and his terror group of mutants but Storm and Beast are unable to stop Magneto and his brotherhood. Storm than picks up her wind and sends Pyro and even BLOB flying to the sealing knocking them off their feet Magneto knew how powerful Storm was so he covered her up placing her into a metal cell. Magneto and his brotherhood escape and kidnap Dr. Bolivar from the congress, which is full of fires and degree. Storm tries freeing herself, which she nearly suffers from her Claustrophobia but indeed she frees herself and creates a bit of fog and gets her, and Beast out of the Congress building.

Back at the Mansion the event with Storm and Beast’s battle with the brotherhood makes breaking news world wide but the television only shows the part were Magneto destroys the congress and when Storm uses her fog to escape having the soldiers have difficult of putting Storm and Beast imprison. Basically showing that Storm and Beast are the enemy’s just as well as Magneto. Storm and Beast gets upset at the fact of the matter of them proclaiming Storm and Beast to be the bad guys.

Rogue than is shown at a bar somewhere in New York City where she sits at the bar and a couple of guys try flirting with her and one of the guys try and make a move on her and Rogue says I don’t think you want to do that and he tells her why not, Rogue says this is why so she jumps up and observes his energy and nearly kills him The other group of men call her a FREAK and try and attack Rogue but suddenly a strange man in the bar room says leave the lady alone. Than one of the guys say shut up pooh boy and continue to play your game the strange man says and if I don’t than the group of guys say than you’ll go down just like this ***** is going down. Than one of the men say come on tough guy so one of them try striking the strange man who haves a long steel pipe as his pooh stick he than strikes one of the guys and takes him out quicker than the speed of lightning taking out all three of the guys Rogue than says look out and the bar tender tries shooting the strange man but he uses his pipe and shifts the bullets off of his steel pipe knocking the bullets to the ground . He than throws a card behind the bar and the card explodes with a blast of energy. He than leaves a card of harts behind and says I see you around “Cher” and says by the way sorry how ungentle men of me my name is Gambit and he walks out of the bar. Rogue than follows him through an ally and says thanks for saving my life he says no problem so she asks him where you’re headin he tells her and she says since I saved your life I think we’re an item or a team meaning he scratch her back and she scratch his back. He says hey kid I tangle alone she says kid I’m not a kid anymore I'm a grown woman and besides if it weren’t for me you would have been toast. He than says and if it wasn’t for me toots you would have been road kill. The two laugh and join together as an alliance and goes off into the night. Gambit tells Rogue about some buddies he wants her to meet when they arrive at an unknown location Rogue finds out that Gambit is in a form of an alliance with the Brotherhood and kind of haves second thoughts on joining but she felt really passionate about her decision and her love of Gambit made her decision even easier. This makes Magneto happy inside as he feels he haves gain one of the X-Men something that Charles Xavier would have hated.
Magneto and his brotherhood try torturing Dr. Bolivar Trask and try manipulating him in telling Magneto where his secret facility is located. Dr. Bolivar Trask refuses to tell Magneto were the location of the secret facility, and spits in Magneto’s face this really upsets Magneto and he takes matters in his own hands taking Dr. Bolivar Prisoner in a metal jail like cell. He than thinks of a plan to stop the X-Men from interfering with his plans because he feels like the X-Men is his only threat at the moment and he feels that this will be the battle the X-Men cannot win. So he tells a few of his brotherhood members to go out to the streets of New York starting trouble which will bring the X-Men to the scene especially when they find out Rogue is their new member.

Back at the X-Mansion Storm and Wolverine somehow are aware of the Brotherhoods terrorist plan so they rush out and try and stop them leaving Beast behind to watch over the mansion and the children. But little do they know they are in a world of a surprise they find out that Rogue is the new member of the brotherhood which sidetracks Storm and Wolverine because they forget that Rogue is now the enemy Storm tries and reasons with Rogue but Rogue isn’t trying to hear it and she sets up Wolverine and Storm Blob, Gambit, and Toad come to the scene Storm and Wolverine battle off some of the brotherhood freaks but it is to many of them to battle off Storm than fly’s into the sky releasing Hail stones from the heavens above with a gust of wind Wolverine than slices through some of the brotherhood and comes up battling with Gambit who he feels haves changed Rogue’s mind because of her love and passionate of Gambit. Than two huge Sentinels appear out of the sky trying to destroy Storm, Wolverine, and The Brotherhood but the Brotherhood leaves Storm and Wolverine hanging as they flee from the scene. Storm and Wolverine are left to battle with the Sentinels but these bad babies are tough. Storm and Wolverine try fighting but the battle is too unbearable to win Storm than thinks of a plan and takes to the sky which was in a very dangerous attempt she than sends Tornado’ s of whirled winds lifting the Sentinels into thin air shocking them with bolts of lighting Storm and Wolverine than desperately escapes.

Mean while a group of Sentinels show up at the X-Mansion and Destroys nearly everything Xavier’s mansion becomes a lifeless site to see Beast tries getting all the children gathered up to make an escape but before they can make their attempt to escape the Mansion comes crumbling down making it nearly impossible to escape, the children with him are, Iceman who haves recovered from the incident with Rogue, Jubilee, Colossuses, Nightcrawler, Kitty, and Angel. When Storm and Wolverine head back to the X-Mansion Storm breaks down in tears full of sadness and anger she cries on Wolverine’s shoulder who takes her in comfort Storm feels like she haves failed to become the leader she was born to be and she feels like she wasn’t there to protect the ones she loved. Her and Wolverine try looking for survivors through the grounds full of degree Storm than goes ballistic and Sends rain falling from the sky's trying to stop the fires of the burning mansion which she than picks up the wind putting the polluted air in the mist of the clouds. Her emotions than get the best of her which starts to rein acts with her powers of the weather. Seeing this Wolverine tries and calm her down but Professor X was the only one who could stop Storm and bring her back to her state of mind. All of a sudden a voice appears in Storm’s mind and it is Professor X who tells Storm to not let her Powers control her and in fact to control her emotions. Xavier successfully calms down Storm which he then goes on to tell her that she haves not failed as an leader of the X-Men and indeed she haves done quiet well. Xavier than appears with Cyclops and Emma Frost through a portal that she created to get them back to earth. Storm than runs to Professor and gives both Cyclops and Professor a hug Professor than replies oh Storm my beautiful Storm: mighty as a hurricane, gentle as a summer’s rain You honor me with your friendship, courage, and bravery, you have done well enough to keep the X-Men a team and seeing that I am proud of you. Xavier than introduces Storm and Wolverine to his good friend Emma Frost who he thanks dearly because if it haven’t been for her him and Scott wouldn’t be alive. It turns out before the death of Cyclops and Xavier happened Xavier foresaw what was going to happen and so he physically contacted Emma who made a portal protecting him and Cyclops from The Phoenix by transporting them into another demission. Shockingly Beast, Kitty, Nightcrawler, Iceman, Angel, Jubilee, and Colossuses were somehow being teleported when the attack of the X-Mansion occurred which happens to be one of Magneto’s evil tactics of getting the X-Men out of his way which he than uses the Sentinels to free his Son Quicksilver and his daughter Scarlet Witch with the Sentinels who he now haves control over due to his deadly tactics on manipulating Dr. Bolivar Trask. Xavier and the rest of the X-Men come up with a plan of stopping Magneto’s madness and if they don’t act now all will be lost. Magneto seems to be using the Sentinels to destroy all humankind whom he promises to succeed and get his brotherhood of mutants to Asteroid M in the process of the Earth being destroyed.
The X-Men aboard the X jet to set off for battle as they find the location of Dr. Bolivar’s facility, which is full of Sentinel projects and experiments. They eventually meet up with Magneto tells his son Quicksilver to stay by his side because he might need him as a back up. Magneto than unleashes his brotherhood of mutants to battle the X-Men. Both of the groups of teams collide with one another and Magneto looks on as he sees his dream unfold. Cyclops ends up defeating Havok who he finds out is his brother in the end of the deadly battle. Storm defeats Avalanche who seemed to get the best of her in the beginning but Storm came out as if she was a ragging Hurricane. Wolverine takes his evil foe down Sabertooth leaving Sabertooth in rage of losing. Beast takes out Juggernaut due to his quick speed. Iceman comes to a nearly dead point of losing to Pyro but in the end was able to defeat his foe. Kitty and Rogue clash at one another and Rogue shows Kitty who’s boss though she thought she did it so happens that when Rogue tried and tackle Kitty, Kitty phased through the wall as she was rushing her into the wall. Colossuses ends up putting Blob through a wall knocking him in a pool full of cement. Nightcrawler and Toad’s battle was fast paste and ongoing but to bad the little o Toad wasn’t fast enough for Nightcrawler as he teleported all through their battle. Emma Frost defeated Scarlet Witch due to her psychic abilities and her special talent when she turns her body into a solid diamond form. Jubilee defeated Boom-Boom by exploding her firework powers blinding Boom who couldn’t see Jubilees elbow knocking her out cold. And last and not least Angel nearly defeated Gambit who was deadly with his steel pipe. Sorry guys I WOULD have gave more detail but it would take years to explain the terrific battle between the X-Men and the Brotherhood. Magneto sees that his brotherhood is unable to defeat the X-Men so he than tries and escape to Asteroid M. He than is stopped by Quicksilver who isn’t really his son it so happens to be Mystique it seems as when Magneto came and stole his imprisoned son it happened to be Mystique because she had already took out Magneto real son Quicksilver and plus she knew Magneto would come for his son. She than tells Magneto that I’m going to make you pay Eric for what you done to me you betrayed me and you lied to me. Magneto is in shock and tries to explain the reason he left Mystique but she calls him a lierer and the two break off into a battle. Magneto is able to call himself victorious as he escaped the fight him and Mystique battled as he placed her in a Metal cell-making Mystique angry towards him. He than launches the Sentinels off into the night to terrorize mankind across the globe. The X-Men end up having to travel to Asteroid M which is located far into space. The X-Men are able to defeat Magneto and his Asteroid M goes up in flames and the X-Men are able to stop the Sentinels from attacking mankind and mutant kind alike. In the ending of the scene there is a tomb in Egypt that opens with a blue light shining into the sky and it appears a voice almost similar to Apocalypse and Mister Sinister is shown laughing in the end of the scene.
Cyclops vs. Havok
Storm vs. Avalanche
Wolverine vs. Sabertooth
Beast vs. Juggernaut
Iceman vs. Pyro
Kitty vs. Rogue
Colossuses vs. Blob
Nightcrawler vs. Toad
Emma Frost vs. Scarlet Witch
Jubilee vs. Boom-Boom
Angel vs. Gambit
Sorry guys I would have put in more detail but this is just a rough draft so what did you guys think about it what was the goods and what was the bads if there were any let me know.

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