Hmmm, lets see here:
1) Batman Begins - Simply a very great movie, great acting, great cast.....great
2) Superman: The Movie - NOBODY embodied a character more, from looks to his portrayal, to even his real life, Christopher Reeve was, and is, Superman...period (sorry Brandon) Even with all its hokey-ness, I believed in it, in him, and thats why this movie works for me
3) Ironman & Blade - IM was great, and Downey Jr. embodies Tony Stark almost as much as Reeve did Supes. On the other hand, Blade is a criminally slept-on movie IMO, it not only bought comic book movies back to the forefront (something X-men always seems to get the credit for) it also didn't shortchange the character, something that would've been very easy to do considering Blade's second-rate hero status in the comic books. Not only that, but it was one of the few movies to make changes to a character that actually "worked" and subsequently, influenced his comic book counterpart in the process
4) Batman (89) - Another movie that seems to have lost some of its luster to alot of folks in the passing years. Make no mistake, this is still a great movie, and did the caped crusader justice in his first film outing. While I feel BB is a more conventional movie that more closely resembles the Batman of the comics, this movie has a timeless style to it yet to be matched. Everything might not make sense like BB, but everything looked damn cool I'll tell you that. Batman was a mythical creature of the night, and Jack (even if he was doing Jack) provided a great Joker. As a young kid who saw this as it hit theatres, and then had it as the first VHS tape for our VCR, I can safely say I haven't watched another movie more than B89, and I don't think I ever will.
5) Spiderman 1 & 3 - Thats right, I said 3. I'm in the minority on this I know, but I really didn't enjoy Spiderman 2 as much as alot of others may have. To me, it took the fun out of Spidey that I got from the first film, and while it may be based on a comic book storyline, I just felt that it wasn't that great of a movie. I loved Doc Ock, but the film just drags when i watch it. Spiderman 3, for all its faults, was just plain old fun to me. I hated the way they shortchanged Venom, but aside from that, it really felt like a Spiderman comic book come to life, with all the weird plot stuff (such a well-placed meteorite

) and frenetic pace. I watch Batman & Hulk for doom & gloom, I watch Spidey for fun.
And thats my two cents, with TDK on the horizon, this list could be a little different in a while