The Dark Knight Where is Gotham City Located? (read before bashing)

Dark Sentinel

Jun 23, 2005
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(map by SilentType)

Alright, i know that Gotham is a fictional city, but given that we've been given a map of the city's rail lines and more detailed snippets on the GNB website, i think for the sake of realism we should be able to "pinpoint" Gotham's location in the Northeastern US. anyone up for it?

If so, I think we can use the River Liberty as a starting point...tributary of the Potomac is my guess
New Jersey I believe.
Silly guy, it's just south of Metropolis.
Silly guy, it's just south of Metropolis.

i had no idea:whatever: thaaanks

haha this is just for our it makes the whole thing feel more "real"

New Jersey I believe.

I dont the Begins novelization, there's an episode where Bruce flies to New York for an auction on some Ra's al Ghul documents..since NJ is practically across the street from NY geographically speaking i would think that Gotham is a more considerable distance from NY than in NJ..more than likely around the Baltimore area, somewhere around the Potomac
No, I'm pretty sure Gotham City is officially located in NJ. Though someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
and it's east of Star City and Keystone City. ERRRR! Know your geography! :p
New Jersey I believe.

I second that.

Think about it. A dirty, grimy, crime-riddled, mob influenced, corrupt, seedy city with a crazy dude running around in a bat suit fighting all of that. Of course it's New Jersey.
No, I'm pretty sure Gotham City is officially located in NJ. Though someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I dunno, but I wouldn't doubt it.
is delaware (no offense to the state) even remotely capable to have a city like Metropolis? Even with Gotham..JERSEY? (No Offenese to Jersey)

dude, you say that about every thread:oldrazz:

this is for fun, so have some will ya? :joker:

EDIT: I think Boom may be right..i looked on Google Maps and there are a ton of islands around's very possible that Gotham could have been built on one of these island clusters

EDIT AGAIN: there's a large island north of Atlantic City, Elder Island, that has a lot of rivers and island looks large enough for a city to be built on it..there's even a river similar to the River Liberty (my starting point) so if Gotham were to have a "real world" location, Elder Island just off NJ would be a safe bet
Mods, Please move to non-spoiler section.
I don't want to have an official state for it. None is needed.
is delaware (no offense to the state) even remotely capable to have a city like Metropolis? Even with Gotham..JERSEY? (No Offenese to Jersey)

I agree with the Metropolis in Delaware thing, but thats cannon or at least it used to be.
I'm with Socko I rather them not mention any state name for the movie.
Mods, Please move to non-spoiler section.

maybe, just as long as people still visit!:woot:

but you never know, this could be a good addition to the viral games we already have..heck maybe this is why WB let the other six viral sites go live so we could immerse ourselves in Gotham and "figure" out where it is who knows right?

marcofthebeast, this isnt really for the movie to have a State mentioned in TDK, this is just to get us deeper into the world of Gotham..think of it as the Hype's own personal viral game :woot:
I thought Gotham was Chicago?
Did anyone actually e-mailed [email protected]?

wow Two-Face, havent seen you around here in a while and you decide to post in my thread? how nice!!:woot:

to answer your question i did, i asked when the rail schedule would be up again, but i got a generic response back saying that the rail line was closed for repairs for the time being.
Bob Kane said it was based on NYC
wow Two-Face, havent seen you around here in a while and you decide to post in my thread? how nice!!:woot:

to answer your question i did, i asked when the rail schedule would be up again, but i got a generic response back saying that the rail line was closed for repairs for the time being.

I don't want to be spoiled too much, that's why I post little in TDK.
It's based on NYC of course, but in the DC universe it's located in New Jersey. Think a bigger, more important Trenton or something.

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