Which film franchise should get it's own board on the Hype?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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I've seen so many people try to differentiate why some characters get message boards and others don't. Why does Batman have a board and not Bond? Why does Transformers have a board and not The Incredible Hulk?

Which franchise do you think deserves a board? Hopefully this isn't disrespectful to the mods!

Damn, I forgot to include James Bond and that's the one I most wanted to include. I wish we could mod our polls.
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Batman has a board because Batman is solidly a superhero. Bond actually used to have one.

For the record, if Star Wars is going to have its own forum, I think the Hobbit should. the thread is going to consistently be busy for the next few years and there is more than enough related topics to have many active threads.
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit.

Edit: redhawk23 beat me to it.
The Fantastic Four will probably get a board next year I imagine.

I was suprised Dredd or Kick Ass 2 never got a board seeing as they are comic book character movies.
A Tolkien board. And a Bond.
I can understand why there isn't a Hulk board since it's not an active movie franchise at the moment. Maybe, probably, there will be more Hulk-movies, but I don't think there's any real active development at the moment. Fantastic Four probably will get a board when we getting closer to the release of the reboot and more news starts to come in. Personally I think it feels a little wrong that stuff like Star Wars get its own board on a site called Superherohype. If any major movie franchise gets its own board here it maybe is time to change name to Moviefranchisehype or something :)
I think it depends on how much activity and discussion any particular franchise gets. The Bond films, for instance, spawn lots of threads in the movies section, as does Harry Potter and the Tolkien films. Franchises like Fantastic Four, Hulk, Daredevil and others don't seem to generate much more activity than a single thread apiece in the Marvel Films subforum.
When the next Fantastic Four and Hulk films are announced, eventually they will get boards. Right now, I'd like to see a Hobbit/LOTR board. But why is Harry Potter on the list when the franchise has been done for a year and a half now?
Slightly OT, but I would like an "Animated Series" subforum in the Television category.

There's plenty of good cartoons out there that aren't just anime. Stuff like The Venture Bros, Futurama, Adventure Time, and lots of popular cartoons based on comics like Batman:TAS, Teen Titans, and Spectacular Spider-Man.
With two movies, a potential 3rd on the way ( hopefully), 2 related animated series ( and one non-related), and a variety of merchandise, I'm surprised that there is no board for Ghostbusters.
Batman has a board because Batman is solidly a superhero. Bond actually used to have one.

For the record, if Star Wars is going to have its own forum, I think the Hobbit should. the thread is going to consistently be busy for the next few years and there is more than enough related topics to have many active threads.

If Star Wars has its own forum, then so should Star Trek.
One Star Trek board
One Middle Earth board
and one (western) Animation board
I vote for a Middle Earth board and i will suggest a Bond one as well.
I voted for Star Trek and LOTR/The Hobbit. Both are certainly big enough and have more than enough material and fandom to generate plenty of discussion.
Star Trek. If Star Wars has its own, then Trek should get one also. Not because I'm a fanboy, not at all I love it that Star Wars has its own. I just think that trek should have one, as it has as much, if not more, history and a solid fan base :)
No question The Hobbit. Simply because if Ninja Turtles can get one it seems odd that the Hobbit does not have one.
Can You vote more then for one selection. Star Trek needs one and Bond as well. I am quite sure there is as many Trekkies as Star Wars Nuts and Ringers.
I voted none of the above. At some point this becomes a a less-focused version of what the site is really supposed to be. Bond only previously had a forum because of studio licensing, I believe. Star Wars is such a monster that it probably is justified. There's always a plethora of discussion for that franchise. Some like myself don't give two ***** about the EU and cartoons, which really clogged up the thread in the Misc. Films forum. It's also going to be cranking out movies for quite some time. Other than that, I don't think anything deserves it yet. Hell, I don't think the Ninja Turtle board should be there. I think there are tumbleweeds in the code over there. G.I. Joe is another that could probably go down to only one thread per movie in the Misc. Comic Films forum.
What is the site supposed to be?

For me, expanding the forums, is making it more into what drew me to the forum in the first place. A place where you can be an overall nerd and discuss all kinds of fiction and franchises. I love so many different things. So instead of having to register on one Superman board, one Bond board, one SW board etc, now I can discuss all those things under one forum! That's what makes this forum great imo.

Of course not every single thing deserves it's own board. But things like Tolkien, Bond and Trek? Definitely imo. Maybe even more so than a franchise like GI Joe.
None of them, but Fantastic Four and Hulk should get them (and probably will) if a new movie gets greenlit. The others I don't see getting the traffic to make it worthwhile. Harry Potter might have back in the day, but it is long over.
Definetly Star Trek. Come on, the comics, movies, mutiple tv series would bring a lot of traffic
Slightly OT, but I would like an "Animated Series" subforum in the Television category.

There's plenty of good cartoons out there that aren't just anime. Stuff like The Venture Bros, Futurama, Adventure Time, and lots of popular cartoons based on comics like Batman:TAS, Teen Titans, and Spectacular Spider-Man.

This x1,000,000
Bond is 'technically' a superhero. He has gadgets and an alias, like Batman...
He fights super villains...

There is SO MUCH to talk about, and yet so little room for it.

Bond NEEDS another forum imo.

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