Which is going to be cheeper and better?


Jul 24, 2005
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Im not sure at all which to get the PS3 or XBOX360. I have been saving up my money and i need to know which is cheeper and better with graphics and games. Please help me
360= Cheaper, more games for a while
PS3 = Cost more, less games for a while but will get many more after a while.

They look exactly the same in graphics.

Japanese games? PS3 Western games? 360

Take your pick.
I'd say go with the 360. The PS3 will be more expensive than the 360 will be when it comes out. And the 360 will have more games by then. Hell, the 360 already has a bunch of really good games. Don't listen to people that say that either one will have better graphics. They'll be pretty comparable visually. It really just comes down to what games you want. And if you want to wait until November for a PS3.
The 360 is going to be cheaper in terms of launch prices. My friend who is a huge MS fan says the 360 will likely drop in price when PS3 comes out. If money is the biggest concern, definately go with the 360. Or if you really want to get the most for your money, get a Wii:)
I'm still torn on the Wii. Hopefully there's some cool stuff at E3.
Get the X360 now, enjoy it for the rest of the year and trade in for PS3 if thats what you want when it gets released.

As for better graphics... Developers have said that its near impossible to tell the systems apart.
matt2324 said:
Im not sure at all which to get the PS3 or XBOX360. I have been saving up my money and i need to know which is cheeper and better with graphics and games. Please help me
Wait a couple of days for E3 to show off it's line, and then you'll have a better idea of what you want and what the competition really is.

Oh, and great screename by the way. :)
In terms of the PS3 vs the Xbox 360, boils down to what games you want. As for power, they are gonna run the same, as previously stated. Its a personal choice really.
PS3 is gonna be $500 and $600. Definately go for the 360.

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