Batman - I'll tell you after it's released in a week.
Detective Comics - A really good one-shot in, what is bound to be, a long series of really good one-shots. I wouldn't quite call it one of my favorite comics I buy, but it's definitely one of the best for Batman.
Legends Of The Dark Knight - A really, really...pointless comic. I haven't read in probably about a year - if not longer - but for the past few years, it really hasn't done anything but shell out mediocre story after mediocre story. And considering the current story is written Bruce Jones - a man who's quickly becoming everyone's least favorite writer at DC - I doubt the series is any better at the present.
All Star Batman and Robin - Quite horrible. But possibly hilarious if you can take the overly hardboiled dialogue and the insane characterization of Batman as little more than a joke. Oh, and the art's fantastic.
Superman/Batman - One issue into a new arc with a new creative team, it seems alright, but nothing spectacular yet.
The Batman Strikes - I...actually read one issue of this a few months ago. It was actually pretty acceptable for a children's comic, but hardly anything more.
Yeah, right now I'd give it to Detective easily. But I won't vote until after I read the first issue of Morrison's Batman.