Which is the better "I'm Batman"


Aug 24, 2000
Reaction score
B'89: A dark almost supernatural Batman seems indestructable and devestates two thugs. He then takes one by the collar and hangs him over the ledge of a building and as the guy freaks out saying "What ARE YOU?" in a dark cold voice he responds "I'm Batman," tosses him down and jumps into the fog with the operatic Elfman theme soaring.

BB: After trashing a bunch of warehouse thugs, and again seeming almost supernatural, he attacks a crimeboss scared ****less in his car. The crimeboss in anger yells "What the hell are you?" and Batman pulls him through the roof and says in an angry gruff voice, "I'm Batman" and then follows it up with a comical line "Nice coat" to a homless man from his past and flies off into the darkness.

Which works better?
This came first and I forgot to add the poll. HENCE the added POLL, COME HERE on the other thread then. :roleyes:
Batman (1989) of course, Keaton was so badass when he said that. Bale's "I'm Batman" was laughable.
Keaton all the way. He was badass when he said it. I love Bale's Batman, but when he said it in BB, I was like "Oh, dude Keaton sounded so much better saying that".
And the corny-cringe inducing "Nice Coat" line right after didn't help Bale any either.
Keaton was so amamzing as the dark knight his whispering menace and shadowy presence kicks ass over bales good but not great "im angry at you tell me all i want to know" shouting do you want bale to be shouting like that at joker in tdk? or rather have keaton talking calmly but reeking of menace contrasting to jokers cocky but dangerous flambouyancy?.
Keaton's worked better. i believed him when he said it.
I'm going to go against the grain and say I prefer Bale's delivery. The gruff, angry delivery is something I'm quite fond of, and the preceding material is that much more bad-ass. And I don't really mind the "nice coat" line, either.
Bale souded like a redneck when he said it.

Keaton wins by a mile.
Keaton for sure! That's my favourite movie scene of all time!
Bale sounded like the guy who works in my favourite kebab shop. He's a fat greasy Turk with lisp.
I'm going to go against the grain and say I prefer Bale's delivery. The gruff, angry delivery is something I'm quite fond of, and the preceding material is that much more bad-ass. And I don't really mind the "nice coat" line, either.

But Batman doesn't need to sound angry. Keaton's harsh, whispered threat was all that was needed.....
But Batman doesn't need to sound angry. Keaton's harsh, whispered threat was all that was needed.....
To each his own. I liked the intensity and pure threat of Bale's delivery, and thought the anger was more than fine for that moment. Keaton's delivery does very little for me, and the scene hasn't particularly aged well, either.

I'm clearly going against the grain in this one.
Only in the sense that it's full of little moments that don't quite work. For example, the animated Bat shadow looks very silly, the batarang moment looks very silly, and that slow descent in the background with the very structured cape also looks very silly. Just my opinion. ::::braces himself for the onslaught of the BATMAN '89 protectors:::

I find it interesting how well BATMAN RETURNS holds up, though.

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