Which of Storm's hairstyles do you like the best?


Amazing Amazon
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Out of the following hairstyles, which one do you think looks best on Storm?

I think they could be seen to represent the cycle of the goddess in mythology and pagan religion - virgin, mother, crone.

In X1, the young woman; in X2, the more motherly look; in X3, the older, wiser, tougher Storm.

Although the wigs of X1 and X2 have their dodgy moments, there is a flow between all three looks that befits a goddess like Storm, befits a story about evolution and befits a trilogy with a growing story arc.
X-Maniac said:
I think they could be seen to represent the cycle of the goddess in mythology and pagan religion - virgin, mother, crone.

In X1, the young woman; in X2, the more motherly look; in X3, the older, wiser, tougher Storm.

Although the wigs of X1 and X2 have their dodgy moments, there is a flow between all three looks that befits a goddess like Storm, befits a story about evolution and befits a trilogy with a growing story arc.

Beautifully stated - what a great insight into her look. Thanks.
X3 hair all the way.

X1 was just awful, and X2, like Jean, was way too soocer mom.
I like her hair from X2 the best. It doesn't look like a wig, it isn't too long, and it doesn't have grey roots.
i liked x2s (it made her look like a fierce tiger)

but its X3 without a doubt!!! she has that inoccent young look...but at the same time she can turned around and spin kick you in the face!
Although I have soft spot for the wig in X1, (yes, I am drawn to badness) I am going to go with her X3 hair. It´s just the best. The End. :)
X2 is the best imo. It doesn't look fake (like X1) or too retro (like in X3). Not too short, not too long. Its near perfect:up:
now lets have a thread on "your favorite lipstick of storm"
I loved the length of the first hairstyle, and I always envision Storm to have long hair. The fringe however was a mess, and completely spoilt that style. The second hairstyle was a slight improvement, and again the third one has improved further. I've gone with the third style because it's definitely the most successful of the three.
X3, though the styles get progressively better with each movie.

*looks around*
You mean Lightning hasn't been in here yet? :eek:
Mister J said:
X3, though the styles get progressively better with each movie.

*looks around*
You mean Lightning hasn't been in here yet. :eek:
LOL! he'll be here.......you shall see:up:

X3 in close second.
the long hair looked blonde not white like x2 and x3...
of course i voted for x3. how could anyone vote for the 1st one? its a wig..
Telekinetic said:
of course i voted for x3. how could anyone vote for the 1st one? its a wig..
xwolverine2 said:
the long hair looked blonde not white like x2 and x3...
It just looks blonde in that photo and X3's is grey.

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