I really liked both films,butI liked the Big Sleep even more,The Big Sleep inspired Chinatown and it's probably Jack's best movie and his investigation is very good,I don't however feel it's overrated cause Chinatown was portrayed more of an attitude than a place like "I'll see you in chinatown!" kinda like "I'll see you in court" when no one shows up in court,but you let them know your not screwin around either,besides I thought the ending was good and didn't see it coming...Even the screenwriters have no clue what The Big Sleep was about,It's the acting,investigation and it's witty script that put it above Chinatown..What's The Big Sleep about? Who cares?? Listen to that dialogue!! lolSolidSnakeMGS said:The Big Sleep
I own Chinatown and have watched it several times in order to maybe find something I like about it, but I simply can't. It doesn't click with me at all. I find it terribly overrated. Jack's my man, and he makes this watchable, but that's it.