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Who Could Replace Thanos as the Next Big Bad Villain of the Universe

1st Choice. Galactus

Simple one for me who better to introduce after Thanos than the literal planet eating, power cosmic wielding, Silver Surfer creating, pre big bang existing force of the universe. (Reading that back it sound like im introducing a combo of Galatcus & Rick Flair :funny:)

But yeah he is my first pick in a big way. Not just because he's such a massive villain, but because he's so different to most of the other traditional "big bads". In the sense that he is not doing this for power or as an act of malice he is simply a force of nature like a world ending asteroid or a life ending solar flare. I think the likes of someone like Annihilus would struggle to be more than a Thanos 2.0 (please Annihlus fans don't hate me lol, don't know much about the character just my opinion)

Plus on top of all of that it would mean the introduction of the Silver Surfer, and I ask you the introduction of what other villain gives us such an incredible hero thrown along in for free?

2nd Choice. Kang

Let me start this by saying the gap between how much I want number 1 and number 2 is huge but Kang would be my second choice. I think he poses a different sort of threat as well and the introduction of a character who's intellect can best Banner, Stark and Strange would make him a cool choice along with his knowledge of the future. He would play in to Arthur C. Clarke's famous quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." very well.

3rd Choice. Dr. Doom

Now im not going to pretend I know that much about Doom because I don't but always thought visually he was one of the best looking villains. That along with the doombots, the fact he has his own country, he's been the sorcerer supreme and so many cool titbits I've heard make him sound like he could be a really cool main villain.
If I had my druthers, I'd make the "overarching big bad" of Phase 4 be the Masters of Evil, as lead and created by Helmut Zemo. The subplot across the movies would be Zemo, while still in prison, manipulating and arranging the pieces so as to enact a second great effort to destroy the Avengers, this time using the enemies they have left in their wake to form a dark mirror of them. It would be radically different than all the prior big bad arcs, less cosmic but also more personally threatening.
Still on the Skrull train. For the life of me I don't get wanting Galactus to be the centerpiece bad guy. I find that rather uninteresting and in some ways just a rehash of the threat of Thanos in terms of it's practical narrative implications.

Contrast that with what could be done in live action with the Skrulls over the course of several films as a plot in the background that can slowly be pushed into the foreground with more intrigue and misdirection and the like than say how the Infinity Stones arc has played itself out so far in the MCU. If you are looking at the Skrulls askew because of your personal dislike perhaps of the Skrull "reveals" of the comic book SECRET INVASION and don't want to think about some beloved MCU version of a character turning out to be a Skrull, well... Did the MCU CIVIL WAR really dot every I and cross every T the way the original story did? Chances are if the Skrulls were to be used there wouldn't be a one for one adaptation of SECRET INVASION but a gloss on it, touching on it's themes and vibes more than say plot specifics.

With some of the suggestions so far, all with characters I really like (Kang,Doom, Galactus) I just see more of the same, or at least a really good chance for it to feel like a rehash in some fashion. Using the Skrulls, first as a story that seems to be simmering in the background via post credit scenes, only to have them emerge as the main threat of the next arc opens things up to be different, or at least as different as genre conventions within a super hero story will allow. Plus, compared to Galactus you end up with some more meaty dramatics I think. Sure... You could use the Heralds to create a new group of sub-baddies, but in the end, especially given their power, I think they would if used this way just come off like more powerful versions of the Black Order. In the end, despite any kind of character development you end up with sub bosses taking part of villainy under orders from the big boss.

I think the Skrulls can be more interesting, nuanced and challenging, dramatically speaking, than what would likely be done with Galactus and the Heralds. That's not to say I don't want to see Galactus and Surfer someday... In an MCU FF movie and then in other appearances and perhaps a Surfer film. But as the unifying force of the post Thanos MCU? I don't see it.
As far as binding various disparate films together and providing a different sort of dramatic element:
1) I think an otherworldly war is what's needed as far as providing various unified fronts across the galaxy Game of Thrones style but just with less grey area where it concerns individual characters as they're superhero's after all. The Skrull/Kree war is something I'd like to see some more of. The skrull's infiltration of earth would be fun to see as well.

2) Another idea of course is Secret Wars. I think some liberty would have to be taken in terms of how the various hero's are assembled though and what is battleworld if trying to round it out storywise for a live adaptation. How easy this would be to set-up though I think is contingent with how things end at the end of Avengers 4.

If a multiverse is introduced, I can see the various superhero's introduced within Infinity War as being sort of bound together to usher in the new reality that is phase 5 after supposed time travel takes place in Avengers 4.

The following quote's just a fanciful notion I had of how a superhero team held together by Dr. Strange could come into being for a Dr. Strange Sequel that could I suppose be applied as a lead-in to Secret Wars?
Dr. Strange's Status Post Avengers 4?:
Team Film:
Depending on if a time travel notion is introduced in Avengers 4, I was thinking the sequel to Dr. Strange may utilize Strange to assemble a team of some sorts (just numerous pieces of news have read lately make me think a direct solo sequel unlikely IF Marvel tries to fast track Fantastic Four and/or X-Men 2024 or earlier but could be wrong).

Introduction of Multiverse: The notion could be, somehow transfer his consciousness transcending time w/help of Time Infinity Stone into himself existing in another dimension. He does this by going into his past self at key moment in time to split off another reality in which he can exist in similar to what Wolverine did in Days of Future Past only on larger scale (larger scale meaning 1 consciousness shifting across multiple realities not just 1 past point picks like Wolverine did but an orchestrated manipulation of sorts skipping across many).

I suppose while in process of doing this, Strange could gather a team through interactions with key players of the Infinity War telling each to do a certain something at a certain moment of time that will result in a shared alternate reality they can experience Post-Avengers 4 (or in other words, an alternate wing of the Multiverse Strange can inhabit). I suppose the purpose of the team could be an Infinity Watch or Illuminati of some sort.

Limitations?: Only thing I don't like about idea above is makes Strange too omnipotent or immortal. Perhaps some sort of limitations such as needing to reacquire the Time Stone each time does this as well as only be able to do this so many times within certain framework so not seem too omnipotent.

Ant-Man's Status Post-Avengers 4?:
Some areas of multiverse a Different Dimension all together?:
The microverse introduced in Antman some have compared to the Negative Zone. Perhaps if become lost in here, can come back out into a totally different plane of reality consisting of different world all together?

I suppose my past idea quoted above could just be re-applied to developing an explanation for why this particular group of hero's perhaps ends up on Battleworld (again depends on how Avengers 4 plays out). Furthermore, Battleworld could be re-defined as maybe a nexus area of different points of time starring various heroes and villains? Just a thought.

Pretty much, I think an anything goes sort of situation like this would allow pretty much anyone to be brought back and have some fun with it in an anything goes sort of event movie without narrative confines of who can kill off or not.
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I like to think of Purple Rain playing in the background as Dr. Strange desperately dances through time trying to meet necessary particular characters of Infinity War at JUST the right moment to segue onto the next time thread to create a shared reality they can all experience together outside of the snap.

Battleworld begins to take shape...
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Initial post is the meat of the idea w/whole soundtrack idea being something not critical to it. If one were to try and write out the happenings of a number of great movies/TV series it would look crazy as well....

-Musical montages involving Quicksilver
-Sci-Fi explanation behind Wolverine's time travel in Days of Future Past
-Dr. Strange as he examines all future outcomes in Infinity War I think of what happened with Logan dialed way up; perhaps what he's experiencing is a whole movie in and of itself

-Anything from Legion; tonality you name it

In any case, I appreciate a place to put my thoughts down and just sort of provide an escape/outlet from everyday humdrum. It's fun nonetheless.

Secret Wars is something Russo's have talked about so more than likely the Beyonder will feature as the next big pseudo-villain (pseudo in a way that he'll play more of an overseer role as the games begin!). First thing to consider when adapting Secret Wars I believe is thinking of a story basis (carrying over from Infinity War) for why certain heroic characters are included together as opposed to the Beyonder just pulling all star Marvel characters randomly out of a hat and placing them together. Secondly, I think added details for what Battleword is beyond what the comics offer is important to make it not like some stale hero mish mash. In summary, some carryover from past films and adapting aspects of Secret Wars for live action I think is a good idea.

Stakes should be raised to anything goes even beyond what Infinity War has I think would create a lot of buzz for said film.
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1st Choice. Galactus

Simple one for me who better to introduce after Thanos than the literal planet eating, power cosmic wielding, Silver Surfer creating, pre big bang existing force of the universe. (Reading that back it sound like im introducing a combo of Galatcus & Rick Flair :funny:)

But yeah he is my first pick in a big way. Not just because he's such a massive villain, but because he's so different to most of the other traditional "big bads". In the sense that he is not doing this for power or as an act of malice he is simply a force of nature like a world ending asteroid or a life ending solar flare. I think the likes of someone like Annihilus would struggle to be more than a Thanos 2.0 (please Annihlus fans don't hate me lol, don't know much about the character just my opinion)

Plus on top of all of that it would mean the introduction of the Silver Surfer, and I ask you the introduction of what other villain gives us such an incredible hero thrown along in for free?

2nd Choice. Kang

Let me start this by saying the gap between how much I want number 1 and number 2 is huge but Kang would be my second choice. I think he poses a different sort of threat as well and the introduction of a character who's intellect can best Banner, Stark and Strange would make him a cool choice along with his knowledge of the future. He would play in to Arthur C. Clarke's famous quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." very well.

3rd Choice. Dr. Doom

Now im not going to pretend I know that much about Doom because I don't but always thought visually he was one of the best looking villains. That along with the doombots, the fact he has his own country, he's been the sorcerer supreme and so many cool titbits I've heard make him sound like he could be a really cool main villain.
Very much looking forward to all 3 of these.
Does Marvel have the ability to use Fantastic Four characters at this point? If they do, then yeah... it's Galactus all the way, followed by Dr. Doom.
Irregardless of how the heroes come back together to go on with their lives, it's possible Thanos will turn face at some point like he has in the comics after Infinity War (Russo's could just definitely wipe him out too of course).

I suppose he can be likened to an exaggerated example of a cranky old man whose become set in his way of thinking quelling his conscience over the many years he's been around. Once he rationizes with his younger self (the one that turns away from his "destiny" as Thanos alludes to in Infinity War) is perhaps the 1 way he will turn away from this "destiny" in Infinity War by him allowing it as he realizes how he's become influenced through time. If this change of heart occurs, perhaps the blame will widen somewhat as far as tracing the threads influencing Thanos's actions towards this "destiny" he keeps describing... Who could it be? Set, Death, a Deviant, Beyonder, Dragon of the Moon, or simply no one but himself?
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While I would not be averse to a "Thanos lives" ending where a big part of beating him is convincing him that he is wrong and needs to quit, I'd prefer that his motives and epicly bad former path be the result of his own choices and ideas. Various events and people may have influenced him, but only in the sense that they gave him the data that he used to come to his conclusions and beliefs. He wasn't manipulated or exploited, and The Mad Titan and his genocidal path were not somebody else's plot. That was all on him.

That said, if you do keep Thanos around? It wouldn't be horrible to at least threaten the possibility that he looks upon the universe, in his retirement, and eyes various forces and players in it. Essentially, he's looking at other people who seem like they are a little too close in motive and path to himself, and perhaps whether the necessities of his own 'redemption' mean he should go out and stop them, before they do the kind of harm he did.

Why "threaten"? Because a Thanos who's been convinced to stop killing half of everyone, is still Thanos. He's still the guy who sacrificed everything and everyone in the name of killing half the universe, because he thought it was the right thing to do. Even against a genuine legitimate threat, you do not want his help.
that's an easy one: GALACTUS !

they've already tried twice with Dr. Doom, and failed miseably. along with FF. So an idea will have to be an clever enough idea to work around the FF universe.

But the Silver Surfer will be the big key. my only concern is who they would give that project to. because all the nobility goodie can get boring and annoying if they are determined to pressed into the main character and keep entire movie focused on that.

Could Surfer be introduced by himself first in his own solo movie or be introduced in next Avengers movie .?

supporting cast ? do we want the Skrulls to included int this (just as they will be in Capt. Marvel)
Guardians of the Galaxy ? introduction of Adam Warlock ?
Still on the Skrull train. For the life of me I don't get wanting Galactus to be the centerpiece bad guy. I find that rather uninteresting and in some ways just a rehash of the threat of Thanos in terms of it's practical narrative implications.

Contrast that with what could be done in live action with the Skrulls over the course of several films as a plot in the background that can slowly be pushed into the foreground with more intrigue and misdirection and the like than say how the Infinity Stones arc has played itself out so far in the MCU. If you are looking at the Skrulls askew because of your personal dislike perhaps of the Skrull "reveals" of the comic book SECRET INVASION and don't want to think about some beloved MCU version of a character turning out to be a Skrull, well... Did the MCU CIVIL WAR really dot every I and cross every T the way the original story did? Chances are if the Skrulls were to be used there wouldn't be a one for one adaptation of SECRET INVASION but a gloss on it, touching on it's themes and vibes more than say plot specifics.

With some of the suggestions so far, all with characters I really like (Kang,Doom, Galactus) I just see more of the same, or at least a really good chance for it to feel like a rehash in some fashion. Using the Skrulls, first as a story that seems to be simmering in the background via post credit scenes, only to have them emerge as the main threat of the next arc opens things up to be different, or at least as different as genre conventions within a super hero story will allow. Plus, compared to Galactus you end up with some more meaty dramatics I think. Sure... You could use the Heralds to create a new group of sub-baddies, but in the end, especially given their power, I think they would if used this way just come off like more powerful versions of the Black Order. In the end, despite any kind of character development you end up with sub bosses taking part of villainy under orders from the big boss.

I think the Skrulls can be more interesting, nuanced and challenging, dramatically speaking, than what would likely be done with Galactus and the Heralds. That's not to say I don't want to see Galactus and Surfer someday... In an MCU FF movie and then in other appearances and perhaps a Surfer film. But as the unifying force of the post Thanos MCU? I don't see it.

Thanos purpose is murder wipe away all life and then recreate it all in the way and form he personally sees it as the best fit.

While Galactus does not have an ' on purpose' agenda to wipe away all life existence but it is more so inactive survival he is like the wild life Predators we have like the Gators Lyons snakes Etc is a creature of nature not once born to be a World War conqueror or unspeakable demon evil.

I do think it would be up to the producers and directors to best bring out a way to stand out Galactus characteristic personality as well as the display of his power cosmic, and how to make if differently obvious than what was displayed with thanos .

Plus as I mentioned earlier, this would also bring the introduction of silver surfer as well as maybe a couple other Galactus heralds such as Terrak and Nova/Franklin.

I like Kang and Dr.Doom as well, although something would have to be done to redo the doom character to revamp the appeal and intrigue with him again after the two past fantastic four movies just crush all appeal among novice viewers.
If the FF are on the cards for the MCU (and hope they are) then Galactus defo with Dr Doom on board as well.
I feel like Galactus wouldn't be a good big bad. He would be great as a major threat, but he'd just come to earth and do his thing. He doesn't have an evil plot or a good moral conviction to put against some of the heroes. I feel like that would play out more like Dormammu than Thanos. He comes, the heroes find a way to stop him and he leaves.
I feel like Galactus wouldn't be a good big bad. He would be great as a major threat, but he'd just come to earth and do his thing. He doesn't have an evil plot or a good moral conviction to put against some of the heroes. I feel like that would play out more like Dormammu than Thanos. He comes, the heroes find a way to stop him and he leaves.

Hmm. How about this: Galactus is the Phase Big Bad. . . but not because he's coming to Earth. He's instead coming to the homeworld of one of the big galactic empires, who ( in essence ) beg Earth to help them. The ideological and thematic component is not about Galactus per se, but about whether Earth should risk its heroes and its safety to save another planet. . . and whether said planet actually deserves to be saved ( it might be, say, the Skrull Homeworld ). Galactus is essentially a big cosmic natural disaster, that just happens to be able to make grandiose monologues and take a punch to the face.
Galactus, Living Tribunal, Tyrant, Zom, Mephisto, Dormammu, Doom. Though I don't think you'll see anything quite like the first 3 phases from here out. I believe that those and the inclusion of a few other items will form the trunk of the tree, the rest of the stories will branch out and cross over. Just hope they stop killing the good villians.
I cannot read Dormammu without wanting to call out “Dormammu! I’ve come to bargain.”
My choice for the next overarching villain is Kang the Conqueror. Kang coming to confront the heroes of the 21st Century would make sense because he is always concerned with the manipulation of the space/time continuum. Use of the Time Stone could alert him to temporal skullduggery, or he could be brought to our time by the Avengers jumping through time via the quantum realm. Whatever plot device brings Kang's wrath down on the Avengers he'll make for a formidable opponent.

Marvel can't use Fox licensed characters on film until the acquisition sale is done.
Marvel can't use Fox licensed characters on film until the acquisition sale is done.

And? It's a fait accompli. They are acquiring the Fox Marvel IP's. The "big bad" isn't going to be in the next film out, or the next... Or the next likely. But when it's time to premiere him or her they'll have their rights sewn up. So... All the characters that were under the Fox umbrella are fair game for speculation in my view.
Doctor Doom
Kang the Conqueror
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