Who do you think will be the major superpower of the 21st century?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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Curious to see how optimistic/pessimistic people are here?
China could be one, at least for a while
Brush up on your Mandarin and Cantonese.
USA gonna go down via monetary collapse and I'm just gonna smoke a cheap gas station cigar when it happens. (aka, smoke em if u got em ) Keep electing crappy two party system people. Yeah, sure, there are some decent R's and D's out there, but I doubt either of those people get elected as a R or a D. Hence, why we need to go 3rd party, which is the Libertarian Party. If not that, there's Green Party and Constitution Party. Building a 3rd party in 4 years from ground up is unlikely. Might as well put that money into either of those 3rd parties.
USA gonna go down via monetary collapse and I'm just gonna smoke a cheap gas station cigar when it happens. (aka, smoke em if u got em ) Keep electing crappy two party system people. Yeah, sure, there are some decent R's and D's out there, but I doubt either of those people get elected as a R or a D. Hence, why we need to go 3rd party, which is the Libertarian Party. If not that, there's Green Party and Constitution Party. Building a 3rd party in 4 years from ground up is unlikely. Might as well put that money into either of those 3rd parties.

China...US is no longer the economic powerhouse it once was. With the best economy will soon follow the best military which China will try to do.
India seems to be doing pretty well technologically, from my understanding...
There really won't be one, as each country has its own flaws and hubris to contend with. We all think we're the best at what we do, but that will be the undoing.
China...US is no longer the economic powerhouse it once was. With the best economy will soon follow the best military which China will try to do.

Nah, China will probably have more people in the military but the US (along with several other countries) will still have the better trained and more efficient soldiers than China. China's biggest strength is in numbers. The US spends too much on the defense budget to fall behind in military strength.
Does it matter? I don't care if the US stops being a major world power. Being a major world power completely sucks. We're pretty much always at war, we've bred an enormous amount of resentment towards us in the rest of the world, and we have so much power and influence that even when we try to be completely altruistic we still screw people over. Being a superpower is way more trouble than it's worth. It seems like most people only want to for bragging rights.
China, this will definitely happen, I'd say by around 2040, or the rapidly growing economies like India or Brazil. China has the potential to become a hyperpower much like the USA was in the late 80's to early 00's. European Union is unlikely to happen. While it may be the world's largest economy, it is merely a monetary union, not fiscal, so the individual economies drag each other up and down, leading to the mess we have seen these few years.

It's nothing major to worry about. This always happens and eventually China will succumb to stretching themselves to thin.
Nah, China will probably have more people in the military but the US (along with several other countries) will still have the better trained and more efficient soldiers than China. China's biggest strength is in numbers. The US spends too much on the defense budget to fall behind in military strength.

With China's increasing GDP, their military spending will increase. With the US's decreased GDP, our military spending will decrease. Where we are now is not the same place we will be in by 50 or 100 years. I easily see China as the global super power the US was in 50 years unless their people revolt and a civil war ensues over freedom...and I don't see that in the near future. It may in 10 or 20 years, who knows.
With China's increasing GDP, their military spending will increase. With the US's decreased GDP, our military spending will decrease. Where we are now is not the same place we will be in by 50 or 100 years. I easily see China as the global super power the US was in 50 years unless their people revolt and a civil war ensues over freedom...and I don't see that in the near future. It may in 10 or 20 years, who knows.

Ah. Well said. I wasn't really thinking about the future, I was thinking more about now.
I'm thinking the plot of Adventure Time becomes reality...nuclear war and magic returns to the Earth.


USA gonna go down via monetary collapse and I'm just gonna smoke a cheap gas station cigar when it happens. (aka, smoke em if u got em ) Keep electing crappy two party system people. Yeah, sure, there are some decent R's and D's out there, but I doubt either of those people get elected as a R or a D. Hence, why we need to go 3rd party, which is the Libertarian Party. If not that, there's Green Party and Constitution Party. Building a 3rd party in 4 years from ground up is unlikely. Might as well put that money into either of those 3rd parties.

The Constitution Party. The Constitution Party?
China is going to reach a population crisis by the middle of the decade, not in terms of having to many people, but seeming paradox given their current state, too few. There is a very good chance that China may face many of the same problems being faced by Japan and Germany and especially Russia in which they have too few people to grow their economies or really even keep their economy stable. Like those two countries, China will try to solve the problem though increasing fertility but population momentum is a powerful force. Unless they can attract immigrants, not just in terms of quantity but also high skilled immigrants, China is going to face serious trouble in the decades ahead.

This is what always baffled me about people being so hardlined against immigration here in the United States, it has been and will continue to be a major part of our success.

I think it may very well be the case that there will simply be more power players on the global stage rather than just one or two. Unfortunately this may lead to unstable politics.
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Or they will continue to make it worth moving your business or people over to China.
Who cares, is the new superpower gonna help me pay the rent next month? Nope. **** em.

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