21st December 2012

Isildur´s Heir

Dec 21, 2002
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Wow...last thread i started was in 2010, then again, i rarely come here anymore...so, if there is already a thread about this, feel free to close it; or if it's not in the right forum, feel free to move it.

21st December is upon us, there is 14 days to go.

So, the question is simple, what do you believe it will happen?
And what would you like it would happen?

There are several theories, from the end of the world to aliens presenting themselves; from a new planet on a collision course with Earth (Nibiru) to 3 gigantic spaceship heading towards Earth...
One thing is certain, the Mayan calendar ends abruptly on 21st December 2012...

Personally, i believe that nothing will happen.
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I dunno. I just want ot be with the woman I love...but no likely. -_-
It's my parents wedding anniversary. So yeah End of the World if Dad forgets the present.
What do I believe will happpen?

I'll work 12-9.
The only thing that's going to happen is my two week break from school.

Amen for that.
The world will go on functioning normally. The "end" only occurs when you die.
Drinks on me if the world ends.
Well, I think it's Winter Solstice that day. Apart from that I don't think anything really special will happen. The day will come and go like any other day. And the world will still be around when it's over. People need to forget about this so called Mayan prophecy. They never predicted the end of the world. It's just an end of a long cycle in their calendar.With a new cycle beginning the 22nd.
The only way something will happen is if someone decides that something will happen. In other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy. 9/11 happened and people thought it was connected to 9-1-1, meaning "Emergency", and so on.

So yeah, I would expect something to occur. I think the date December 21st will end up having significance for us.
This date is always significant with me...because it's the day I was born. So, On December 21, 2012 I'll turn 32...and most likely be working.
I don't think anything will happen.. but there is a bug going around where I live and the surrounding area with people throwing up dark green slime (most likely bile) still could be the start of zombies... or not.
Every year the calendar I have hanging up ends on December 31......
Every year the calendar I have hanging up ends on December 31......

Think of how many times the world was supposed to end in our lifetimes! We've veterans of the apocalypse.
Who the heck knows when someone will walk on water?
Wait, I thought of something....
December 21st will mark the birth of a new Atlantis
yeah right, something catastrophic will happen like it did back on Y2K... :whatever:
yeah right, something catastrophic will happen like it did back on Y2K... :whatever:

Y2K was catastrophic....everybody in the world had a giant party...and I had to work.
There's no reason to assume anything will happen because the prophecy in question doesn't even imply anything significant.

It has about as much relevance as the number of minutes on my egg timer.
nothing. In terms for enlightment, well, as a very spiritual person who meditate daily, and in tune, there will be a change I assume around that date, because for myself, and other people I know who meditate have been experiencing similar things. Generally, though. Nothing will happen. People who meditate and who are trying to spiritually ascend may experience it slightly, and change spiritually, but generally as a whole, for ALL of us, nothing will happen
Well, I think it's Winter Solstice that day. Apart from that I don't think anything really special will happen. The day will come and go like any other day. And the world will still be around when it's over. People need to forget about this so called Mayan prophecy. They never predicted the end of the world. It's just an end of a long cycle in their calendar.With a new cycle beginning the 22nd.


they were advanced in astronomy, and dawned it as a new age or something, but they never said anything about the world ending, though I wouldn't be surprised if people who are spiritual experience something on a level of ascension (simple as if like, stronger meditations, easier out of body experiences, things like that)
Do some people, the kind sophisticated enough to operate a computer, seriously believe the world is going to "end"..?


Like, really? Because a calender made by a primitive civilization several thousand years ago "ends" now? I never imagined this to be anything but an internet meme, besides some crazy religious people and insane conspiracy theorists..
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The idiots in Washington will find a way to destroy us all.
It will be same old, same old. No enlightment, no firery death via asteriod. Though personally, I am rooting for the asteroid..... :O
It's stupid but people will believe anything.
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Anyone who actually thinks the world will end need to watch this...


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