Mistopurr83 said:
That's b/c your not comprehending with what I said. I did NOT say "every" character that was killed off and depowerd. I said "some"! I was referring to those I mentioned earlier without repeating their names. I was talking about why only Angle, Rogue, Mystique and Cylcops are the ones with potential to become horsemen for Apocolypse. You obviously don't read everything that's posted here.
Anyway, just b/c the cure appeared to be temporary for Magneto doesn't make it temporary for Rogue and Mystique too! Besides, I think that can easily be ignored since a source says Ian McKellen won't be in X4.
X-Maniac, I'm sick and tired of your "reality" bickering. If a movie about mutants was set in reality it would not be about people who possess special powers. Oh and if Apocolypse and the four horsemen could be used in X-Men Evolution, they can certainly be used in this movie-verse. .
But the movie is set in reality. It doesn’t open saying ‘Planet Zarg, year 3014’ it opens with ‘Poland, 1944’ and then ‘not too distant future’... The setting is very much our reality with Winchester, New York; Golden Gate Bridge, SF,; Whitehouse, Washington DC.
It was Bryan Singer who grounded the movie even more than the setting, with mutants whose powers were shown with a lot of restraint. No magnetic forcefield bubble for Magneto, no flying for Storm (until X3), no Shi’ar, no Asteroid M, no Magneto base under an Antarctic volcano, no M’Krann crystal, no D’Bari sun eaten by Phoenix.
What I’m saying is that Bryan Singer’s movieverse makes some things difficult to introduce. X3 was blasted for its more comicbook feel/tone and it hadn’t begun to do even half of what the comics show, it just nudged things a little closer.
Mistopurr83 said:
If the Dark Pheonix saga was rushed into and completely altered on screen, you can expect the same for Apocolypse and the four horsemen.
I don’t want Apocalpyse and the Horsemen rushed, i didn’t want Phoenix rushed, I don’t want anything rushed. Do you really want some half-baked version of your favourite comicbook characters?
You’d have to build up to Apocalypse. Not saying it couldn’t be done, but it would need someone who could balance respect for the comics with respect for the previous movies (if we are talking avout continuing the franchise) and a respect for what works oin the big screen.
The other point about Apocalypse is what does he offer on a socio-political level? He’s even more of a supremacist than Magneto, believing himself even above mutants. We’d first have to show the rise of mutants... the Hellfire Club and Sinister’s malevolent behind-the-scenes political rise to power and protecting the mutant gene pool would be the perfect introduction. Then reveal Apocalypse to be the mastermind who has used them... who is the one who created the cure to mutate into a virus...who may even have been involved with awakening Dark Phoenix.