I know but you could possibly say it's "common knowledge" to believe that women have a harder time dealing with a break-up from a man than a man would be breaking up with a woman. At least in my experience. I am not implying that women are weaker at all. So I just didn't know if sexual orientation played a part or if it's just gender.
It is a stereotype that women deal with breakups and such harder than men. And I do understand where the stereotype comes from, because the man is supposed to be hardened, uncaring, etc...
But of myself, and the friends that I have, any of us would take it just as hard as any woman if our relationships weren't to work out. In fact, in my own life experience, I think I can only think of one instance of the people that I know, where a girl had a harder time over a break up than the guy, and that was because the guy cheated on her to begin with. It ended up taking her years to get over it and finally move on.
Of the 2 girls that you could say I've "broken up" with (in quotes because while there was a relationship of sorts in these 2 circumstances, we were never traditional boyfriend / girlfriend), the "break ups" were harder both times on me than they were on the girls. My friend broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago, don't know exactly, but it's been awhile, and he's nowhere even close to moving on from her, even though she has moved on with her life. And I know if my other best friend broke up with his girlfriend, who is currently his fiance, he would be absolutely devastated. I think it would be equally hard on both of them.
So no, I don't agree with the stereotype that break ups are harder on women than they are on men. In fact, I'm to a point of being so jaded that I don't know if break ups even effect women anymore. They can throw love away on a whim without any second thought or consequence because they simply don't give a crap.