Who Invented the Door?

Dew k. Mosi

Hype Award Winner
Mar 22, 2001
Reaction score
Ever think about that? I mean big inventions like the car or tv or the lightbulb we all know who invented them? But what about the little stuff we take for granted? The door, that spring thing to hold toilet paper, plastic pumpkins for trick-or-treating? I mean I always wonder about that stuff, but it's not the sort of thing that is easy to find out.
ask C Lee, he started the fad with the rock he rolled to shut his cave
I wonder who invented socks, or who invented the socks with the individual toe pockets :confused: weird
Well, halloween kind of took off from this old belief in some place i can't remember where. They dressed up to drive away evil spirits or something like that.
who invented weed? *whoever did, they're a genius!* :up:
The Eternal Flame has peered back into time, and sees that the very first door was made by a guy named Norman Villariando. Poor guy, never got any credit for it.
What about lightbulbs, huh? I mean, ever wondered who the hell invented lightbulbs? Man, the things we take for granted...
Danger Mouse said:
What about lightbulbs, huh? I mean, ever wondered who the hell invented lightbulbs? Man, the things we take for granted...

Are you being sarcastic? :confused:
which came first a door or ajar.

also how many chickens crossing the road does it take to change a light bulb?
Danger Mouse said:

:( Hey, sadly these days I really have to question whether people know things such as who Thomas Edison is. *shrugs*
cats invented doors so that people could stand there forever holding them open until they decide whether they want out or not. :hyper:
AndThePickles said:
:( Hey, sadly these days I really have to question whether people know things such as who Thomas Edison is. *shrugs*
Yeah. Sad. The world must've really gone down the drains if they don't know who the founder and CEO of America's power company is.
AndThePickles said:
:( Hey, sadly these days I really have to question whether people know things such as who Thomas Edison is. *shrugs*

who? :D
Swiftman said:
who invented weed? *whoever did, they're a genius!* :up:
You do not do drugs. For goodness sakes I saw you at Church on Sunday.
Kessel Day said:
cats invented doors so that people could stand there forever holding them open until they decide whether they want out or not. :hyper:

Kessel Day said:
cats invented doors so that people could stand there forever holding them open until they decide whether they want out or not. :hyper:
Oh, man. So your cats do that too?
It's SOoooooo infuriating.
Psh. Everybody knows it was Thomas JEFFERSON who invented the lightbulb.
I also wanna know who invented the Prince Albert.
Swiftman said:
who invented weed? *whoever did, they're a genius!* :up:
You realize weed's a plant, right...?
but i think it was native americans who first started smoking the stuff.
Danger Mouse said:
Sigh. :(

The founder and CEO of America's power company!! :mad:

OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................the what? :D

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