Who was the Best Catwoman

Best Catwoman pic

michelle phieffer and halle berry WAS NOT catwoman!!!!!!:mad: catwoman's real name is selina kyle, not patience phillips!!that was one of "pitof"'s MANY mistakes in making that *****ty movie!!!!!!!!
Of course Michelle Pheiffer for her sexy feline interpretation, look and troubled Selina Kyle, perfect Catwoman to me
Michelle Phieffer all the way! Berry wasn't a "Catwoman" we know and love.
Well, I will say Michelle Phieffer was the best Catwoman, because I didn't see the Catwoman movie and hardly ever watch the Batman TV series.
Lee Meriwether was great, but Pfeiffer was given an infinetly superior script to work with than the others, so it's hard to compare them straight up. The 60's women were playing 2D and camp, Pfeiffer was doing something a million years away from that approach.
Eartha Kitt made "Prrrrrfect" a catch phrase.
Julie Newmar made the role campy, and brought a sexuality to Catwoman.
Lee Meriwether made the movie when Julie Newmar couldn't do it.
Halle Berry needed a summer vehicle, and didn't care how faithful the material was, or how good the director was, as long as she could wear the suit and make a vanity project out of it for herself.

Michelle Pfeiffer owned the role. I only wish she could've been given the chance to kick the crap out of Sean Young in a catfight. :up:
Eartha Kitt made "Prrrrrfect" a catch phrase.
Julie Newmar made the role campy, and brought a sexuality to Catwoman.
Lee Meriwether made the movie when Julie Newmar couldn't do it.
Halle Berry needed a summer vehicle, and didn't care how faithful the material was, or how good the director was, as long as she could wear the suit and make a vanity project out of it for herself.

Michelle Pfeiffer owned the role. I only wish she could've been given the chance to kick the crap out of Sean Young in a catfight. :up:
This is Catwoman, my friends:


Anyone who disagrees has no respect for the character at all.
Anyone who disagrees has no respect for the character at all.

I love it when people say that. "Anybody who disagrees is not a proper fan like I am."
This is Catwoman, my friends:


Anyone who disagrees has no respect for the character at all.

"just the ***** ive been lookin for", LOL. SMOKIN. pieffer is HOT!!! look at those cat eyes! (drools...):up: :up: best catwoman EVER. who can top michelle? NOONE. shes untochable.
Catwoman costume in Batman was the perfect costume for her.
I am having trouble remembering which past Bat-films were which.

I like this shot. It sums up a lot about Catwoman. You can see so much anger and pain. That moment is very emotional for her, and quite powerful. It's about doing the right thing for Batman or the deserved thing for Shreck. She has the outfit of Catwoman, but the face of Selina. She is confused and gives in to the easiest option. This is what Catwoman is about. She is complex, and has difficult choices. That's why this Catwoman and Michelle Pfeiffer were so perfect.
I think this poll is a trick question.

Simply put, you've got three camps:

1)The 60's TV girls
2)Pfeiffer/Selina Kyle
3)Whatever Halle Berry was

Sure, you can compare Merriweather, Kitt, and Newmar to one another, as they were all playing a very cartoony, campy character. BTW, I'm torn betyween Newmar and Kitt. Both did sexy pretty well, and Newmar was gorgeous, but Kitt had that extra smokiness...

However, Pfeiffer and Berry were two completely different characters, with different motivations, different emotions, etc. Sure, they were both "Catwomen," but they were just so utterly different as characters that it's not really logical to compare them.
This is Catwoman, my friends:


Anyone who disagrees has no respect for the character at all.

Great pic. I love that sexy & tasty look of Michelle there. And just because some people don't like her as Catwoman don't mean they have no respect for the character at all. Not everybody like the same person in the role like her. Some like Eartha Kitt or Julie Newmar, etc. Doesn't mean they have no respect with liking either of 'em if not Michelle.

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