In think in these movies Bryce will look better, but that's all fake. In reality Bryce has an extremely small chest. they are way smaller than they look in those set pics. And she has an awful lot of freckles on her face that are now being covered up with make up. And she doesn't really have much cruves either.
All of this can be hid with make up, push up bras and pads, and the right clothing to disguise things.
Now Dunst has some bad looking pics out there of her face, especially when her teeth catch her upper lip, but at least she's got hips and a pair of **** to play with.
Basically stip away the fancy lights, the make up, and the clothes and Dunst will be the better choice. But I appreciate Bryce's doing what she needs to in order to suit the role. She deserves the praise after Dunst every day rolling out of bed grabbing the nearest wrag on the floor throwing it on calling it clothes and reporting to set for filming.